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Grammar Stage Chemistry?


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Ellen McHenry's The Elements is good fun, or http://www.inquiryinaction.org/ is free & thorough. Both are easy to use, but very different formats, so it depends what works best for you.


I used the Inquiry in Action last year for a co-op, and it was really great. It only lasts a few weeks, especially if you're only doing it with one child (doing it with 14 was like herding cats, and took all spring).


Someone in this forum did both Ellen McHenry and the Inquiry in Action together, which seems like it would be a great combo -- they have different emphasis, and different styles of presentation.


Have fun! I know we did!

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:lurk5: I'm looking at Chemistry for 5th grade next year. Would The Elements or Inquiry In Action work for a 5th grader, or are these designed for lower elementary? I am wanting to get more serious with ds's science because I'm looking at him using BJU for 7th and up. I know their courses are very rigorous, so I'm not sure which programs would prepare him the most during his 5th and 6th grade years. I may need to use BJU for those grades, too.

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:lurk5: I'm looking at Chemistry for 5th grade next year. Would The Elements or Inquiry In Action work for a 5th grader, or are these designed for lower elementary?


Ellen McHenry's programs are actually designed for middle school, though at least The Elements is do-able by a bright 3rd grader. Carbon Chemistry is harder and probably is better done in 5th than 3rd.


We're loving Mr. Q so far for the first two years of the cycle so I'll probably pair Mr. Q Chemistry with The Elements for DS next year. I don't think he will be ready for Carbon Chemistry. I'm considering Mr. Q's Advanced Chemistry for DD since she has already completed both of the Ellen McHenry chem programs the last time through the cycle.

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:lurk5: I'm looking at Chemistry for 5th grade next year. Would The Elements or Inquiry In Action work for a 5th grader, or are these designed for lower elementary? I am wanting to get more serious with ds's science because I'm looking at him using BJU for 7th and up. I know their courses are very rigorous, so I'm not sure which programs would prepare him the most during his 5th and 6th grade years. I may need to use BJU for those grades, too.




I used Inquiry in Action for a group of 3rd through 5th graders, and I think everyone learned a lot, including the 5th graders. We only had an hour per week, so there was always more I could've done and didn't have time for.



ACS puts out Inquiry in Action, and also has a program for Middle School http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/ The middle school version would be doable for a 5th grader working one-on-one with a parent.


The pdfs of both programs are free, so you can download both, look them both over, and decide. These are amazing resources! I highly recommend them! I love the way they really emphasize the inquiry aspect of science.

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Ellen McHenry's programs are actually designed for middle school, though at least The Elements is do-able by a bright 3rd grader. Carbon Chemistry is harder and probably is better done in 5th than 3rd.





Just FYI, her website says the elements is for ages 8 - 13, not just middle school.

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Why hasn't anyone recommended Elemental Science (at least as a stand-alone)?


I was wondering the same thing. I have just ordered Elemental Science Grammar Stage Physics for my bonus student and I am suprised I hadn't heard more about this series here. I looks like it fits perfectly with TWTM.

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Ellen McHenry's The Elements is good fun, or http://www.inquiryinaction.org/ is free & thorough. Both are easy to use, but very different formats, so it depends what works best for you.


This really works for 3rd grade? I do like doing science based on experiments and learning through hands on activity. Is it too technical? I've noticed it is for grades 3-8 so a 3rd grader would be on the young side. I'm deciding for the average ordinary 3rd grader who loves experiments.



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This really works for 3rd grade? I do like doing science based on experiments and learning through hands on activity. Is it too technical? I've noticed it is for grades 3-8 so a 3rd grader would be on the young side. I'm deciding for the average ordinary 3rd grader who loves experiments.




Ellen McHenry does a fantastic job making some pretty advanced material (stuff I didn't learn until high school or even college) accessible to young students. The Elements is do-able by a bright 3rd grader but it might be a bit difficult for an average student that age. I would recommend checking out the sample chapter and seeing what you think.

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I meant the inquiry in action free download. Ellen mchenry's stuff involves too many games and learning games just don't happen if I'm involved.



Inquiry in Action would work with a 3rd grader and an involved parent. You can't just sling it at the kid and have them do it. The experiments use fairly common items, but you'll have to set them up. This includes things like making red cabbage into a pH indicator. I know some people don't like doing stuff like that -- if you don't, then this isn't a good curriculum for you. Also, some of the young boys in the class had issues learning to use eye droppers correctly.


One mom wanted her 2nd grader to join the class. I think the curriculum would've worked for her, but we already had 14 kids, which I considered my personal maximum.


I wrote about my experiences doing this with a class in some of the posts here: http://talesofhomeschool.blogspot.com/search/label/co-op%20science%20grades%203-5 (Still haven't learned to make pretty links in the new format - sorry.)

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