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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! It's Wednesday and it's time to roll up our sleeves and get cracking!


My list today:


More cookie baking. The master baker (aka dd11) hasn't told me what we're baking today. She did let it slip that one cookie is her tried and true chocolate chip cookie but the other two are new recipes we've never tried before.


Laundry, of course


Clean the kitchen multiple times, of course.


Go to the bank.


Work on the medical bills. Ugh!


Finish putting together the cookie plates for the neighbors and take them around tonight.


My neighbor's fridge. If I put this off too long, everything in there will be fuzzy.

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Me, me, me...


school, meals, general cleanup, spot wash floors

make more Christmas cookies

a load of laundry

trip to the library to pick up holds, doubled with a quick visit to the grocery store for shrimp and bananas


Guests coming over this afternoon, so that's it.


DD the Younger wants to take on extra chores for pay. She's thinking $.50 twice a week for vacuuming the stairs of dog hair to start (a fairly big job that I hate... might be worth the premium to me). We're going to make up a chore/money chart today.

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It's 11:30am here. I've been "up and at 'em" since 6:30am.





Work on Christmas cards (about 50% done)

Chase the dog through the neighborhood after 1 of the kids left the back door open

snack for kids



Watch 2 extra boys for a friend who had an emergency meeting, in addition to the 1 preschooler that I babysit full-time (so yes….that means I have 4 kids age 5 and under today (in addition to my 8, 11, and 15 year olds)

Make sure dd15 gets her cookies done to take to Spanish class

Make sure dd15 gets English & math done

Clean up after the 7 kids in the house (this will have to be repeated many, many times today)

Kids watch Christmas movie while I finish working on more cards

3 loads of laundry




Take dd15 to and from Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

call Grandma to discuss Christmas Eve/Christmas Day plans

Mail cards & package (must go out today)

pick up requested library book for ds at library in town


Clean kitchen, bathrooms & living room



Finish wrapping

exercise (2+ miles on treadmill)


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I'm in...

I've been busy this morning...

  • I wiped down kitchen and unloaded dishwasher.
  • I'm cleaning the oven...ugh!
  • Wiping down the refrigerator..ugh!
  • I've finished up another baby quilt and it's washing and being prepped for daughter and grand baby.
  • Hauled in trashed cans from curb.
  • Cleaned bedroom and wiped down bathroom.
  • After lunch I'll exercise and shower.
  • Read book so I can grade ds project.
  • Cook dinner and decide what items need to be picked up tomorrow from store.

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I feel like I get so much done when I join you gals. Let's get some work done today.




Laundry finished (for the day anyway!)

House tidied

Answered emails



Go to holiday party for work ... boo. I don't feel like being social today.

Email D at KS

Follow up with Steve

Tidy desk

Work item 1

Work item 2

Work item 3

Look into reporting data

Feed my people lunch before they start a riot



Bake cookies

Wrap presents

Finish charity cheques for the year



Not me. I had to go back to the doctor, and have new antibiotics, codeine, and restarted prednisone!


Hope you get feeling better. What a crummy time to be sick.

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Here's mine for today:





Find snow boots and see what fits anyone


Story Time

Short trip to Aldi's

Short(?) trip to Kmart


Dinner (what are we going to eat? Maybe soup.)


More packing


My goal is to get the majority of our clothes and gear packed up tonight so dh isn't up until 1:00 Friday morning getting his packing done, only to get up at 4am to leave and then I'll end up having to drive most of the 15 hour trip in the snow and ice.

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I've never done these with you gals before but maybe I should.


It's almost 11:30 here. So far I have:


Showered, fixed my hair and put on a little make-up.

Made eggs for 3 of my 5 kids.

Reminded the middles to empty the dishwasher.

Did a craft with dd4 which involved glue, without getting frustrated. (That in itself should be a big enough accomplishment that I should be done for the day.)

Cleaned that up and set up the playdough for her.

Got dd9 started on her sewing.

Got the two oldest out of bed so they could feed and walk their dogs. (Another Herculean feat.)


