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besides hamsters, what are some other small pet options???


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GOOD GRIEF...another dead hamster...this time my daughters. If it wasnt; for the fact that my older son's hamster has lived over 2 years, I would think this is something we are doing....but this 2 year old hamster has the exact same environent as the others have had. The average time our last 4 hamsters lives has been 4 months....(3 months, 4 months, 2 months and 8 months)....the hamsters that lived the longest were our first 3 that we got from friends...(the 2 year old is one of those 3, one of the 3 ran away and other one lived over a year.)


ANYWAY...I am seriously considering another type of pet. We can't get an uncaged pet as our home is not our home..it belongs to the church where my husband is pastor. Plus my husband has allergies to cats and some dogs. We don't want to spend too much money for a different pet or the upkeep of a different pet. We want a pet that the kids can hold and play with, Does that leave us with many options??


thanks for you opinions.

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Our family prefers gerbils and guinea pigs to hamsters and rats. Try to get the youngest you can find and handle, handle, handle (my daughter just came and gave me a hug, read the title of your post, pointed at the screen, and said, "Gerbils!"). We've had wonderful experiences with long-lived sister gerbils. Guinea pigs are also very, very sweet, and we have one, but my husband is allergic to her. He just doesn't hold her. He's fine with gerbils.


I'm curious, is your hamster cage in a drafty area? I've heard they can get sick and die from drafts.

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We are planning on getting a couple of sugar gliders after the holiday season is over. They are long lived but are also somewhat expensive.



Sugar gliders need a lot more care than hamsters though. They also are social creatures and really need companionship, if you are taking them out a few times a day then it might be fine though.

I would not recommend sugar gliders for the op.

mice, gerbils are great.

g. pigs and rats but then you need much more space for caging. degus but again with life span and size of cage.

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Bearded dragons if you don't mind feeding insects-they're easy to hold and fairly easy to care for and quite cute. The live crickets/mealworms can be tough, though. Snakes that eat frozen mice are pretty easy, too-they only eat/poop about once a week, so it's really a matter of setting up the habitat. Ball Pythons and Sand boas are often a little more "cuddily" than corns, but can be harder to set up and keep happy since they're used to a different climate (Corn snakes are happy in most of the USA as is-so really, indoor temperatures are about like a nice vacation for them). All snakes and lizards are going to want a bigger tank, though-they'd be fine in a 5 gallon with lid as babies, but by the time they're full-grown want more like a 20 gal, and a full grown corn or ball is likely to be happier with a 40.

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hermit crabs. easy to keep, rarely needs cage cleaning, and they don't stink as long as you set them up right the first time. Stick to the larger crabs. They have a tendency to be more calm. I've never had my hermies pinch me or my kids, but I taught them to hold them properly.





Hermies are so much fun to watch that even if you can't bring yourself to handle them, it's ok. :-)


And if you get to be there when they change shells...that's way kewl. :-)

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