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Crossing the Tiber - The Master Thread


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Yep. A box. An all in one. A traditional schooling method. All things that many people abhor here. :( However, it's working beautifully for our family.


Seton Home Study School with a few things added in and tweaked.




Oh, but Seton is a solid way to go. I actually started out with stuff from both them and Kolbe. I'd probably still be with one or the other if my mom hadn't sent me TWTM in the summer between 1st and 2nd grade.


You may be surprised at how many different methods we are using as a whole. I don't think we have many unschoolers though.

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Oh, but Seton is a solid way to go. I actually started out with stuff from both them and Kolbe. I'd probably still be with one or the other if my mom hadn't sent me TWTM in the summer between 1st and 2nd grade.


You may be surprised at how many different methods we are using as a whole. I don't think we have many unschoolers though.


I can't get to un-schooling, but I realize that *I* have to unschool *ME* a little more. I'm pretty rigid about school being school. I'm not home educating sometimes - I'm schooling at home in attitude. I want to foster more of a love of learning and that takes me out of the "box" but still using their suggestions, if that makes sense.

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I can't get to un-schooling, but I realize that *I* have to unschool *ME* a little more. I'm pretty rigid about school being school. I'm not home educating sometimes - I'm schooling at home in attitude. I want to foster more of a love of learning and that takes me out of the "box" but still using their suggestions, if that makes sense.

I wish I could help. I'm rather rigid myself. Unschooler I am not. Post on the general Ed board. I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions.

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You know you are going to have to explain this for the newbies. The old group is gone so there is nothing to reference back to. LOL


Yes, please share!


I came on this thread tonight looking for ideas to add to our day during Lent. As I was reading through posts from the past two weeks, I've decided that reading from the Catechism daily would be a good start. I bought one last year with the hope of implementing it, but for some reason, we never even started it.

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I wish I could help. I'm rather rigid myself. Unschooler I am not. Post on the general Ed board. I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions.



Right now, the GE board scares me. LOL They've been jumpy lately.


It's not so much that I want to be an unschooler, I just need to get out of the text book more, if that makes sense?

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Right now, the GE board scares me. LOL They've been jumpy lately.


It's not so much that I want to be an unschooler, I just need to get out of the text book more, if that makes sense?


Well, you know, if you are going to get out of the text book mode you won't be using so much Seton. I have found that a combination works well. I've had dd use both living books and text books. (Now I'm wondering if TWTM is rubbing off on you virtually. LOL)


Don't let the GE board scare you. I'll post your question over there for you if you want me to. I've been foolish enough over the years that it doesn't bother me anymore. :laugh:

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Well, you know, if you are going to get out of the text book mode you won't be using so much Seton. I have found that a combination works well. I've had dd use both living books and text books. (Now I'm wondering if TWTM is rubbing off on you virtually. LOL)


Don't let the GE board scare you. I'll post your question over there for you if you want me to. I've been foolish enough over the years that it doesn't bother me anymore. :laugh:



LOL - I use Seton's textbooks as my spine and she does their exercises and tests. I just mean if we're studying Colonial America, I will get out of the textbook and watch "Felicity" or watch a you tube video to supplement...that kind of stuff. :) I guess text book enrichment is more what I mean? Lap books, notebooking, field trips...


The funny thing is that (blasphemy, I know) SWB didn't invent classical education so I have been influenced by it long before I got here or even knew who she was. It's just not what works for us right now. I'm not discounting it for later. :)

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I just looked at the dates on that thread Nono linked. That was last month.


She's told that story more than once. So it may have been posted on the old SG.


Yeah, I was surprised when I got so much reaction on what was a repost on the more recent thread.


As much as I can badmouth IHM nuns, they sure got into my blood. And, really, most were pretty good. Even the lousy ones made for good stories. I worry today that our kids don't have any "characters" like we did growing up. Everyone's so stinkin' perfect or "correct." But so not, IYKWIM.


So, Susan, do you have a blackboard??? I sure do! And proud of it!

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Yeah, I was surprised when I got so much reaction on what was a repost on the more recent thread.


As much as I can badmouth IHM nuns, they sure got into my blood. And, really, most were pretty good. Even the lousy ones made for good stories. I worry today that our kids don't have any "characters" like we did growing up. Everyone's so stinkin' perfect or "correct." But so not, IYKWIM.


