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A big pot of chili with fixins - sour cream, cheese, corn bread. I'd also do an appetizer of cut fruit


Another option is pasta. A big pan of lasagna will fee a crowd that size. Add a green salad and a couple loaves of crusty bread and you're set. You could actually assemble the lasagna the day before.

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Baked oatmeal is inexpensive and seems a little more "special" than regular oatmeal. Mix in whatever you have on hand. I like to mash a banana in and throw in frozen blueberries. A few chocolate chips are yummy. Sometimes I put in sliced apples and use apple pie type spices. I would make two batches and probably have some leftovers.



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This is cheap, impresses, and can feed a crowd.


it's chicken caesar salad sandwiches.


SOOOO easy and cheap!


I use chicken thighs when they are on sale cheap, but have also used shredded chicken, leftover turkey, whatever is fine...


Cook and shread chicken. I usually cook with a little bit of italian seasoning, but season however you like.

After it's cooked and shredded, mix in some of your favorite caesar salad dressing (I use cheap generic, no problems)

then add in some chopped romaine lettuce, mix well.


Hubby likes to add the nice shredded parmasean on top (not the cheap grated stuff, but the shredded kind)


Put on rolls or buns and serve.

I have used the 99cent cheap burger buns, fancy rolls, and homemade bread. They all work well with this.


I usually serve with chips. Sometimes some veggies or something, depends on my mood.


As a matter of fact, I'm serving this at my hosue on Christmas eve for 19 people. :D

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First day I would do a white chicken chili for lunch served with fresh fruit and tortilla chips and baked spaghetti for supper (uses a lot less cheese than lasagne so significantly cheaper), serve with garlic bread and either a salad or steamed broccoli.


Baked french toast or oatmeal for breakfast or if you feel ambitious you could make oatmeal pancakes (more filling than regular) with scrambled eggs.


For lunch I would do something like hot shredded beef/turkey/chicken and gravy sandwiches (because you can have the meat all done ahead and just put in the crockpot in the morning), meatball subs or chicken/tuna/egg salad for cold sandwiches (I would probably offer one hot and one cold option)

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If you bake your own bread, a couple of trays of the make-ahead French toast is cheap, easy, and convenient to pop in the oven in the morning. Bake a tray of bacon with it and some fruit and you're a rock star.


I like doing a pasta bar to feed large groups cheaply. I serve mild red sauce and a more interesting sauce like Alfredo or clam sauce. You can have some grilled chicken on the side for people to add to their pasta if they wish.


Also, making chili along with a tray of Mac n cheese or a baked potato bar is also yummy.


Burrito bar is nice too. A pork roast tossed into the crockpot with a jar of salsa and some taco seasoning is an easy way to make a lot of cheap, yummy meat.

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I think subs and chips for lunch are fine- provided they are in your budget. If you can swing letting people put what they want on their sub, I'm sure that would go over well.


we used to attend a group that did soup and salad once a month. couple pots of hearty homemade soup (depending upon kind, can be frugal), a ceasar type salad and homemade bread (I assume a bread machine). plenty for all the adults there and it was fun to sit and talk too.


I wouldn't have a ton of baked good around - maybe some christmas cookies or cupcakes. (or you could even plan an activity where people decorated their own cupcake)

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I think you could make a breakfast casserole served with a side of fresh fruit inexpensively. I love the idea of a pasta bar with a salad. I am sure whatever you make will be fine, it is the time you spend together that counts. Have fun with your family!

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A simple cookie recipe with red and green M&M's would look very festive. I think baked oatmeal is yummy and I would consider it as a special breakfast. I also think a big pot of loaded potato soup and cornbread would be good. Baked ziti and garlic bread could go a long way too. For a night time snack you could make popcorn, there are lots of things to add to popcorn to fancy it up.

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