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Do I have this priced too high?


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We were recently given a dining room table for free. It's bigger than our old one and has more chairs (all of our chairs had broken over time - the set was from before DH and I got married). Anyway, we're trying to sell our old one. For reference, we sold a similar (round) table with a leaf and 2 chairs last summer for $80.


I currently have this table listed for $50 OBO, because it has a defect in the finish on the top where DD put acetone in a red plastic cup and it ate through the cup and obviously took some of the finish off. I was upfront about the defect and posted the following pictures along with the info that additional chairs can be purchased at a local furniture warehouse store for about $25/ea.






Is there something I can do to make the table more attractive? Can I reduce the appearance of the red somehow? Do I have it priced too high still? I really want it out of here, but could use the money too (I need maternity pants and a coat).

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Honestly, I think it might be too high. For me, it would also have to do w/the lack of chairs as well. Not too many ppl are good w/only 2 chairs, esp when others would be half again what you're asking, kwim?


But, I'[m broke, so that colours my response :tongue_smilie:

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I would personally post it for $25 and probably take a $20 for it. My dh says that I give things away, though. I think the two chairs is a major disadvantage, unfortunately.

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I was afraid of that. The one we sold for $80 only had 2 chairs too, but maybe we just got lucky. I dropped the price on this one to account for the defect. Similar sets (with 4 chairs) are selling for $125-$150 on Craigslist.


But, at the end of the day, I need it to sell & I can't make the market support my desired price. Maybe I'll try dropping to $35 OBO. I had hoped that $50OBO would at least elicit some offers that would give me an idea what people thought it was worth, but no luck.

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Yeah if you could hold onto it you might get the price you want if you just hang in there. But if not, then you gotta do what you gotta do. If that doesn't work you could try free cycle. That would be a nice table for someone who needs it.


I wish I could hang onto it and get what I need out of it, but due to it's size, I have no place to store it. It's currently sitting in the middle of the school room and since we'll be having family over for Christmas, DH wants it out of there before then. He's already told me multiple times that if it's not gone before Christmas he's taking it and donating it wherever he can.

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Since you got a table for free I would pass the karma on.


But that is just me.....





After reading this, is sounds sort of snarky and judgemental. That isn't how I intended to sound. I was just thinking that I would do that, you don't have to. And since you are having trouble deciding on a price, anything less than $35 dollars probably is too much trouble. I would put it on the front lawn with a "free" sign, and not have people bargaining or not showing up.


My husband however........

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We were recently given a dining room table for free. It's bigger than our old one and has more chairs (all of our chairs had broken over time - the set was from before DH and I got married). Anyway, we're trying to sell our old one. For reference, we sold a similar (round) table with a leaf and 2 chairs last summer for $80.


I currently have this table listed for $50 OBO, because it has a defect in the finish on the top where DD put acetone in a red plastic cup and it ate through the cup and obviously took some of the finish off. I was upfront about the defect and posted the following pictures along with the info that additional chairs can be purchased at a local furniture warehouse store for about $25/ea.






Is there something I can do to make the table more attractive? Can I reduce the appearance of the red somehow? Do I have it priced too high still? I really want it out of here, but could use the money too (I need maternity pants and a coat).


It's too high. No one will pay above garage sale prices for damaged furniture. You could paint the top! You could try some other removers and then restain the area. But damaged, you should price it at $25.

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I would try posting the table & chairs separately. Table for $30 and chairs for $20.



I really like this idea! There are probably folks out there who just need a couple of chairs, or who just need a table.

Of course this probably means you have to deal with two customers...but maybe someone will buy both and think they're getting a deal if you drop the price to $45 for the set.

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I agree. It's about the chairs. I'm poor enough that I would be looking at used tables if I could afford one and if I need to buy a used table for $50 I am not going to have the money to buy more chairs. :) Positive side note: I was just given our first kitchen table!!! :) Before that my kids had to eat at a coffee table someone had given us. lol

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Maybe the right buyer just hasn't come along yet because I would buy the table itself for $50. If you paint the top or repair it I could see it going for much more or at least be easier to sell. I love the beautiful base. I read a blog the other day about painting furniture and your table is very similar. The end result on the blog was fantastic and it didn't take much work.

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I would paint it dark brown/black and repost it as a solid wood table in great condition with 2 free chairs.


Oval tables are hard to sell. It is definitely a dated style, but if you modernize the color you may find someone who doesn't realize that. I have an oval table and it is horrible to try to find tablecloths for it!

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You know what is really irritating?

That would sell at a thrift store for 100.00--easy.

But from the owner, no one will buy it for that much.


I wouldn't pay $100 for it at a thrift store. I've bought two tables off Craigslist. Both were $100. Both had 6 chairs and 2 planks to extend the size of the table and were wood look. And at least here, the price in stores is about the same as Craigslist. Its just easier to find a variety of stuff on Craigslist than on a store.


ETA: The first table was very soft wood. We put a deep gouge in it just trying to get it home. When we had some money and needed to move, we gave it away and bought a new table in the new location.

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Wish you lived closer -- I'd take it for $50! I could use two nice chairs like that and a table for my schoolroom.


I was thinking the same thing!


I'm happy the OP sold the table :) Craigslist is a funny duck. I've made hundreds of dollars on it in hours, and then had stuff sit and had to lower prices and repost multiple times. No rhyme or reason.

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