So, Susan, do you have a blackboard??? I sure do! And proud of it!


Right now, I don't really have anything. We are living with my IL's in a 14x14 room with Dh, Melissa and I. We sleep here, we do school here, we have a bathroom in here. We don't have any of our school accouterments. It's been quite a ride. I can't wait to have our own school space - and then, yes, we will have a black board. :)

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Hi, all.

Sorry to jump in and disrupt any ongoing conversations, but I have a request for prayer.


For the first time this winter my cold urticaria is acting up to the point that meds aren't controlling it like they are supposed to. I'm medicated and bundled to the point I look like the Michelin man. If you don't mind saying a prayer for some relief I'd appreciate it. I have my epi-pens handy in case things go bad. But I'd rather not use them.


Thanks a bunch. And I'll pray for you all in return.

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Hi, all.

Sorry to jump in and disrupt any ongoing conversations, but I have a request for prayer.


For the first time this winter my cold urticaria is acting up to the point that meds aren't controlling it like they are supposed to. I'm medicated and bundled to the point I look like the Michelin man. If you don't mind saying a prayer for some relief I'd appreciate it. I have my epi-pens handy in case things go bad. But I'd rather not use them.


Thanks a bunch. And I'll pray for you all in return.



I will definitely pray for you. :grouphug:


I had to look up urticaria - it sounds so similar to what I have right now (and I can't wait to get to the dermo on Friday). I have a rash on my back that I thought was a reaction to what I was doing to try to bring down the sebacuous cyst, and now I have a huge rash on my chest/neck from what I think was my miraculous medal. :(

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Hi, all.

Sorry to jump in and disrupt any ongoing conversations, but I have a request for prayer.


For the first time this winter my cold urticaria is acting up to the point that meds aren't controlling it like they are supposed to. I'm medicated and bundled to the point I look like the Michelin man. If you don't mind saying a prayer for some relief I'd appreciate it. I have my epi-pens handy in case things go bad. But I'd rather not use them.


Thanks a bunch. And I'll pray for you all in return.


I am praying!

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I will definitely pray for you. :grouphug:


I had to look up urticaria - it sounds so similar to what I have right now (and I can't wait to get to the dermo on Friday). I have a rash on my back that I thought was a reaction to what I was doing to try to bring down the sebacuous cyst, and now I have a huge rash on my chest/neck from what I think was my miraculous medal. :(


Yeah, basically urticaria is hives. I don't know if you were here the spring I finally got the epi-pens. It was horrific and such a saga.


I'll pray for you. You can get miraculous medals in precious metals so they don't react with your skin.

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I'm sorry about the urticaria, and I'll say a prayer. Oldest has it due to heat. I don't think it gets as serious as the cold because she hasn't needed an epi-pen but it definitely gets bad and is no fun. :grouphug:

I'll go both ways. And add in the exercise urticaria too. Such a freak of nature.


I started out as a kid with it acting up once every couple of years, and maybe one welt on my hand or foot. It has definitely gotten worse as I've gotten older. Watch that it doesn't progress as your kiddo ages.

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I'll go both ways. And add in the exercise urticaria too. Such a freak of nature.


I started out as a kid with it acting up once every couple of years, and maybe one welt on my hand or foot. It has definitely gotten worse as I've gotten older. Watch that it doesn't progress as your kiddo ages.


Yikes! I can't imagine if she had it both ways!


The allergist seems surprised every time we go in that she still has symptoms. He really thought hers would go away. She does pretty good as long as she takes a Zyrtec every day, but if she misses one it's rough. She gets it whenever she gets hot or emotional, so exercise causes hers too. I really hope it just goes away and doesn't progress (or at least that the OTC meds continue to work).

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Yikes! I can't imagine if she had it both ways!


The allergist seems surprised every time we go in that she still has symptoms. He really thought hers would go away. She does pretty good as long as she takes a Zyrtec every day, but if she misses one it's rough. She gets it whenever she gets hot or emotional, so exercise causes hers too. I really hope it just goes away and doesn't progress (or at least that the OTC meds continue to work).

