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Your All-Time Favorite WTM......

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thread! What is your favorite WTM thread. It might have been super funny, meaningful or totally outrageous. Maybe it helped you in a tangible way IRL. If you can find the thread, please link to it!


Sometimes I feel a little sad to see certain threads disappear and I think it will be fun to revisit some of these conversations.



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A long time ago, someone posted that they had super-glued a naked Polly Pocket to their fingers. I don't know why, but every single time I think about that, I have to smile, and often a little giggle slips out too!


I also really enjoyed the more recent thread about what our dc have stuck in their noses/ears. Gosh, I just laughed and laughed! :D My family thought I'd completely lost my mind, because I was laughing so hard.


The funny threads about mundane matters are the ones that really draw me in and make me feel so close to y'all.

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1. The "books" thread and


2. There was a wonderful post from Cathi in Hawaii who moved somewhere on the mainland (can't remember where) in which she talked about her kids getting older and how proud she was of them. Very touching. I wished I could remember the specifics. Actually, since I was so touched by it, I may have saved the message somewhere. I'll look for it and try to link it.

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My all-time favorite was (I think) posted by StaceyinLA. She had just gotten home from the hospital, where she had surgery. She posted something about it and left out one little letter which helped to create the most hilarious thread on record, IMO. I actually laughed until I cried. :lol:

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You ladies just had to share that waxing story! :D Do you know what it feels like to snort Diet Coke up your nose? And then there are my kids asking what's so funny and wanting to look at my computer, too . . . and, of course, I can't possibly tell them. Thanks for the morning laugh. :001_smile:

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Well, as for funny ones.....

There were some very funny moments in the recent deleted 2000 post thread and of course, the classics (booKs, waxing) and there was the one about men peeing sitting down vs. standing up. You can tell I have a very highly developed and mature sense of humor.

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was the one that SWB started on the high school board about math.




I thought it was great because people posted what they had used with success rather than what they planned to use. Planning threads are good too, but success threads are my favorite. I have sent out links to this thread to friends IRL who were struggling with their math curriculum decisions.


Many times my IRL friends think they should plod on with a curriculum that is not working because it must be "their fault." However, their eyes are really opened when they see that a bunch of people experience similar problems.

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Well, as for funny ones.....

There were some very funny moments in the recent deleted 2000 post thread

:iagree: Since I haven't been here long, this is the one I really enjoyed. I'll have to go check up on some of those other threads you all linked to!
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because she went grocery shopping with all 6 of her kids and they sneaked a deck of Pokemon cards into her buggy (cart, if you're not from the South ;)). As I recall, she wrote a whole, long story about what it's like to go grocery shopping with 6 kids in tow.

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I just forwarded the waxing story--I had forgotten how very, very funny it is! Who is the original author?


And didn't Church Pat have a funny thread that was sorta similar? I think it involved her inadvertently revealing some skin.


I would give anything to read that one again.. it was tooo funny

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was the thread titled TWEM by Nan in Mass. She explains how they use the questions from SWB's The Well-Educated Mind to discuss Great Books (and other books) at her house.


Sometimes I search on 5-star threads (click on "rating" to re-sort), to read ideas that inspire me.




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was the thread titled TWEM by Nan in Mass. She explains how they use the questions from SWB's The Well-Educated Mind to discuss Great Books (and other books) at her house.


Sometimes I search on 5-star threads (click on "rating" to re-sort), to read ideas that inspire me.




That was an awesome thread!


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My all-time favorite was (I think) posted by StaceyinLA. She had just gotten home from the hospital, where she had surgery. She posted something about it and left out one little letter which helped to create the most hilarious thread on record, IMO. I actually laughed until I cried. :lol:


That was one of the funniest things I ever read. Here's what I wrote about it on my blog:


This poor woman. I've virtually known her for a few years. She's a nice person, a good wife, a good mom.


She had a hysterectomy a few days ago. And, as promised, she's been keeping our board "current" on her situation.


She's just home from the hospital. I know nothing about hysterectomies, but I know that a c-section requires several days of super-duper pain meds to get you through the day. Tonight, poor anonymous woman posted on "our" message board (I cut and pasted, this is what she typed)


"So for those of you who've had hysterectomies, how long will I have his swelling in my private parts?"


We all KNOW what she meant to ask, but don't you just feel the slightest urge to go beat her husband up?

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"So for those of you who've had hysterectomies, how long will I have his swelling in my private parts?"


We all KNOW what she meant to ask, but don't you just feel the slightest urge to go beat her husband up?




I had to read that a couple times before I SAW what you meant. That is hilarious.:lol:


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