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I need more protein, but I dont like to eat a lot of meat! Help


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I have been mostly vegetarian for a while now...I do eat meat, but not frequently. I eat fish sometimes. I do eat eggs and skim milk but not a lot of cheese. There's no need to convince me that I dont need that much protein, or that I shouldnt worry about it. In the past, when I havent paid attention, I lost a lot of hair (wasnt eating enough protein) and I tend to get weak if I am not paying close attention to my intake (if I dont pay attention, I tend to hover around 40 grams a day, which isnt enough when I am exercising).


Anyway, I need to increase my protein intake. I need about 80-90 grams a day as I am working out a fair amount, and I don't see how I can do this without eating all day LOL. For example, my day today; a bowl of oatmeal and one hard boiled egg for breakfast, lunch was an organic vegan hot dog on ww bun with an apple, snack was a banana cherry smoothie with whey protein (16 grams of protein). All in all, I have only had 50 grams today. I will eat dinnern around 7 pm, and I usually have a salad or something light. I could add tuna, I suppose.


For those of you who prefer not to eat a ton of meat, how do you get your protein levels up?

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I have been mostly vegetarian for a while now...I do eat meat, but not frequently. I eat fish sometimes. I do eat eggs and skim milk but not a lot of cheese. There's no need to convince me that I dont need that much protein, or that I shouldnt worry about it. In the past, when I havent paid attention, I lost a lot of hair (wasnt eating enough protein) and I tend to get weak if I am not paying close attention to my intake (if I dont pay attention, I tend to hover around 40 grams a day, which isnt enough when I am exercising).


Anyway, I need to increase my protein intake. I need about 80-90 grams a day as I am working out a fair amount, and I don't see how I can do this without eating all day LOL. For example, my day today; a bowl of oatmeal and one hard boiled egg for breakfast, lunch was an organic vegan hot dog on ww bun with an apple, snack was a banana cherry smoothie with whey protein (16 grams of protein). All in all, I have only had 50 grams today. I will eat dinnern around 7 pm, and I usually have a salad or something light. I could add tuna, I suppose.


For those of you who prefer not to eat a ton of meat, how do you get your protein levels up?



Hard boil several eggs a day and eat at least the whites since this is where the good protein is.

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I really like meat so I may not be the best person to respond but if I were you, I would do something like stir in protein powder into your oatmeal, or maybe peanut butter or almond butter. Spread peanut butter on your apple. Grab a handful of nuts for a snack, sprinkle sliced almonds and hard boiled egg chunks on your salad. Cook up chickpeas and roast them for a snack or sprinkle them on your salad.

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Do you eat nuts? I also love beans/pulses. It's something I struggle with too though.




I do, but probably not as much as I should as they are high in fat and I am trying to lose five pounds. Also, I prefer to buy them organic in bulk and whole foods in about 40 minutes away, so I just dont get there as often as I should. In terms of fat per protein provided, I am not sure they are great as a protein source, although I definitely think I should be eating at least a quarter cup a day.

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I use a protein powder and do one smoothie a day. I just don't feel like eating enough to satisfy my protein needs. I lift weights and cannot dip too low.


Yep, I use a protein powder, one smoothie a day. And you're like me: i just dont want to eat that much LOL. I may have to do two protein shakes a day. Thanks!

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I do, but probably not as much as I should as they are high in fat and I am trying to lose five pounds. Also, I prefer to buy them organic in bulk and whole foods in about 40 minutes away, so I just dont get there as often as I should. In terms of fat per protein provided, I am not sure they are great as a protein source, although I definitely think I should be eating at least a quarter cup a day.

This might not make sense and I am probably wrong, but I feel like nuts (almonds for me) actually help with my weight. I lost 10 lbs while incorporating nuts in my diet. I try to eat a 1/4 cup throughout the day to curb hunger. And its supposedly good fat. I am a vegetarian, and while I probably do not get enough of the right kind of protein, I make sure I have some protein for every meal and snack. Eggs, nuts, low fat string cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, beans, black bean burgers, etc

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