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Exercise Thread ~ 12/2-12/8


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Yesterday I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ. I was so so very exhasuted after working on fixing almost 200 yards of fencing and then pouring mulch and fencing our trees. But I did it. I don;t know. Right now I am feeling extremely worn out. Instead of feeling regenerated as I did after these workouts in the beginning, I am feeling completely exhausted, and feel that way the next day too. On the plus side, I have lost 4 lbs and am seeing those little "cuts" on the side of my abdomen!!! So thats good.

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Did one mile of Leslie late last night. Still in the baby step stages,I guess.


We all started with baby steps. Keep going! You'll soon be addicted.



I've been in a raging bad mood today and had a mean headache. You know how they say that if you're in a bad mood then you should work out because it'll make you feel better? It's so so hard to pull myself of my butt when I'm in a bad mood or don't feel well. Well, I finally forced myself to get up. I did 30 min of intense cardio. I made myself push hard until I was so out of breath it hurt. Being in a bad mood actually makes me push harder. Now I feel so much better! Headache gone.


So, it's true. When you feel bad just get up and push yourself to move. You will feel better.

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About to soon do Denise Austin: Shrink Your Female Fat Zones - I love this one. :)


I do too. There's something so gentle about her. She does moves that all the "hardcore" trainers also do but with Denise you don't feel like you're doing hard moves. It's like she tricks you into it with her gentle voice.




I did Tracy Anderson this morning. I found out she just released a Rebounder dvd! Woohoo! I want it for Christmas.

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Sunday-5 mile run up some truly bad-boy hills. Slow going but pretty funny. The boys opted to bike it with me, and I could have doubled over laughing when one reached the top (walking his bike) and gasped "I can't wait to have air again!". Could have. But I was gasping too much myself.


Monday-scheduled rest day. Wanted to go bike. But one of the boys has a totally flat tire that won't hold air, so bike rides are on hold until the tire is repaired.


Tuesday-about to go for a three mile run.

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We just bought a bike rack and now we need to buy a hitch. Then we'll be able to go on bike rides! Oh, wait. I forgot that we need a trailer or something for my 4 yr old. Suggestions?



This is why you all are my support. I don't have any irl. My friends make fun of me for working out as much as I do. Other people I know irl (but not well enough to be considered friends) tend to get down right mean and say rude, sarcastic things. My dh is not an exercise person and has stopped exercising altogether. He doesn't say anything against my fitness routines but he doesn't join in any way nor does he really want to hear about it. My mom....here's an example of what she thinks, "You and your workouts. Geesh, are you going to keep doing it so much? You know don't do it too much. Men don't like it when women exercise a lot. It's not feminine."





So, I really like this thread.

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Only doing stretching today. Had my hair done yesterday and I'm not allowed to tie it back for at least 24 hours. There is no way that I can workout without tying my hair back.


I do too. There's something so gentle about her. She does moves that all the "hardcore" trainers also do but with Denise you don't feel like you're doing hard moves. It's like she tricks you into it with her gentle voice.

Yes. No dread factor with Denise. This is probably my favorite DVD of hers. :)


So, I really like this thread.

Rather similar reasons to what you describe. I need this thread and all the loving and kind support. I have no patience for rudeness and sarcasm these days. My parents exercise very regularly and consistently, so that's nice. For me, it's no longer a looks issue - I do it for health. I can already see the signs of arthritis in my knee and there's no way that I'll ever be able to do high-impact again - other than possibly rebounding, which doesn't feel like high impact at all.

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We just bought a bike rack and now we need to buy a hitch. Then we'll be able to go on bike rides! Oh, wait. I forgot that we need a trailer or something for my 4 yr old. Suggestions?



This is why you all are my support. I don't have any irl. My friends make fun of me for working out as much as I do. Other people I know irl (but not well enough to be considered friends) tend to get down right mean and say rude, sarcastic things. My dh is not an exercise person and has stopped exercising altogether. He doesn't say anything against my fitness routines but he doesn't join in any way nor does he really want to hear about it. My mom....here's an example of what she thinks, "You and your workouts. Geesh, are you going to keep doing it so much? You know don't do it too much. Men don't like it when women exercise a lot. It's not feminine."





