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LDS social group...how was your Sunday?


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I have so many questions from this thread, my head is spinning. I will say that we are thoroughly enjoying this church. Have not made the decision to baptism yet, bit that has more to do with commitment I think.


Our family was in a serious car accident on Friday afternoon . We are praising Jesus that we are only bruised. The shock is wearing off and my kids hearts are pretty broken. I am praying about this constant fear I have. I can't really pinpoint what is making ,me fearful. I will be back with questions.

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Our son had his baptism interview today and because I am an idiot this happened:


Bishop: "So M is getting baptized. Congratulations! Your last one, unless....you know..."(insert vague gesture here.)


Me (completely missing the point and confused): " I guess you never know what will happen between now and Saturday."


DH (Giving me a very weird look): "No, he is definitely our last one."



Amber in SJ

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You'll have to tell us next week how he likes Sunbeams. It will make me feel better if he's crazy because DD is the wild child in her class now. Everyone else just sat in their chairs like they'd been doing it for years.


Oh what to say, what to say.


For some reason our ward thinks this child doesn't exist. He was always a surprise in nursery when he changed classes (they have the ages separated out into 3 or 4 classes). "Who is he? He's not on our list." Today was his first day of Primary. He was very grumpy at not being allowed to go to Nursery anymore. I can't say as I blame him, he seems so small to be going to Primary already. Anyway, I took him upstairs to the Primary room, sat him down in a chair. The presidency and other adults were in there, so I figured he'd be fine. I took Pigby to his new class, he's in Senior Primary now, so I wasn't sure where he started out at. When I went back, Digby was wandering the hall. Jiminy Crispies! I put him back in, next to a teacher. I took Chuck downstairs to nursery and came back up to check on Digby for awhile. He just sat there looking dazed and confused. Figuring he'd be fine, I went and sat in the foyer to read my Believing Christ book. I like to stay in sight in case nursery or primary workers need to find me. That and I hate going to SS and RS. After a bit, sometime in the third hour, one of the counselors from Primary came down and found me. Apparently she thought I wasn't sure how old he was because he wasn't on their list and I guess they all just thought I accidentally put him in a year early. Anyway, she said she saw him wandering the halls when Junior Primary left sharing time to go to their classes. So she took him and found his class. *bashes head on desk*


There are two rows of Sunbeams. My visiting teachee and her DH are teachers of one class. When he first went in, he wasn't in their row. But at the end, he was in her class. I'm going to VT her later this week and I will ask if she could please make sure he's not wandering halls anymore. I'm already super paranoid about one of my children getting lost or kidnapped. I do not need this anxiety right now. It's not a plus on the "We really need to go to church" list. It's just one more thing that makes me want to stay in my house forever and never leave.

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I have so many questions from this thread, my head is spinning. I will say that we are thoroughly enjoying this church. Have not made the decision to baptism yet, bit that has more to do with commitment I think.


Our family was in a serious car accident on Friday afternoon . We are praising Jesus that we are only bruised. The shock is wearing off and my kids hearts are pretty broken. I am praying about this constant fear I have. I can't really pinpoint what is making ,me fearful. I will be back with questions.


glad you're okay. (dh totaled his car last week too. He's fine. the car isn't.)

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dudeling had a MUCH better day today than he did last week. (not hard, but it was a good day.) we're on the reverse block this year (I never got used to it before.) the 2nd hour he spends with a primary worker. she came up with the idea of having him take roll in sharing time. It get's him into the primary room for about five minutes, and right now - that's progress. that's the goal right now, getting him to spend a few minutes in sharing time. we have a small primary, but dividing it in half should make it more tolerable for him.


It's interesting, ds came home this evening, and said while he was driving he'd felt like he needed to ask for a blessing. Didn't know why. it was a *very* interesting blessing. nice, but very interesting. we've talked before about odd promptings that come, and follow them anyway 'cause it works out. (and that it is always okay to ask "is this a real prompting?" and then hearken.)

