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Losing the weight for good!


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Is anyone focusing on long term weight loss? I lost 100 lbs when I was a teen and kept it off until I got pregnant at 23. I lost the weight from each pregnancy but I'd gain it back of course with the next one. My youngest weaned last month at 21 months and I just turned 36. I'm ready to get this weight off for GOOD. I've done so many diets and as much as I want to get this weight off fast I don't want to gain it back. I just want it gone for GOOD.


I'm working out 6 days a week. 3 days of heavy weights (Chalean Extreme) and 3 days of cardio. I'm eating moderate carb/moderate fat. No wheat as it upsets my stomache. I've been hitting it hard for two weeks and I've lost a few pounds. I wish it was coming off faster but I just want it GONE for good this time and I want to be able to maintain it.

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I've followed the NoS diet: www.nosdiet.com for the past four years and lost 55+ pounds. NoS is all about good eating habits: No sweets, No Seconds, No Snacks EXCEPT on S days (Special days). In a nutshell, it is the eating pattern of most of the world and thus very sustainable. All of this is outlined brilliantly (for free) on the website linked. Plus there are some great forums for asking questions, getting inspiration, and reading testimonials (You can read mine! I have one for each yearly NoS anniversary).

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I am working on weight loss as well. I have an awful lot to lose: 85 lbs. I have joined SparkPeople to help me keep track of my journey. I do LCHF (low carb high fat) and I started in December (yeah, right at the Holidays). I managed to lose 5 lbs in December; January wasn't going so well at first, but I am back on track and ready to lose.


I have a goal to look and feel great by my 48th birthday (this year). No, I do not expect to lose 85 lbs by then (May) but I know that at the rate I lose on LCHF, if I am faithful to it, I should have no problem losing about 40 by then; and even *that* will an improvement!


Good Luck to you on your journey!

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Yes, I am adding 1 healthy habit or deleting one bad habit every month. I have about 75 pounds to lose, so I want to go slow and steady and KEEP it off. Three years ago, I lost 50 pounds and then gained it all back (plus 15 more pounds). January is getting back in the exercise habit. I'm getting up at 5:30 every morning and walking.

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What works for me is to work on gaining a healthy, sustainable diet and lifestyle. The more you focus on something, the more you get of it. Since I don't want more body weight, I don't focus on that. I focus on "more" appetite for fresh fruits and vegetables, "more" consistency in yoga practice, etc.

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I think diet is a very individual thing, and you just need to find the eating pattern that works for you.


If you're lifting heavy, I would suggest weighing in on your first exercise day each week, before exercise (your muscles board fluids for repair, so that can make you weigh heavy). I would also suggest using other metrics - measurements, body fat % - to track progress. Tracking with weight only can be frustrating when you're building muscle, since muscle is heavier than fat.

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Have you ever read the book eat to live by Joel fuhrman? I think it might help you.


I just read this book myself, and am going to give it serious effort. I lost 45 pounds with hcg, but my husband is not comfortable with me using it again, and I still have 20-25 pounds to go! Plus my dd9 is a little overweight, ds11 has allergies, and I think Eat to Live will help everyone in my house.

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I have used hHcg to get the major pounds off...it also helped me see what type(s) of food my body could tolerate, and in what amounts.


For example...I can eat 2-3 slices of home made, fresh-milled Ezekiel Bread a day and not gain weight (and continue to lose); I can eat 2-3 slices of home made fresh-milled whole grain bread a day and not gain (but not lose). I can eat ONE slice of white-flour bread (or bread from a bag) and not gain (but not lose). The processed grains and sugars are a huge problem for my body.


Overall, my family is eating low-carb/high fat. Lots of fresh (or frozen) veggies & fruits, some homemade bread, using only natural fats/oils (coconut, olive oil, butter, lard), drinking whole milk, home made whole-milk yogurt, kefir & buttermilk. ) We do eat some beans & rice...but try to make sure everyone has plenty of veggies. Only snacks are veggies & water. We limit sweets. We eat this way more than 90% of the time. Exceptions are "special days" (birthdays, holidays, special events). Currently, we're on a post-holiday purge...meaning we aren't doing weekly treats (closest thing is a baked apple cinnamon oatmeal). However, around March, I plan to try to make some homemade cinnamon rolls using fresh-milled, white whole wheat flour...they won't be like what I make for holidays or my kids' birthday (or to give away), but if they taste good, I'll consent to making them once a month vs. once in a great while. We no longer buy ice cream...I make that, too (cheaper, by the way). I have yet to try my pasta machine to make fresh-milled Kamut (ancient grain/wheat) pasta...but I hope to around April...when pasta may rejoin the regular menu.

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