So, I really like this thread.


I'm sorry you do not have support IRL, even more sorry that people around you are negative. I think some of that negativity stems from people feeling guilty that they do not exercise. Sometimes in conversations something comes up about me exercising, mostly because it is a big part of my life, I noticed that certain people that do not exercise feel the need to explain to me why they aren't currently exercising. It is a bit bizarre. It usually goes something like this:

Them - Did you do anything exciting last weekend?

Me - Not really, I went to the gym and took a step class

Them - Oh. Some day I plan to begin exercising, I just don't have the time. I have this and that and this and that going on. blah blah blah. One day I will find the time to use that elliptical I have in the basement.

Me - *feeling uncomfortable because there is no need for you to explain to me why you don't exercise and I'm not sure why you feel the need, maybe you think I am judging you? I promise I am not. I just mentioned I went to step class*


I don't know why anyone would feel the need to make fun of you or be rude to you about working out, I am mad on your behalf! :cursing:

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This is why you all are my support. I don't have any irl. My friends make fun of me for working out as much as I do. Other people I know irl (but not well enough to be considered friends) tend to get down right mean and say rude, sarcastic things. My dh is not an exercise person and has stopped exercising altogether. He doesn't say anything against my fitness routines but he doesn't join in any way nor does he really want to hear about it. My mom....here's an example of what she thinks, "You and your workouts. Geesh, are you going to keep doing it so much? You know don't do it too much. Men don't like it when women exercise a lot. It's not feminine."





So, I really like this thread.

Yep, my kids and DH make fun of me for running and don't get me starte on the chuch ladies. I thought it was just me getting dissed.

Oh, ran 5 mi Sunday and 4 mi Mon-Wed. Tomorrow rest day scheduled. Oh, and push ups and b bells and yoga variously through the week.

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Four mile run today. After lunch I'm going on a bee-hunt. So I may get to do a little more running today. :tongue_smilie:


I don't understand a DH making fun or not being supportive of exercise. Mine might giggle a bit when I come in from a long run all sweaty and gasping, "Water, water now!" but I get the feeling he likes the results. I'm downright grouchy without exercise, and much more mellow with it.

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Yep, my kids and DH make fun of me for running and don't get me starte on the chuch ladies. I thought it was just me getting dissed.

Oh, ran 5 mi Sunday and 4 mi Mon-Wed. Tomorrow rest day scheduled. Oh, and push ups and b bells and yoga variously through the week.



Gah. i am surprised to see this again, what is wrong with people!? I don't know why anyone would be anything but supportive of another's fitness goals/regimen.

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Gah. i am surprised to see this again, what is wrong with people!? I don't know why anyone would be anything but supportive of another's fitness goals/regimen.

Uh, yeah really!? I LOVE when I see people run. I mean what in the world could be funny about that? I pass an overweight couple walking together when I run twice a week. I give them a big thumbs up and they smile. I want to smack people silly when they poke fun of anyone trying to live healthier. AT least they are DOING something. . Sheesh.


I did pullups this morning, kettlebell swings, and some squat jumps. I hope to get to the gym tomorrow. This has been a crazy couple weeks with adding extra gymnastics time for dd

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I keep missing this thread! Still not used to the new format. I slowed down a little this week. I have restructured my workout time and decided to only workout at night. It's been hard to adjust my thinking about showering. Usually I wake up, do some stuff, exercise, and then shower. Now it feels weird to shower and not have exercised beforehand.



I NEVER get any negative comments about my exercise so I find your stories really strange. I don't know how I would react if someone were rude to me about my exercise. Anyway, there is empirical evidence to the contrary that men find exercise unfeminine. Are any of us virgins?