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My Sunbeams are too cute. They are still bored in Sharing Time. The only girl insists on sitting on my lap. Yesterday she told me that she wanted to go in the hallway. I told her we were almost done & then it would be our class with a snack. She was happy with that. At least they are sitting mostly quiet in their chairs. The 5 yo class sits behind us. I'm constantly having to tell them to keep their hands to themselves, quit pushing the chairs, & leave my Sunbeams alone. :glare: I think next week they're moving my class to the room that has the kid size bathroom attached. :hurray: It's just me with 1 girl and 4 boys. They all had to use the bathroom yesterday. I sent the boys in the men's room and just waited outside. It will be much easier to have the facilities in the room.

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Yikes, I'm sorry for the car accident!! How frightening! My Sunday went well. I love my Young Women! We had a wonderful lesson and they are doing better with the class participation thing. LOL We're going ice skating for our activity this week (with the Young Men), and I know that will be a blast. I told the girls I would teach them to skate backwards and spin (left over skills from back in the day when I wasted all my father's money thinking I was going to be the next Dorothy Hamill).

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Oh what to say, what to say. For some reason our ward thinks this child doesn't exist. He was always a surprise in nursery when he changed classes (they have the ages separated out into 3 or 4 classes). "Who is he? He's not on our list." Today was his first day of Primary. He was very grumpy at not being allowed to go to Nursery anymore. I can't say as I blame him, he seems so small to be going to Primary already. Anyway, I took him upstairs to the Primary room, sat him down in a chair. The presidency and other adults were in there, so I figured he'd be fine. I took Pigby to his new class, he's in Senior Primary now, so I wasn't sure where he started out at. When I went back, Digby was wandering the hall. Jiminy Crispies! I put him back in, next to a teacher. I took Chuck downstairs to nursery and came back up to check on Digby for awhile. He just sat there looking dazed and confused. Figuring he'd be fine, I went and sat in the foyer to read my Believing Christ book. I like to stay in sight in case nursery or primary workers need to find me. That and I hate going to SS and RS. After a bit, sometime in the third hour, one of the counselors from Primary came down and found me. Apparently she thought I wasn't sure how old he was because he wasn't on their list and I guess they all just thought I accidentally put him in a year early. Anyway, she said she saw him wandering the halls when Junior Primary left sharing time to go to their classes. So she took him and found his class. *bashes head on desk* There are two rows of Sunbeams. My visiting teachee and her DH are teachers of one class. When he first went in, he wasn't in their row. But at the end, he was in her class. I'm going to VT her later this week and I will ask if she could please make sure he's not wandering halls anymore. I'm already super paranoid about one of my children getting lost or kidnapped. I do not need this anxiety right now. It's not a plus on the "We really need to go to church" list. It's just one more thing that makes me want to stay in my house forever and never leave.


Wow, someone needs to get their act together! I would not be a happy camper. Maybe you could talk to the primary president and make sure he is on their rolls?


DD did better in sacrament meeting this week, but was a disaster in Primary again. When DS got picked to do something she yelled "Not again!" Later she burst into tears and stormed out of the room when she didn't get a turn. She is a total drama queen. Sigh.

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Well, this Sunday was a regional stake conference, which is the broadcasted kind. In past, Stake Conferences have been a disaster with DD4 because it is different than normal church and anything different is evil. Last time she cried and cried because there wasn't any Sacrament and because we sat in chairs instead of the benches. So all week I talked to her about what to expect. Sunday morning came and we were all dressed and ready to go when I pick up the baby and notice she has a fever. And she only wanted mommy to hold her. Well, dh isn't very good at handling dd4 when she's nervous, so our family just ended up staying home from church. Oh well. I have high hopes that next week will be good though.

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Oh dear. I hope the other driver will be okay. I'll be thinking of your family too. I hope everyone heals physically and mentally.



I'll be thinking of and praying for you too. The shock of an accident can have repercussions for a long time--both physical and psychological. I've experienced walking away from an accident thinking I was OK only to have accident-related issues for a long time afterwards.

