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Mail with your address on it--shred or throw away?


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I found out today that we can't recycle shredded paper (like I've been doing for years now :blushing: ). We shred everything with our address or the kids' names on it. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, but I've always felt like someone could go through our recycling and get a really good glimpse into our lives and schedules if they wanted to. But shredding it all adds up to a lot of paper thrown away, and I suspect most people don't think it's necessary to shred everything.


Do you think there's some inherent danger in not shredding everything with your address on it? Of course I'd keep shredding things like credit card pre-approvals, but otherwise, do you worry about leaving paperwork with your full name and address and maybe other info out there for just about anyone to see?



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If someone knows your name they can find your address...or just about anything else about you and your family. It's the world we live in.



I don't shred because people don't need your mail to know about your life


With the internet today you can find out anything about a person with a little digging. Just this summer we had someone harassing a family member on facebook over a situation that was not their fault. Even though the person making the threats had her facebook account was locked down tight, and her facebook name was just her first and middle name I found out more than enough about her. I had a bunch of previous addresses, her parent's names and dates of their deaths, her siblings names and addresses and business names, her boyfriends name, her best friends name and address, the arrest records of her siblings, the date her brother lost his house for not paying taxes, her brother's ex wifes name and address etc. All this without paying a dime and being 12 hours away from where she lived. Had I been in the same county I could have gotten even more as this is a small town county with very little information online.


A little bit of time, some very basic info and the internet can get you much more than an envelope in the trash.

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Burn barrel. My brother is a sheriff deputy and he says burn it. Also the county jail inmates run the recycling center in my county and I don't want them seeing my address and name with our recycling (and knowing what we purchase). Maybe I'm weird.


Inmates run the recycling center?! That would worry me too :-(


And we can't burn here. At least, I don't think we can. Is that safe?


ETA: Darn it, answered my own question:




I would have loved to throw the questionable things in when we light a fire in the fire pit!


I don't shred because people don't need your mail to know about your life



See, I do know all that. I guess what worries me more is the invoices for summer camp and gymnastics--things that are very specific and could really narrow us down to a time and location. But you're right that our address alone wouldn't do that. I envision wackos stopping my kids somewhere and getting making a connection with them via information accrued via our trash bin, you know? I know the odds are so very, very minuscule, but it seems like one less risk to take.


I shred it and use for the bunny's litter box and the gerbils' cage and then I compost it and put it in my garden. I consider that UPcycling :D .


Is office paper safe for small animals and compost? I always thought there were chemicals in the paper and inks that made that unsafe. I would LOVE to compost it, but I don't want to be adding anything that could harm us eventually. Brilliant idea to use it after the animals have though. DH is allergic to everything furry, but I did consider getting bunnies for the compost benefits :lol:


I rip stuff up like that and throw it in with the regular trash, which is usually pretty icky since the only stuff we throw in the regular trash is food scraps. We can recycle stuff like junk mail, etc.


Hmm, that's a good idea! At least it would eventually biodegrade that way, and would be bagged and nasty and not just set out in open barrels on the street.


And I love your new name :lol:

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My husband loves his shredder. He will happily shred anything.


I dump the shredding into our compost. We have no trees, so I need the carbon. We only live somewhere a few years so I need whatever boost I can get to help the garden along.


If you don't want to use the compost on your veggie garden, you would be amazed at what it does for lawns. Just sprinkle it onto the lawn in the spring and it does wonders. Have a compost bin for veggie use and one for lawn. We compost and recycle enough that we only have 1 full bag or less of garbage a week.

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I would compost it or just use it as mulch around plants. If you don't like the look, you could cover it with bark chips.


I tend to recycle items with just name and address on them. Our city does an annual shred where I take old bills and other items with info beyond name and address.

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I shred paper in our shredder and then add it to the worm compost bin.


I rip junk mail in half and then recycle it.


I don't get the fear that inmates might get my address from recyling. So if they read I get my vitamins from my amazon invoice, that might make them hunt me down? Anyone that crazy was going to hunt me down anyway and a 20 second google search would give them turn by turn directions to my house. :confused1:

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My ILs do this and I just do not understand this mindset. Your address is open public information that anyone can obtain. What is a random person going to do with your name and address? Why would someone target you specifically just because they have your name and address? It seems like extra work for me without any gain. I just don't get it. :auto:

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Why can't you recycle shredded paper? I had no idea that was problematic.



I'm not totally sure, but that's pretty common around here, and I verified it with our recycling company the other day. I imagine it's because they can't verify what's actually in it?


I don't understand why we can't recycle paper bags either. Anyone know?

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See, I do know all that. I guess what worries me more is the invoices for summer camp and gymnastics--things that are very specific and could really narrow us down to a time and location. But you're right that our address alone wouldn't do that. I envision wackos stopping my kids somewhere and getting making a connection with them via information accrued via our trash bin, you know? I know the odds are so very, very minuscule, but it seems like one less risk to take.



It is MUCH more likely that somebody follows you from home to gymnastics or from gymnastics home.

Everybody who happens to see you can narrow you down to a time and location.

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