I broke through a weight plateau. I have been 115 for a long time and now I have been consistently under. With changing up my routine, I have ended up getting more school done as well as cooking healthy meals. The only downside is that I don't care for exercising at night. It feels like a debt to be paid.

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I keep missing this thread! Still not used to the new format. I slowed down a little this week. I have restructured my workout time and decided to only workout at night. It's been hard to adjust my thinking about showering. Usually I wake up, do some stuff, exercise, and then shower. Now it feels weird to shower and not have exercised beforehand.



I NEVER get any negative comments about my exercise so I find your stories really strange. I don't know how I would react if someone were rude to me about my exercise. Anyway, there is empirical evidence to the contrary that men find exercise unfeminine. Are any of us virgins?


I broke through a weight plateau. I have been 115 for a long time and now I have been consistently under. With changing up my routine, I have ended up getting more school done as well as cooking healthy meals. The only downside is that I don't care for exercising at night. It feels like a debt to be paid.


I don't care for exercising later in the evening either. For me, morning exercise starts my day off right, I feel wonderful, and my eating habits are so much better. Some days I have to exercise in the late afternoon or early evening and those days aren't always my best days.

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Today I bought a personal training package at an extremely low rate. I'm excited and nervous about it. I have been doing personal training with someone else at a different facility since last spring, dh just bought me another package for Christmas that I was planning on starting in January. I bought this one because it was such a steal. I know this new trainer is going to have me lifting some heavy weights which is exactly what I need but it is going to be hard. I know it is silly but I also don't want to tell my original trainer that I am going to be working with someone else for a few weeks, I feel so guilty. Just wanted to share with my fitness pals :D

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I don't care for exercising later in the evening either. For me, morning exercise starts my day off right, I feel wonderful, and my eating habits are so much better. Some days I have to exercise in the late afternoon or early evening and those days aren't always my best days.


Same here.


I don't get up early. I'm up between 7 and 7:30 and drink tea, oj, or water. Then I start my workout between 7:30-8. This is why I do short workouts. JM dvds are perfect for me at only 20-30 but intense. Anything longer than 45 min and I don't do it during the week. I save those for the weekend. By 9 I'm in the shower. My kids eat and do piano in the mean time. Then I start lessons with them between 9:30-10.



I did JM Killer Buns and Thighs this morning. Dh did it with me. :hurray: We only did level 1 and it's a tough workout.



I think some people make negative/rude/sarcastic comments to me about exercise and diet (as in clean eating....not me restricting calories) because I'm small. I don't quite weigh 100lbs and I've found that women tend to be very rude to skinny people. Jealousy? I just figure it's the whole bully syndrome. You know bullies are people who themselves have low self esteem so they try to cover that with being mean. I've talked about it here before. The comments are hurtful and ridiculous. Jokes about me having an eating disorder are not funny, eye rolls when I mention a new workout dvd that I love is not called for. Calling me a "%itch" or saying, "You make me sick" when you see me is just rude and mean.


Anyway, I've started confronting people now. I decided I'm not going to let people say rude things to me so I call them on it. So far everyone has back peddled and stammered an apology of some sort. Maybe they'll think twice about being rude to people who live a healthy lifestyle.


Speaking of healthy eating I have to now go bake cookies and brownies and make a potato ham stew with cornbread for the Christmas party tonight. This is my first party (outside of family and friends) I'm attending since my celiac diagnosis. I'm glad it's a potluck party. My plan is to put the food I'm making on my plate, and maybe hopefully no one will notice that I'm not eating anything else. People don't pay attention what's on other people's plates, right?


Cynthia, I'm thinking of getting some Jackie Warner dvds next.

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Tracy would you recommend insanity or p90 if i want to add to my turbo fire rotation?


Turbo fire 55 ez today...




Not Tracy but I do not recommend Insanity when doing TurboFire because you are still in the same genre of exercise - plyo/cardio. You will probably burnout faster. Do the P90 (or did you mean P90X?).

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