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Do any of you have experience with a child who is reluctant to pray in public--even in a family prayer? My ds 7 refuses to pray; I've just let it go until now but he is getting to an age when other children think it is odd and I'd like to help him overcome whatever his anxiety is. I should start by teaching a family home evening lesson on prayer, I guess, make sure he is comfortable with the formats and general procedure. He should be--we say enough prayers around here! but maybe he needs things spelled out more explicitly. Any other experiences or suggestions?

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Wow, someone needs to get their act together! I would not be a happy camper. Maybe you could talk to the primary president and make sure he is on their rolls?



I would also check with the ward clerk or records clerk to make sure he is on the wards records properly. That is strange that he is not making it onto the primary lists. I would not be happy about the primary leaders/teachers losing track of him and letting him wander the halls either--someone needs to be paying close attention to those little kids.



A couple of weeks ago as we were pulling out of the church parking lot my husband saw a little boy--maybe 3 or 4--run out the door of the church and down the sidewalk all by himself. There were no adults in sight, so dh went and retrieved him and took him to the primary room. One of the teachers (from the other ward) saw him and said "oh, we were looking for you!" so dh left him there. I don't think any of us should just be relying on these little kids to keep track of themselves during church.

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Do any of you have experience with a child who is reluctant to pray in public--even in a family prayer? My ds 7 refuses to pray; I've just let it go until now but he is getting to an age when other children think it is odd and I'd like to help him overcome whatever his anxiety is. I should start by teaching a family home evening lesson on prayer, I guess, make sure he is comfortable with the formats and general procedure. He should be--we say enough prayers around here! but maybe he needs things spelled out more explicitly. Any other experiences or suggestions?




When my children who don't like to pray in public are asked to pray, either in church or with our family, and they don't want to, I help them think of specific things they can say. I also tell them it's fine if the prayer is short if they're unsure about doing it. And I don't make a big deal about it if they choose not to say the prayer. I also have a few praying strategies like thinking of a specific person, need, or event that is meaningful to the people who are listening and pray about that.


I personally don't like praying in public, and two of my children don't either. I can do it, but it's hard for me. I guess for me that prayers are really personal and I always feel like I'm performing when I'm supposed to pray with anyone else around, even if it's just my family. The things I've listed above have helped me and they seem to help my children.

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Ahh, forget all the questions...because I sure did. A family from our branch brought us homemade bread and checked in on us. That was really sweet, but we are re arranging our house and its a total disaster. I was so embarrassed. Speaking of having reprecussions from an accident, right now, Im dealing with fear. I just have this heavy cloud of fear over me. I'm praying about that alot.


Our son had his baptism interview today and because I am an idiot this happened:[/b]


Bishop: "So M is getting baptized. Congratulations! Your last one, unless....you know..."(insert vague gesture here.)


Me (completely missing the point and confused): " I guess you never know what will happen between now and Saturday."


DH (Giving me a very weird look): "No, he is definitely our last one."




:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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Ahh, forget all the questions...because I sure did. A family from our branch brought us homemade bread and checked in on us. That was really sweet, but we are re arranging our house and its a total disaster. I was so embarrassed. Speaking of having reprecussions from an accident, right now, Im dealing with fear. I just have this heavy cloud of fear over me. I'm praying about that a lot.



I'm glad you're praying. I know there are women here praying for you too right now. And I'm glad someone in the branch checked in with you. I think they'd be happy to help you.


Good luck!

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Ahh, forget all the questions...because I sure did. A family from our branch brought us homemade bread and checked in on us. That was really sweet, but we are re arranging our house and its a total disaster. I was so embarrassed. Speaking of having reprecussions from an accident, right now, Im dealing with fear. I just have this heavy cloud of fear over me. I'm praying about that alot.


I always feel embarrassed when someone comes to my door unannounced because the house is always a mess. I do appreciate them thinking of me, and I will invite them in, but I'm always apologetic and wish I didn't feel that way. Of course, I really wish that the house wasn't a mess :D


Praying for you that the fear can be lifted and you can be enveloped in God's love.

