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Large families with grown children - Christmas card question


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I'm not sure what you're asking. SEND a Christmas card to the married children of your friends? Or include your married/grown/out-of-house kids in your own Christmas card that you send out?


I say send a card to each houshold, unless you are not close with their grown married children- then just send it to whomever is left at the family home.


I don't plan on making my girls join the family Christmas card picture once they are out on their own, but they may of they wish to. I also don't plan on including much more than a short sentence in the newslettter- perhaps something like "GrownCHild is now married and living in SomewhereNice. She'd love to hear from you!" and include address. It's not my business to share her news with the world- I deeply resent it when someone else shares my news for me. A Wedding shower gift for each of my girls will be a copy of my Christmas card list- they can send cards or not as they wish.

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I don't really see what the problem is... I send my own Christmas cards to my own friends, and I know my close friends who live far away are still interested in hearing about the lives of my children, whether they are off on their own, married, or whatever. I might even send a photo of our entire family that includes our young adult, married children. I usually sign our cards "The _______ Family" -- so that could cover anything!


At the same time, our married children send their own cards to their own friends. If we happen to have some same friends and both send them cards, that's fine.

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I've read both...include married kids on your card - they haven't dropped off earth and they're your kids :)


Don't include married kids. They're on their own and would appreciate their own card.


What say you?


I married young. My MIL still thinks of us as "kids" and always includes us on her Christmas cards (to others). It doesn't bother me, I appreciate it. There are lots of people that embrace us as family when we see each other at funerals and weddings, but that we don't keep much contact with in between. We have no ill-will towards these people, and love to see them when we're in the same town; it's just not a priority for me since they're my husband's extended family and it's not a priority for him because ... well, he's a man LOL.


My MIL still sends us a card, but it's one she's especially chose for us. Each of her kids, married or not, gets a hand-picked card instead of her packaged cards that go out to friends and the rest of the family.


My parents don't include us on their cards, but as a PP mentioned they do give out our contact information and a small few sentence blurb to let the world know we're still alive and around. This is a relatively new thing (past few years) because I stopped sending out my own cards. I'm very close to my extended family, and am friends with the kids of my parents' friends. Small town, but we travel in the same general social circle so it seemed redundant to me to send out cards. They don't really give us cards because we see each other every day, but they still do give us a stocking :D

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If they live in the house, they're included in the signature. If they're moved out, we don't include them.


If I did a Christmas letter, I'd probably say something about each kid even if they're moved out. Friends would want to know how they're doing. I enjoy hearing about the grown friends of our kids...but never do a Christmas letter. Too lazy, I guess.

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If I did a Christmas letter, I'd probably say something about each kid even if they're moved out. Friends would want to know how they're doing. I enjoy hearing about the grown friends of our kids...but never do a Christmas letter. Too lazy, I guess.




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If they live in the house, they're included in the signature. If they're moved out, we don't include them.

This, most definitely. Once they're adults on their own, I wouldn't presume to know who they'd like to send Christmas greetings to, and it would be overstepping my place to decide that for them.

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I just ran into this issue tonight. I was sending out my cards and realized my eldest niece is doing an internship in a different province than her parents, but when it is over she will be moving back into their home. I believe she will be with them for Christmas, so I just went ahead and addressed the card to all of them.


My kids are way too little for this to be an issue. My parents never signed our names to any Christmas cards anyway, she always just said "The LastNames".

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If they live in the house, they're included in the signature. If they're moved out, we don't include them.


If I did a Christmas letter, I'd probably say something about each kid even if they're moved out. Friends would want to know how they're doing. I enjoy hearing about the grown friends of our kids...but never do a Christmas letter. Too lazy, I guess.


:iagree: Once they move out, they are not a part of the signature. I do a Christmas letter, and would probably include a short tidbit about them (such as "they got married", "are getting married", "moved to" "having a baby soon" or "had a baby"). Granted, if you're on my Christmas card list, you know these things anyways...

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