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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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And so starts another week. . . Happy Monday Everyone!


My list today:

Clean kitchen :cheers2:

Laundry sorted and 1st load started. :cheers2:

My weekly call to my elderly parents. :cheers2:


School specials:

Ds15 - week overview :cheers2:

Latin seminar :cheers2:

Dd11 - history DVD :cheers2:

Language arts :cheers2:



Need to leave at 2:10 for dd's appointment at the retinal specialist

Dd needs to bake - 2 large banana chocolate chip breads dry ingredients ready

(A bit of stress behind this - stress that dd has to have her retinal tumor checked again, stress that she's been having migraines again and night terrors - which might be due to her own stress. . . all of which gets worse when she's got too much to do. . . )


Have no idea what to make for dinner.

Ds - Facebook Bible study

Kickboxing? Elliptical?



Dh is pushing to have the trouble spots and remodeling progress at something a bit faster than a snail's pace. I don't know how I can fit more into my days and am feeling the pressure. . . (I don't blame him, I get frustrated looking at all the mess around here too. And he's working two jobs so he's not able to help much.


Need to go to grocery store.

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We're back to normal this week after two weeks of lovely Christmas bliss.


Lunch is cooking for the boys and the older boys are doing school and the little one is watching Mr. Rogers while I eat lunch and check in here.


I've gone on a 30 minute walk, hung the laundry, done math with the little one, taken the fragile ornaments off the tree, done some cleaning, and helped the older boys with school as needed.


I need to get some dulce de leche going as soon as I'm done here. I also needed to finish filling out an application that will be boring, get the boys done with school, play with the little one, starch the crocheted ornaments so I can hang them on the tree in place of the fragile ones, do the dishes, and plan dinner. We'll probably have bread and apples with the dulce de leche for dessert and I think we'll try a new recipe with roasted sweet potatoes and red onions with tahini. And I need to think of something else to go with that.


There are probably other things to do but I can't think of them right now.

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Today is our first day back as well. It feels great after a nice long Christmas break.



Vacuum, dust all 3 floors and cleaned bathrooms(4)

All rooms tidy and everything put away

Turkey breast in crockpot cooking

Cleaned up the yard from Ella Bella



School--we should finish our lessons by 3 pm



Exercise from 3 to 4:30-(I didn't do it--shame on me!)

finish up dinner prep and serve dinner at 6pm/clean up after dinner

grade all todays school work

shower and dive into bed early tonight with my book for reading challenge

DVR Deception because I'll be to tired to stay up to 10pm to watch it.


Everything else..done.

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We're tackling Monday here! Today is my birthday....I wish I could just bask in the glory, relax & enjoy the day, but the rest of the world doesn't stop just because it's my bday! There's still laundry to do and mouths to feed!


1:30pm check-in



breakfast (pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes & maple sausage birthday breakfast courtesy of my ds and dd15)

morning school lessons (kindergarten with dd5, math/science/reading with ds, math/handwriting/science/reading with dd8, dd15 worked independently on English, math, history & biology)

1 load of laundry

empty & reload dishwasher

have dd15 wash pots & griddle by hand

take "daycare child" to and from preschool (9:30am and 1pm)




exercise (scheduled to do C25K, Week 2, Day 1)

shower & change clothes

2 more loads of laundry

afternoon chores (bathrooms, vacuum living room & upstairs)


bank-Girl Scouts (make deposit and order checks)


take dd15 to dance & pick her up afterward (4:30-6pm)

dd8-Girl Scouts (6:30-8pm)

ds - Boy Scouts (God & Church meeting 6:30-7:30 + regular meeting 7:30-9pm)


I finally finished working on all the GS financial paperwork for the troop yesterday! I'm so glad to not have that hanging over my head on my "to do" list anymore! Phew!

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10:45 check in:


Called parents - am trying to advise them on medical care for my 91 year old father from thousands of miles away.

Week overview with ds15 done. He has a lighter week, which is very nice after last week's heavy load.

Latin overview with ds15.

Dd is done with history.

Kitchen is clean.


Next up:

Sort laundry and start first load.

Dd needs to do her dry ingredients for her baking orders for today.

Ds is reading Beowulf.

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I'm trying to find the motivation to work on this stupid application. It has to be done and it could potentially be very worthwhile for our family, but since it's not even for me and it's filling out information that has already been submitted in a different form, well, I'm just really not wanting to do it. I really want to make dinner instead.

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I'm trying to find the motivation to work on this stupid application. It has to be done and it could potentially be very worthwhile for our family, but since it's not even for me and it's filling out information that has already been submitted in a different form, well, I'm just really not wanting to do it. I really want to make dinner instead.