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Bible study today with the missionaries and a nice woman that is also new to the branch. We had such a lovely time. I'm feeling so peaceful with all the teachings and such that I've been a part of. My teen is liking the lds.org youth section of the website. s


Thanks for the prayers :)

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Can we talk about FHE again?? Is there a manual to follow for lessons? Does it have to be on Monday's? What does FHE look like in your family??


Hi! Hope it is OK to just jump in here. :)


1. There is a manual with some suggestions that you can use as a resource for your family, but it is not required. Just something to give you ideas, etc. IMO, the main focus of FHE is to study and learn things based on your own family's needs. Use questions your family may have, situations that arrive in your life, interests, etc. as jumping off points to what to do for FHE. It can be very simple. The main thing is to build family relationships and learn together. Also, it doesn't always need to be a lesson. Playing games or going bowling, etc. are also great ways to build family bonds.


2. It doesn't have to be on Mondays. My understanding is that the Church feels strongly about families having time together to build relationships, resolve issues and learn together. They feel so strongly that families should be doing this that they set aside a specific day to help families meet that goal. On that day, there should not be any church meetings or activities scheduled. It is respectful not to call other church members unless it is urgent so as to preserve that time for family. However, individual families may have different needs and schedules. Do whatever time works for your family. You will have to set that boundary for others instead of having the luxury of the Church setting it for you if you chose something other than Monday. As far as I can tell that is the only issue. (We have ours on Wednesdays currently and that changes based on sports schedules, etc.)

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Can we talk about FHE again?? Is there a manual to follow for lessons? Does it have to be on Monday's? What does FHE look like in your family??

Yes there is a manual. (but you're not obligated to use it)


No, it doesn't have to be on Mondays if that doesn't work for families,but the church makes an effort to plan NO meetings or activities on Mondays to leave the evening free for families. (not that they might not have other Monday night commitments, but at least it won't be the Church itself interfering)


FHE in my house looks like this: Opening prayer, opening song (98% of the time is "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam", 2% it's "I Am a Child of God") followed by a short lesson typically from the Friend magazine. Then we have a closing prayer and a snack.


Other times FHE will be going bowling, or swimming, or out to ice cream as a "family date". The minimum requirement we have is that it's done as a family. It doesn't HAVE to be x-minutes long, or inspire long spiritual conversations with our kids.

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About FHE:


We try to do Monday nights but it doesn't matter - whatever works for your family. Right now we are using the Nursery Manual because those lessons are the perfect age for our kids and come with a coloring page we can photocopy :). We also try to do activites every once in awhile. For example, Dad came home late the other night, kids were tired, house was messy, lesson wasn't prepared so I decided we would just spend time together and we asked the kids what they wanted to do. We then proceeded to play "kitty cat" for the next 20 minutes and it was actually hilarious and so much fun to get involved with our kids and do exactly what they wanted to do.


FHE is VERY open ended.. it's about YOUR family. I personally view it as a time to build family relationships, spend time together, and teach our kids about the Gospel. I always say that I want to teach the kids at FHE as if they aren't getting any lessons at church.

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There are a lot of resources online obviously some better than others. I tend to think of a topic that I would like to work on...obedience is the big one right now...and then google Family Home Evening Obedience....and then look at what other have done and borrow, ignore or do something totally different but it helps me develop my thoughts more...and sometime refine my topic or plan multiple weeks. I also make sure we have a sweet treat because I don't do dessert on any night but FHE. We do it on Mondays but that is just because it works for us for now that day.

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Can we talk about FHE again?? Is there a manual to follow for lessons? Does it have to be on Monday's? What does FHE look like in your family??



I use the lessons posted here http://ayearoffhe.blogspot.com/ She has 120 lesson plans. I choose what we're going to do based on the topic that I feel the kids need to learn more about. Here http://www.lds.org/topics/family-home-evening is the Church's FHE site. You can download the FHE resource book from there. There are a lot of other resources out there. Just do an internet search.