Wow! I don't take my Zyrtec everyday. I'm afraid of developing a tolerance to it since it is the wanly OTC that works. I do have a 'script for singulair, but the side effects scare me. So I don't take it every day either. Have you seen the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead? It is about a guy who sent his urticaria into remission. With my auto immune thyroid disease I need more calories per day than juicing affords. One day I hope to try it.

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Chucki, I hope you are feeling a wee bit better today!


I gave myself a headache teaching this morning....I grabbed an eyepatch that someone had flung onto my desk just as we were starting school and became a Pirate who had taken me hostage. Teaching math with an eyepatch isn't something I recommend...though the word problems were a riot -- "How much more money does he need? Heck, that's a typo. How much money must he steal??"


And when they said their morning prayers, the pirate disrespectfully stood and didn't pray. The pirate asked, "You really get anything out of that?" And, oh, hearts of gold, my two littles went on and on telling me why they enjoy praying. :001_wub:

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Chucki, I hope you are feeling a wee bit better today!


I gave myself a headache teaching this morning....I grabbed an eyepatch that someone had flung onto my desk just as we were starting school and became a Pirate who had taken me hostage. Teaching math with an eyepatch isn't something I recommend...though the word problems were a riot -- "How much more money does he need? Heck, that's a typo. How much money must he steal??"


And when they said their morning prayers, the pirate disrespectfully stood and didn't pray. The pirate asked, "You really get anything out of that?" And, oh, hearts of gold, my two littles went on and on telling me why they enjoy praying. :001_wub:



Plundering - it's the new PE.


I love how you make things such fun. Due to your influence I'm going to try and do something surprising and fun during school today.

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And when they said their morning prayers, the pirate disrespectfully stood and didn't pray. The pirate asked, "You really get anything out of that?" And, oh, hearts of gold, my two littles went on and on telling me why they enjoy praying. :001_wub:



That's enough to get you though a few weeks!

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I am. Thanks everyone. It has tried to act up at couple times today but as long as I'm covered head to toe I'm okay.



My Hobbit name is: Daisy Deepdelver

My elven name is: Idril Calaelen

:seeya: It looks like we have the same first name. Hahaha.


I am Daisy Tolkien, what fun. Or Idril Annare. LOL. I am glad you are feeling better, Chucki. I hope you guys don’t mind me tagging along here..I am just reading with interest. :leaving:

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:seeya: It looks like we have the same first name. Hahaha.


I am Daisy Tolkien, what fun. Or Idril Annare. LOL. I am glad you are feeling better, Chucki. I hope you guys don’t mind me tagging along here..I am just reading with interest. :leaving:



Did your kids participate in the valentine's mailing? Dd got one today with a return address label that showed I share a first name with the mom who mailed it. If it wasn't you then there are three of us here with the same first name. And that is amazing considering how rare a name it s.


Don't mind at all.

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:seeya: It looks like we have the same first name. Hahaha.


I am Daisy Tolkien, what fun. Or Idril Annare. LOL. I am glad you are feeling better, Chucki. I hope you guys don’t mind me tagging along here..I am just reading with interest. :leaving:



Anyone with the lovely Audrey as an avatar is always welcome in my book!

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Did your kids participate in the valentine's mailing? Dd got one today with a return address label that showed I share a first name with the mom who mailed it. If it wasn't you then there are three of us here with the same first name. And that is amazing considering how rare a name it s.


Don't mind at all.



No, they didn’t. I think the name generator calculates certain names as the same. For instance, both Charlene and Claire also come up as Daisy, and neither one of those is actually my name. I would also be very surprised if we did share the same real name. That would be cool. :thumbup1:



Anyone with the lovely Audrey as an avatar is always welcome in my book!



Thanks! :)

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No, they didn’t. I think the name generator calculates certain names as the same. For instance, both Charlene and Claire also come up as Daisy, and neither one of those is actually my name. I would also be very surprised if we did share the same real name. That would be cool. :thumbup1:

Now you are just going to have to PM me and tell me what your name is? LOL





Thanks! :)


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Sure you can! I have been known to do my rosary in chunks - usually a decade at a time through out the day.


Great! My perfectionist attitude has kept me from praying the rosary for a long time because it has to be done the "right" way. It dawned on me the other day that I should try breaking it up throughout the day.

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