Still on the agenda:


Bake cake pops that are supposed to look like snowmen with dd9 and ds6.

Help dd9 finish up her sewing projects that are for gifts.

Finish the hem on one skirt I sewed yesterday and start and complete another skirt.

Make sweet and sour meatballs in the crockpot.

Get everyone dressed appropriately later so we can go out to tour Christmas lights and stop at DQ for icecream.

And of coarse staying on top of the mess and mayhem that comes with 5 kids not busy with schoolwork.



So, not too much to do today. :D It should be a good day.

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I'm waist deep (or should it be waste deep...) in sorting all the toy boxes and bins in preparation for incoming gifts. I meant to finish last night when the children wouldn't notice me tossing well-used vampire teeth and the few remaining cards from games that have long since been lost and shredded board books. I'm thinking about using a shovel to scoop out everything that has fallen behind the bunkbeds and cribs. If I'm feeling ridiculously ambitious, I'll unpack the last couple boxes of toys to try to find the missing pieces from the shape sorters and treasured puzzles. We have an obscene number of stuffed animals.


I want to finish that, and do the dishes, and fold some laundry, and make some ziti!

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I've been mean to my children this morning.


Dd spent all of 5 minutes picking up soggy newspapers off of the deck. She spent 10 minutes telling me how mean I was to ask her to do it.


Ds spent all of 5 minutes chopping up my neighbor's huge fir limb so that it would fit in our yard waste.


Both kids spent all of 10 minutes raiding my neighbor's fridge for perishables since she won't be back for at least 3 months and possibly more.


I got the dishwasher going. I'm still washing dishes but dh was in the kitchen and he was getting underfoot or perhaps I was getting underfoot and so I decided to clear out for a few minutes until he had finished making his breakfast.

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I am ready today!


Let's see:


I've already cleaned my house (bathrooms, dusting, kitchen, floors)

Linens are nearly done being laundered. A third of the beds have been remade. :)

Dishes are going.

Cookies have been wrapped up for this afternoon's client.



To Do:

Clean a house this afternoon. My last one of the week, woo hoo!

Bank and library on the way home.

Make out grocery lists for tomorrow. I'm doing Costco and Walmart. Yikes!

Finish wrapping gifts tonight.

Take a plate of cookies (the new batch) to next door neighbors who missed my last go around.

Taekwondo tonight.

Pharmacy run during TKD

Oh! And our poor toads need crickets! So, a cricket run at some point today.


Whew. I think I could use 2 of me this afternoon!

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Well, being that it's Thursday here, I deal with Thursday.


On the list today. It is 8.15am.


Fold all the laundry from yesterday and put away


Get everyone breakfasted and dressed


Wash the dishes that need it, and get the kids to unstack the dishwasher


Do today's laundry and hang it out


Go and buy stuff and make a gift basket for the boss and his family


Go visit some friends


Pick up stuff for DH


Tidy and wipe out four cupboards in the kitchen


Get kids to tidy their bedrooms


Make sure DD1 gets to her practice from 1-4pm


Help DD1 fold her pamphlets that will arrive today




Get ready for homegroup tonight, so a vacuum and making sure the general chaos is tidied


Get the meat in the crockpot for dinner


Fix the rest of the dinner



I think that might be it. I'm starting to wear out, but I can at least drive again.

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11:20 report - The kitchen is sparkling. This won't last. We are starting to bake in 5 minutes.


Ds is cleaning his room. Then he has promised to screw the dry wall back in the cat's bathroom. Yes, our cat has his own bathroom. This is in preparation for our next big project starting tomorrow - fixing the walls in the cat's bathroom that were cut apart by dh 3 years ago when a pipe was leaking in the wall. We have to fix the cat's bathroom before we can work on the schoolroom. Trust me, there is a one of those domino things here. A leads to B which leads to C. . .

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3pm check-in.





