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Anyone know the cost for treatment of a broken arm?

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I know this will vary but I"m trying to get a general idea. My ds8 fell on Monday while roller skating and hurt his arm. His wrist and arm are swollen, he can move his wrist but he can't twist his arm. I am taking him to the dr. today. I can't get in touch with anybody at the hospital or orthopedics office to get a qoute. We don't have health insurance so I really need to know how much we are looking at here. It was a dumb idea letting my dc roller skate without having health insurance! :banghead:

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So sorry to hear about this - honestly, the treatment cost is going to vary depending on the injury and what is needed to heal it. Taking him to the doctor instead of the emergency room will save you a lot of money, though. Be sure to ask if they have any discounts for people who don't have insurance, many doctors do. Also, ask if you can set up a payment plan if you need one.


I hope your son's arm feels better soon!

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Try to ask the treatment facility up front how much it will cost. They probably won't give you a specific amount, but they should be able to give you a range that you can use for reference. Then I would mention your lack of insurance to everyone who sees you and ask for the least costly option for treatment. Be a broken record, and document it all so that you have points of reference if you need to contest the bill.

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We have insurance, but the statement we got in the mail from the insurance company said they paid $3,800 for BOTH ds12's arms (he broke both). That's high because they were billing an insurance company. Make sure you tell them you'll be paying cash. They will give you a discount. Is there a low cost clinic you can go to in your area? Or a university hospital?


Edited to add: I'm sorry! And it's not your fault!

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I'm so sorry. But don't blame yourself and the skating. This could have happened any number of ways!


Thank you for this. I am really feeling like a terrible mom right now. My dc haven't roller skated in 4 years so it was pretty new to all of them. My ds8 didn't even want to do it because he fell as soon as he stood up after putting his skates on. I encouraged him :banghead:

to just give it a try. I pointed out all the other kids who were trying and holding on to the wall for support. So after after 20 minutes of nagging him he finally decided to give it a go. He fell a few times, like many other kids and a mom (boy she was brave) but he got right up and kept going and skated for over an hour loving it. It wasn't until 10 minutes before our time was up that he fell and hurt his arm. I thought he would shake it off like he had been but he didn't. He couldn't move his arm it hurt so bad. I had to take off his skates and put his shoes on for him. He cried all the way to the van. I thought, I hoped, it was just something simple and he would be fine in a couple of days. He writst was swollen on Monday and by yesterday his arm was swollen. He goes to the dr. this afternoon.


Thanks to my sister I found out that our hospital offers finicial add to those without insurance. It lookes like we will qualify for an 80-90% reducation, this is on top of a 20% reducation uninsured patience get. This will be for the xray and radiologist only. I have yet to get a hold of the orthopedic should his arm be broken to determine their cost and if they offer any financial aid.

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DS (now 10) has broken both of his ulnas & radii. Your son's break is likely still in place, so it could be just a green fracture, or a buckle fracture.

You could try to make an appointment directly with an orthopedic surgeon, in his office. They likely have Xray facilities there. (Maybe ask around for the best doctor with kids!)

You should keep the arm immobilized, with a homemade splint. I'm sure the internet will give you some suggestions. You do not want it to get out of alignment.

If it's all just a minor fracture, they may just give him a velcro splint.

Our son had to have ER OR, as he needed to be under anesthetic to set the bones.


Good news is that usually under 10yo, no physical therapy is needed for complete range of motion recovery.

We had monthly Xrays for 6 months to monitor the healing. But it's very important that the break heal correctly to make sure he has full range of motion with his wrist. FYI, our son's cast went up over his elbow both times, to prevent movement.

Also, realize that "modeling" will help the bones grow into near-perfect alignment. It really is amazing to witness in the series of Xrays.


Let us know how it goes! It was about $1500 each time, but you really don't have much choice. :)

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My DD broke her arm in April in gymnastics, and I just looked up the claim amounts. The urgent care facility, where we went for the initial x-ray, was about $500. The pediatric orthopedist was about $1500. This was the claim amounts, not the amount that the insurance plan actually paid for.


HTH and {{{hugs}}}.

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Took ds8 to the dr and had his arm xrayed. He broke both bones in his arm! Since he appt. was later in the afternoon I won't know until tomorrow when his appt. for the orthopedic will be. Hopefully sometime tomorrow!



Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! Keep it splinted and give him lots of treats while he waits. :)

Hang in there.

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