Our typical FHE goes something like this. Yell to get everyone together. I ask the kids if we sing or do the prayer first 'cause I forget every week. I play a song on my ipod and we sometimes sing if we know the words. The kids fight over who gets to do the opening prayer. I usually read the lesson & ask the questions. There's some yelling in here because the youngest likes to jump on the couch. I give the kids the activity if we're doing one (usually a coloring sheet). DH gets the snack ready. The kids fight over who gets to do the closing prayer. Still working on a peaceful FHE. :glare:

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Can we talk about FHE again?? Is there a manual to follow for lessons? Does it have to be on Monday's? What does FHE look like in your family??


there is a family home evening manual - scroll down to where it says "family" other materials - consider it a help for less than organized people and don't consider it as you have to use it. I know people who have put together their own "family home evening" packets for families with young children. In our family we're currently doing church history out of a selection of books from our collection, as well as using the Lorenzo Snow manual if we particularlly want to discuss that subject. Sometimes we use a conference talk. (we're all adults, only one child and he's an aspie and totally changes the dynamics.)


We also occasionally have "fun" home evenings where we don't have a lesson so much as an activity. that's based on what works for your family.


as for night - the reason the church does monday is to keep church activities from being scheduled on mondays so families will be more likely to have at least one night together - but you can do any time that works for you. we've done sunday nights on a regular basis when our dd was here and worked on monday evenings, as well as moving the night on a temporary basis.

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Our typical FHE goes something like this. Yell to get everyone together. I ask the kids if we sing or do the prayer first 'cause I forget every week. I play a song on my ipod and we sometimes sing if we know the words. The kids fight over who gets to do the opening prayer. I usually read the lesson & ask the questions. There's some yelling in here because the youngest likes to jump on the couch. I give the kids the activity if we're doing one (usually a coloring sheet). DH gets the snack ready. The kids fight over who gets to do the closing prayer. Still working on a peaceful FHE. :glare:



Growing up we knew a family that used FHE to discuss problems the kids were having with each other. They called it family fight night :sneaky2: .

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We aim for Monday night around here, but if it doesn't happen we just keep trying on subsequent evenings. My husband leaves at 4:30 every morning for work, so he is up really early and often comes home and crashes (naps) after work. Since we need him awake for FHE, when it happens largely depends on how tired he is on a particular day.


We sometimes use the FHE manual, more often come up with our own lessons. When we had only small children we really enjoyed using the nursery manual.


We have also used the Gospel Principles manual, which is a nice way to cover basic doctrines. Sometimes we don't have a formal lesson, just play games or do something fun together. Recently dh decided to do a series of FHE's focused on learning household skills (like how to load the dishwasher). There are also a bunch of FHE ideas on the sugardoodle website.


This is really an area where each family should do what is best for them. I see Family Home Evening as a time to teach the gospel, share testimonies, and especially strengthen family bonds. What that will look like will vary from family to family as well as with different seasons of life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are a quiet bunch, eh? Things are going well here. My daughter went to her first branch event yesterday and had a blast.

I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


Have a great day at church :)

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We are a quiet bunch, eh? Things are going well here. My daughter went to her first branch event yesterday and had a blast.

I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


Have a great day at church :)



I'm not a convert, but I wanted to send this back to the first page so you can get some advice from people who are. But I can imagine it's hard. It's a big change.

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We are a quiet bunch, eh? Things are going well here. My daughter went to her first branch event yesterday and had a blast.

I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


Have a great day at church :)

I'm a convert, and was baptized in 1980 - so before I even met my husband. It was the single most impactful decision I've ever made in my life, and the absolute best decision I've ever made in my life.