Work on Christmas cards (about 50% done)

Chase the dog through the neighborhood after 1 of the kids left the back door open

snack for kids

Watch 2 extra boys for a friend who had an emergency meeting, in addition to the 1 preschooler that I babysit full-time (so yes….that means I have 4 kids age 5 and under today (in addition to my 8, 11, and 15 year olds)

Make sure dd15 gets her cookies done to take to Spanish class

Make sure dd15 gets English & math done

Clean up after the 7 kids in the house (this will have to be repeated many, many times today)

Kids watch Christmas movie while I finish working on more cards

lunch-took kids to Chick-fil-a.

Take dd15 to and from Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

Mail cards & package (must go out today)

pick up requested library book for ds at library in town



3 loads of laundry



call Grandma to discuss Christmas Eve/Christmas Day plans


Clean kitchen, bathrooms & living room

drive across town to deliver coats to my friend (her kids left them in my van earlier today)

write out the last 10 Christmas cards & stick in mailbox



Finish wrapping

exercise (2+ miles on treadmill)


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Only 12:30 for me!


We had a change of plans when we discovered that we didn't have enough butter for today's baking.


So - I went to the library. Dd has 100 books out and they won't let her check out any more. We will be going back again later (it's only 5 min. away) and she will be returning a big portion of those books. I also have a couple of books that they wouldn't let me renew and they have to go back.


And I went to the bank.


And I went grocery shopping. We got stuff for lunch as well as the butter.

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Checking in. My productivity is pretty good. People have been answering my calls and calling me back. Whoop! I'm on a roll (time to go solo.) Name that song! Still don't want to go to the stupid holiday party though.





Laundry finished (for the day anyway!)

House tidied

Answered emails

Follow up with Steve

Tidy desk

Work item 1 - this is now on someone else's to do list!

Look into reporting data

Feed my people lunch before they start a riot -riot prevented




Go to holiday party for work ... boo. I don't feel like being social today.

Email D at KS

Tidy desk

Work item 2

Work item 3



Bake cookies

Wrap presents

Finish charity cheques for the year

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Here's mine for today:

Laundry - done

Packing- done for dd6 & dd10

Laundry- boys' done

Lunch - done

Find snow boots and see what fits anyone - do I have to do this?


Story Time - done

Short trip to Aldi's - done

Short(?) trip to Kmart - done but now I remember why I haven't shopped there in 12 years. The only size of girls white tights they had was 8-12. Arg.


Dinner (what are we going to eat? Aldi's had a special on pizzas)


More packing


My goal is to get the majority of our clothes and gear packed up tonight so dh isn't up until 1:00 Friday morning getting his packing done, only to get up at 4am to leave and then I'll end up having to drive most of the 15 hour trip in the snow and ice.


Must motivate myself to pack more.

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Must motivate myself to pack more.



Set a timer and go pack for 20 minutes then take a 10 minute break to do something fun. Then set the timer again. Repeat until packing is complete. I bet you'll be surprised at how much you get done.

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I got a lot done today and my big girl is healthy!


I cleaned all of her bedding and the stuffed animals that she slept with. She took a shower and I got two loads of dh's clothing washed. My house is currently clean too. We went to the bank, post office and the grocery store. And we got a light day of school completed. All that is left for today is dinner and clean up afterwards.

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Last big item on my to do list is going to the holiday party that I don't want to go to. If I get changed right now and leave then I can be on time. Sigh. Anyone care to give me a swift kick in the butt to get up? I think that's what it's going to take.

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Last big item on my to do list is going to the holiday party that I don't want to go to. If I get changed right now and leave then I can be on time. Sigh. Anyone care to give me a swift kick in the butt to get up? I think that's what it's going to take.


Just go already! Put your time in, put on a smile (fake or not). We'll be waiting for you when you get back.

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2:20 report.


I have begged for 5 min. to sit down and chill in silence. Cookies #1 (peppermint twists) are finishing up chilling in the fridge prior to being twisted and baked. Cookies #2 (chocolate mint cut-outs) are ready to swap places with the peppermint twists for their turn at chilling.



On a bad note, I sat down here to chill and got a message that a friend who is terminal but was released to come home for the holidays is in the hospital and death may be very imminent.