You can do it! Just think of how relieved you will feel when it's done!

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I'm not sure if I can commit to tackle, it's more of a flounder ...


1st day back to lessons and still trying to get my head to stop spinning. So many kids and demands and ... I miss Christmas break :nopity:


I did manage to get the dishes taken care of

Read the article for the 52 weeks of Organization thing

Put Christmas mugs away

2 loads of laundry done (will put them away tomorrow)

Got ds17 off to his classes at Vanderbilt


Still to do:

Make granola

Soup for dinner

Make grocery list for tomorrow


And for fun when the littles are in bed:

find or make a design to learn to make a hardanger bicornu


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Today is my birthday....I wish I could just bask in the glory, relax & enjoy the day, but the rest of the world doesn't stop just because it's my bday! There's still laundry to do and mouths to feed!


6pm check-in - haven't been nearly as productive as I would have liked, but it is what it is! Guess tomorrow's list will have a few extra things on it!



breakfast (pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes & maple sausage birthday breakfast courtesy of my ds and dd15)

morning school lessons (kindergarten with dd5, math/science/reading with ds, math/handwriting/science/reading with dd8, dd15 worked independently on English, math, history & biology)

1 load of laundry

empty & reload dishwasher

have dd15 wash pots & griddle by hand

take "daycare child" to and from preschool (9:30am and 1pm)


2 more loads of laundry

afternoon chores (bathrooms, vacuum living room & upstairs)


take dd15 to dance & pick her up afterward (4:30-6pm)

dd8-Girl Scouts (6:30-8pm)

ds - Boy Scouts (God & Church meeting 6:30-7:30 + regular meeting 7:30-9pm)



exercise (scheduled to do C25K, Week 2, Day 1)

shower & change clothes


bank-Girl Scouts (make deposit and order checks)

go to Walmart/Harris Teeter/Home Depot for needed items



I finally finished working on all the GS financial paperwork for the troop yesterday! I'm so glad to not have that hanging over my head on my "to do" list anymore! Phew!

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I'm late in:


School started today. DD the Elder just finished. It started out badly (we haven't had many extended holidays from school), but ended well.



Two meals, one snack


One load laundry

Groceries - produce and meat


To do:

Paint kids' nails

Dinner prep and cook


Surfaces, sweetie darling!

Make split pea and potato soup for DD the Elder for week's lunches (one whim I don't mind catering to)


Finish Portlandia series 2

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Ugh. I had SO much planned for both yesterday AND today. Completely derailed! The universe is conspiring against me...


Yesterday's plan: Do a bazillion loads of laundry, deep clean the laundry room which needs it badly, do a ton of mending (including the laundry hamper - hence getting All the laundry washed), work on a sewing project with dd.


Yesterday's reality: Two kids called from ski training to say that they just realized they forgot their coats. I would have made them suffer, but they were already coming down with colds, and it was below freezing on the mountain. Of course, since I had to go out anyway (to deliver the coats) I might as well stop and get some necessary shopping done. All that extra traveling and time spent at stores ate up my whole day. Laundry done, but in a huge heap that needs folding; laundry room still a disaster.


Today's plan: Order supplies for 4-H projects, track down and order library books, do schoolwork with the kids, clean the bathrooms, organize and stow a bunch of stuff that's sitting in my dining room.


Today's reality: The ewe who was bred to the right ram in November, and consequently wasn't due until March, delivered twin lambs obviously begot of the wrong ram. Spent the whole day in the sheep barn; ruined one of my 2 sweatshirts with iodine.


Tomorrow's plan: Schoolwork with kids, drop off one ds at the ski mountain for practice, drive two hours south for a meeting, shop at Sam's club while there.


Tomorrow's reality: ???

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5:40 check in:


Math done with dd. Music not done because the digital piano broke.


Left at 2:10 for dd's specialist. Did not leave specialist until 5 pm! It was a whole lot of sit and wait. Dd had refused to bring a book and was extremely bored. Once her eyes were dilated she couldn't read anyway, though. Her eyes were hurting when she tried to look at a magazine.


Stopped at grocery store for dinner. Not nutritious but I don't have to cook it.

Stopped at library for part of tomorrow's school which just came in.


Ds switched laundry around for me. He also reports that he finished his work here at home.


Next up:


The Y for dd and I

Taekwando for ds

Dh will get home "sometime" - he said that tonight he'd be late from meetings.

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Happy birthday!!!





Our power went out for 45 minutes or so, and couldn't get much done with no lights and 4 shrieking girls. I did finish the granola and promptly broke one of the No S rules. I made a design for my biscornu attempt and wrote a grocery list of sorts. Fun news - my new coffee maker came in, so I'm setting that up for the morning.

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