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Our car was stolen today. Yup. Two days after Christmas.


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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: A few years ago we had a car stolen while DH was at work -- and he was working 60 miles from where we live. He spent 3 weeks staying with the in-laws (near his job), which ended up being a good thing because when the cops did find the car they only gave a half hour between notifying us and having DH pick up the car -- otherwise we would have been in the same boat you are in, paying to get it back from the tow company. It turned out the car had only gone half a mile -- it had an ancient radio that basically only got NPR.... I guess the joyriders weren't NPR fans! So sorry you are having to go through this!

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I'm sorry. That's really awful! I bet it was teens or kids out for a joy-ride. Will the towing company take a small deposit or be willing to hold onto some other goods (TV/computer) until you can come up with the money? If you don't have it and your husband needs a car to get to work to make the money to pay the towing company, it seems like a catch-22. I understand they need to make money, but can't they work with you a little bit?

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Make sure they don't have a storage fee. If they do, you'll end up owing even more. If you wait a week for payday the bill could be much higher.


If they have a fee, I'd borrow the money from anyone you can. Possibly get a loan or as a last resort use a payday loan center. You don't want to end up owing more than the car is worth.



I agree. I was going to suggest the same.

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I'm sorry. That's really awful! I bet it was teens or kids out for a joy-ride. Will the towing company take a small deposit or be willing to hold onto some other goods (TV/computer) until you can come up with the money? If you don't have it and your husband needs a car to get to work to make the money to pay the towing company, it seems like a catch-22. I understand they need to make money, but can't they work with you a little bit?


Nope. When I talked to them I tried desperately to get them to work something out, but they were very unconcerned about it, and told me that we can't take the car until we've paid them every single penny, and they couldn't care less that the car was stolen. I got the impression they stomp on people freaking out over their stolen car quite a bit. :glare: If it wasn't for the wonderful people here helping us out, we'd be completely screwed.

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To update, several people have offered to help out, and I think we're going to be able to get our car back! You all are so wonderful, thank you so much!! I knew you all would make me feel better while I vented, but to have help getting our car back... I'm just overwhelmed. And crying, but good tears, because I'm so glad to be part of such a wonderful community. Thank you all so much. :grouphug:


ETA: And dh wants me to add his thanks also. He is very, very happy that he won't have to trudge through a foot of snow to work for at least a week. You have the utmost gratitude of dh and his toes. :)


I'm sorry that happened to you, but so glad you are going to get help. Someone in my town woke up Christmas morning and found that both of their vehicles had been stolen from their driveway. Only one was found.


Sometimes I just can't believe the things people do. Then I hear stories like yours about the offers you received for help, and my belief in people is restored.

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I'm sorry that happened to you, but so glad you are going to get help. Someone in my town woke up Christmas morning and found that both of their vehicles had been stolen from their driveway. Only one was found.


Sometimes I just can't believe the things people do. Then I hear stories like yours about the offers you received for help, and my belief in people is restored.


Both vehicles? Good grief. That's terrible. :sad: You'd think the thieves could have at least left them one car. Ugh. And on Christmas.

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