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Almost 6pm check-in:





Work on Christmas cards (about 50% done)

Chase the dog through the neighborhood after 1 of the kids left the back door open

snack for kids

Watch 2 extra boys for a friend who had an emergency meeting, in addition to the 1 preschooler that I babysit full-time (so yes….that means I have 4 kids age 5 and under today (in addition to my 8, 11, and 15 year olds)

Make sure dd15 gets her cookies done to take to Spanish class

Make sure dd15 gets English & math done

Clean up after the 7 kids in the house (this will have to be repeated many, many times today)

Kids watch Christmas movie while I finish working on more cards

lunch-took kids to Chick-fil-a.

Take dd15 to and from Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

Mail cards & package (must go out today)

pick up requested library book for ds at library in town

call Grandma to discuss Christmas Eve/Christmas Day plans

3 loads of laundry

exercise (2.13 miles on treadmill-incline 2)



write out the last 10 Christmas cards & stick in mailbox

Clean kitchen, bathrooms & living room




drive across town to deliver coats to my friend (her kids left them in my van earlier today)



Finish wrapping


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Set a timer and go pack for 20 minutes then take a 10 minute break to do something fun. Then set the timer again. Repeat until packing is complete. I bet you'll be surprised at how much you get done.



Great idea: 20 minutes of packing = 1 triangle of butter shortbread (OK - maybe 2 triangles!) :D


Dd helped dig out the snowboots, hats, and gloves so they are now boxed up and ready to go!!

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3:30 report.


Peppermint twists are done. I have cleaned the kitchen 3x today, including washing measuring cups etc. The dough for the chocolate mint cut-outs is done. I am going into pain mode. Ds15 has come to the rescue and is helping dd11 to roll and cut out the cookies. He has requested Lynyrd Skynyrd to bake by. I am done. I'll do more later but right now I'm going to curl up in the fetal position for a bit.

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2:20 report.


On a bad note, I sat down here to chill and got a message that a friend who is terminal but was released to come home for the holidays is in the hospital and death may be very imminent.



I'm so sorry, Jean. I will pray for a peaceful passing for your friend and comfort for his or her family.

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3:30 report.


Peppermint twists are done. I have cleaned the kitchen 3x today, including washing measuring cups etc. The dough for the chocolate mint cut-outs is done. I am going into pain mode. Ds15 has come to the rescue and is helping dd11 to roll and cut out the cookies. He has requested Lynyrd Skynyrd to bake by. I am done. I'll do more later but right now I'm going to curl up in the fetal position for a bit.


Jean...you are doing too much. You need to pace yourself so you can enjoy Christmas and not be in extra pain. REST. That's an order.

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3:30 report.


Peppermint twists are done. I have cleaned the kitchen 3x today, including washing measuring cups etc. The dough for the chocolate mint cut-outs is done. I am going into pain mode. Ds15 has come to the rescue and is helping dd11 to roll and cut out the cookies. He has requested Lynyrd Skynyrd to bake by. I am done. I'll do more later but right now I'm going to curl up in the fetal position for a bit.


Jean...you are doing too much. You need to pace yourself so you can enjoy Christmas and not be in extra pain. REST. That's an order.

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Dd has finished the cookies! We're ready to cover the finished plates with plastic wrap. Then I'll match them all with Christmas newsletters. After dinner we'll take them around to the neighbors. Unfortunately it is cold and rainy out. I sincerely hope that I do not have to cook. I"m going to look at what we have in the fridge with the hope that we have enough leftovers to eat.

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I know most of you are probably going to bed.


My 7 pm report:


We had a combination of leftovers and potstickers for dinner. Ds didn't make the potstickers the way I like them (nice and crispy). I was too tired and achy to care. They were yummy because I didn't have to make them!


We just gave away 10 plates of cookies and newsletters. 3 houses were dark and we had to skip them. We have 2 plates of cookies left. Extra bonus points for whoever can figure out what is wrong with that scenario. . .


I am now going to pay the medical bills. Because I can. Oh wait, because I don't want creditors breaking down our door.