I would have probably joined a few years earlier, but kept very quiet until I was ready to deal with opposition from my domineering grandmother (I've mentioned elsehwere, I think she had a personality disorder) - and she did what I expected, but I then had the strength to ignore her drama. (I learned later, as a teen my mother expressed interest in the methodist faith - and grandmother reportedly had a fit. so it really was she was agasint any religion but her own - and she didn't like the people there, they were "snobby" (she told me ;p), so she didn't actually attend that church.)


My mom wasn't sure about it all - but eventually she told me over the years she thought I'd made a very good decision. I'd shared some experiences with her over the years - that she might not have fully understood, but she respected and they touched her. Our very last conversation she asked "tell me what mormon's believe?" (we had bits of that conversation many times.) I bore my testimony to her about how much Heavenly Father loved her and she was His spirit child. she seemed to really appreciate it. she unexpectedly died a few days later.

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I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


:seeya: Me!! Myself, my husband, and our older two were baptised Nov. 2011. We don't talk to a lot of our family so it really hasn't come up much. My mother (strict RC) was very unhappy but we have to do what is best for us. Her comment was something about not knowing everything about a religion in just 5 weeks. I had researched probably about 6 months before contacting the Missionaries. I knew at the first meeting with them that I was going to be baptised. She also sent me a letter with a bunch of anti-Mormon propaganda in it. :glare: My in-laws are non-religious and just made a crack about getting more wives. :blink:

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We are a quiet bunch, eh? Things are going well here. My daughter went to her first branch event yesterday and had a blast.

I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


Have a great day at church :)


I'm a convert. I joined the church at age 20, and while some of my family members were a little "unsettled" at first (mainly because no has ever done anything like that in my family before), after a short time, they were all fine with it. Even the nuns and priests at the Catholic school I attended in my childhood are fine about it. Nobody "disowned" me, nobody really even said anything negative about it. Honestly, it hasn't been a problem. And, as I've raised my children, family members have noticed the difference in my children from other children in our family, and have remarked that they feel it's because of the church and its teachings. It's been nothing but a positive experience for me.

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Our Sunday was good. I lead music in sacrament so I've not sat with my family in years, but they always sit near so I can see them :) The kids over the years have learned to sit quietly (even without dad there) since my friends sat behind them and would keep them in line, lol


My friend the pianist was sick this week and came only for first hour to play and headed back home.


I headed off to SS where I love our teacher. She's so animated. My kids head off to their classes.


I leave a little early to head to Primary to do music. We had 5 littles and 3 big kids. We normally have about 4-5. It gets a little wild in there with so many littles and one of them is a little extra wild though and can get the others going if we don't keep on him to be reverent. The missionaries are teaching a large family with 7 children though and I'm super excited. We've been a very small primary for a long time. I hope they'll come.

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She also sent me a letter with a bunch of anti-Mormon propaganda in it. :glare:



I was still living at home - suddenly, all this (incredibly STUPID) anti-mormon literature started showing up. I asked my mom about it, and she denied knowing anything. um, yeah, right. you're the only other person who lives here, and it wasn't me. . . . she got over that phase and became supportive.

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It was stake conference today - the theme was temple attendance. (they focused on the stake theme last night - stand ye in holy places and be not moved.) It was presented in a positive manner about the blessings that come through regular attendance. I long ago noticed the spiritual blessings that followed me home from the Temple and blessed my children. It was wonderful - I really enjoyed it.

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I'm a convert as well. I was baptized when I was 17 after waiting for years for my mother to give her permission. She gave me antimormon things to read and my grandmother was very against it as well. I have been very surprised by how my mother has become much more courteous after seeing how committed I am. I don't bring up religion or church at all, but she has asked to come to my oldest daughter's baptism etc. It's taken years! It does seem similar to homeschooling in some ways. When it came down to it I knew the church was true and my family's opinion didn't change that. I was also pleasantly surprised by some family members making positive comments about other Mormons they knew when they learned I had joined the church. Good luck!

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I'm not a convert, my mom was.