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I know most of you are probably going to bed.


My 7 pm report:


We had a combination of leftovers and potstickers for dinner. Ds didn't make the potstickers the way I like them (nice and crispy). I was too tired and achy to care. They were yummy because I didn't have to make them!


We just gave away 10 plates of cookies and newsletters. 3 houses were dark and we had to skip them. We have 2 plates of cookies left. Extra bonus points for whoever can figure out what is wrong with that scenario. . .


I am now going to pay the medical bills. Because I can. Oh wait, because I don't want creditors breaking down our door.



Take care of yourself. (And I'm home if you don't want to be left with those two plates of cookies!)


I'm home from the party and ended up having a good time. Thanks for motivating me to go. DH and I are both doing a bit of work and then it's bedtime. I want to spend some quality time with Agatha Christie and a killer tonight.

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Yay Amy! I'm so glad that you had fun at the party after all.


Sunday night I went with dd to her "work" Christmas party (Y staff party). She sat quietly watching everything and not really interacting. But when I suggested we leave 15 min. early, she said "no - she was having fun!"


I love Agatha Christie. So much so that I had a cat named Agatha.

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It's almost 5pm and we've been home for about half an hour and have just drooped. We ended up visiting our friends and they invited us for lunch. Long lunch, but a lovely time.



Fold all the laundry from yesterday and put away


Get everyone breakfasted and dressed


Wash the dishes that need it, and get the kids to unstack the dishwasher


Do today's laundry and hang it out


Go and buy stuff and make a gift basket for the boss and his family


Go visit some friends


Pick up stuff for DH


Tidy and wipe out four cupboards in the kitchen


Get kids to tidy their bedrooms


Make sure DD1 gets to her practice from 1-4pm


Help DD1 fold her pamphlets that will arrive today




Get ready for homegroup tonight, so a vacuum and making sure the general chaos is tidied


Get the meat in the crockpot for dinner


Fix the rest of the dinner





Not bad considering we've been out most of the day.


Jean, take it easy. Sorry to hear about your friend.

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8 pm check in. (Yes, I'm a bit OCD tonight).


Dd11 reminded me that we had to go back to the library. As we pulled out of the drive-way we saw that one of our missing neighbors was home. We ran over to their house with their cookies. We got to the library. We ran into another one of our missing neighbors. We had their cookies in the car so we quick ran and got them and handed them over there in the library! What you were supposed to notice up thread is that we had 3 missing neighbors and only 2 cookie plates. We miscounted and didn't make enough. One neighbor missed out. Oh well. She lives a bit farther way so she won't know we went to everyone else's house.


And now. .. I'm going to pay my medical bills.

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11:30pm check-in -- headed to bed. Got a lot done today. Already have my list typed out on my computer for tomorrow!





Work on Christmas cards (about 50% done)

Chase the dog through the neighborhood after 1 of the kids left the back door open

snack for kids

Watch 2 extra boys for a friend who had an emergency meeting, in addition to the 1 preschooler that I babysit full-time (so yes….that means I have 4 kids age 5 and under today (in addition to my 8, 11, and 15 year olds)

Make sure dd15 gets her cookies done to take to Spanish class

Make sure dd15 gets English & math done

Clean up after the 7 kids in the house (this will have to be repeated many, many times today)

Kids watch Christmas movie while I finish working on more cards

lunch-took kids to Chick-fil-a.

Take dd15 to and from Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

Mail cards & package (must go out today)

pick up requested library book for ds at library in town

call Grandma to discuss Christmas Eve/Christmas Day plans

3 loads of laundry

exercise (2.13 miles on treadmill-incline 2)

Dinner (made one of the kid's favorite "go to" meals)

drive across town to deliver coats to my friend (her kids left them in my van earlier today)

Relax - had an "at home evening date" with my dh when he got home from his second job. He and I had take-out and watched a movie together.



write out the last 10 Christmas cards & stick in mailbox

Clean kitchen, bathrooms & living room







Finish wrapping

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