Today, we got to church early. I'm pretty sure that's a sign of something, an angel getting its wings, Hades freezing over, something like that. The two littles made it through Sacrament behaving fairly decently, then in the middle of the first talk, Chuck started screaming for milk. Jiminy Crispies. So I took her and Digby to the Mother's Lounge. There are about five rocking chairs in there and Digby had the time of his life spinning them around and running all over and looking at himself in the mirror. They were a nightmare the rest of the meeting, which thankfully didn't last too long.


Talked to the ward clerk, who is thankfully my home teacher. Got Digby's paperwork all filled out so he's now in the records and they now know he exists. I sat outside in the foyer reading Charlotte Mason (I figure my kids education is spiritual in a way) during SS and RS. I went to pay tithing and Bishop asked to meet w/ me and gave me a calling. Woo hoo. I'll tell y'all next week.


Question: Are you for or against children younger than 8 taking the Sacrament? Seems like good practice to me, but it's taking awhile w/ me helping the three of them. Just wondering.

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Question: Are you for or against children younger than 8 taking the Sacrament? Seems like good practice to me, but it's taking awhile w/ me helping the three of them. Just wondering.


why wouldn't you? I've always had my littles partake. it is good practice for them.

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why wouldn't you? I've always had my littles partake. it is good practice for them.



There was a family in my home ward that didn't allow it. I was just wondering if it mattered either way. My kids always see it as snack time. When Pigby was little, he'd sit on my lap and I'd explain it all to him: "This means this and that means that." I tried doing it for Digby today and he yelled, "Stop talking to me!"

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We are a quiet bunch, eh? Things are going well here. My daughter went to her first branch event yesterday and had a blast.

I have a question for all of you. Are any of you converted into the church? I have to admit that the only thing that is preventing me from being baptized into the church is fear. Fear from outside family and friends. I know that I should treat it the same way I handled homeschooling, but its hard. Anyone been there done that??


Have a great day at church :)


I'm a convert but that was 15 years ago before kids. However I am still the only member in my family. It has come up here and there over the years. I don't make a big deal out of it and so no one else has either. I also remember to take everything with a grain of salt and a bit of humor. :) Is there something specific that you are wondering how to handle? I'll chime in if I can.



Today I was asked to be the Relief Society Enrichment Coordinator (can't remember the new name lol). I admit I am a but scared by this one. Our ward has been an elderly ward for a LONG time, decades really. All the elderly are dying and their houses are being sold to younger families. They told me that my goal will be to somehow bridge the gap between lifelong residents and the young newcomers. I will need some ideas! I will be set apart next week and also meet with the RS pres for further instruction. I am actually a little excited for this. We just moved to town 1 month ago. I feel more at home here than I have in years. I think this will be a great opportunity to meet people and really become part of the community.


Dh was also offered a calling today..... Varsity Scout Leader. He loves scouts but in the 7 years we have been active he has served almost 5 of them in scouts. I told him he should enjoy it but I don't think he is buying it today. :D I think right now it's all the other stresses we have in life that are keeping him from jumping for joy. He sees it as just another thing to heap on the pile of responsibilities. I am sure he will come around.


I've had a tough year with faith and my testimony. Anyone have a good book to suggest? (Other than scriptures lol)

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There was a family in my home ward that didn't allow it. I was just wondering if it mattered either way. My kids always see it as snack time. When Pigby was little, he'd sit on my lap and I'd explain it all to him: "This means this and that means that." I tried doing it for Digby today and he yelled, "Stop talking to me!"


my kids always wanted to play with the cups after drinking the water. the only real problem we had was dudeling would try to grab a handful of bread. we'd be sitting their frantically whispering "one". he'd grin as he took more . . . . he's doing better though. He's an aspie.

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my kids always wanted to play with the cups after drinking the water. the only real problem we had was dudeling would try to grab a handful of bread. we'd be sitting their frantically whispering "one". he'd grin as he took more . . . . he's doing better though. He's an aspie.


Today dd smiled so sweet as she shoved 3 pieces of bread in her mouth. Dang girl! It's one of the reasons we sit in the very back, no one can see what is going on lol

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