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Gluten-free bread and pie crust recommendations?

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Can anyone recommend a GF sandwich bread that does not taste like goo AND which a kid might eat untoasted? We have some Rudi's cinnamon raisin, but it's only good toasted and obviously not very good with bologna, LOL. DS won't eat a toasted sandwich.


I'd also appreciate any good links to tried and true GF pie crust recipes or brand suggestions.



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After trying many GF breads, we finally found one that DS likes: the Sunflower Flax Rice bread from Kinnikinnick. http://consumer.kinnikinnick.com/index.cfm/


They carry it at places like Whole Foods (we buy ours at our local health food store). They've got several varieties - we haven't tried the others so can't speak for those.


As far as pie crusts, I believe Bob's Red Mill has a GF mix (haven't tried it, but we love their GF pizza crust mix).

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We don't eat a lot of bread, but we've been using Udi's occasionally. I like the omega flax and fiber variety. I do put it in the toaster to thaw for PB&J, but we don't actually toast it, and it's decent. My 5-year old has no complaints.


I'm a big pie snob that always used to make my pastry from scratch, but since going GF my favorite pie crust has been the mix from Gluten Free Pantry. Nice and buttery, almost flaky! I've tried some frozen ones and they're just ok. I really avoid Bob's mixes when possible. The pizza crust is decent (tho I prefer Udi's frozen crusts), but I haven't liked any of their others. They use garbanzo flour in their mixes, and I end up with this funky metallic taste in my mouth while eating things made from their particular flour blend. Yuck! By far my favorite brand of mixes is King Arthur. No comparison; they own GF, IMO. :D But they don't have a pie crust mix.

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Whole Foods light white sandwhich bread in the freezer section. Tastes like regular bread, but better.

This is our favorite homemade gf bread recipe. Tastes like homemeade white bread, but doesn't crumble like homemade bread. It's also versatile (I have mad several substitutions/omissions and it always comes out great!


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Thanks for all the suggestions! Can't wait to hear how your recipe turns out, Mama Geek. :)


Using cookies for a cheesecake crust is just brilliant. Bonus: The cost will ensure we have goodies like that far less often than before, lol.


DH and I haven't missed sandwiches at all, really, but since our next step is to start transitioning ds to a GF diet, we have to find something that he'll accept. He takes a sandwich for lunch 3 out of 5 days to school, and he won't eat the meat outside of bread.

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I've just gotten some Three Bakers whole grain that's very good, but I haven't tried their white. I like Udi's, too. Neither has the weird vitaminy taste that many GF breads have.


I made quiche for the hurricane with the Cup-4-Cup flour pie crust recipe that was very tasty and flaky. Later today, I will be using the Annalise Roberts recipe from Gluten Free Baking Classics to compare. I'll let you know.

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Kinnickinnick was my favorite sandwich bread until I discovered Udi's breads. I love the whole grain bread (& all of their products!).


For pie crust, the Dream Pastry Mix recipe in the Gluten Free Gourmet cookbooks is to-die-for! My husband prefers it over any flour-based recipe, and he's not even g/f like me.:) This recipe online is the same, except the GFG uses Crisco instead of butter and g/f vinegar instead of lemon juice (same amounts). I make big batches of the dry ingredient mix periodically to keep on hand; then it doesn't seem like so much work to make a pie from scratch.

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I make everything as store bread and crust is yucky.


For a quick bread I'll use a mix. My kids like Pamela's Bread mix (not the pancake baking mix) for quick simple bread machine bread.


A little more hand kneading involved if you use Schar Classic Bread mix. This bread is really good. I make it into hard rolls, french bread, garlic bread, pizza crust, etc.


As for pie crust I'm always trying different recipes I find in books and online. The pie crust for chicken pot pie in Gluten Free for Dummies is good.

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My kids like Udis best of the store bought, but much prefer home made. I got a bread machine just for gf bread. I use the sandwich bread from Gluten Free Baking Classics. I also have a whole grain type bread i make - i kinda put the recipe together but its got like 10 grains - i try to avoid rice and cant do tapioca or sorghum for me.


I love my pie crust the best ... http://dbmamaz.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/gfcf-tasty-pie-crust/

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Tried the pie crust recipe that I posted on this thread. I think if I had baked it for 10 minutes first it would have been better. I made 2 crusts and one is in the freezer so I will try it again a little later. At this point the other recipe that I have is better even though it has a ton more ingredients. If you want it let me know.


On a side note, it took my dd and I 3 days to bake the pumpkin enough to cut it up and then peel it, boil it, mush it and turn it into pumpkin pie. It took several trips to the store because I forget that I don't have everything that I normally have when I am home. We had fun and dd was a great help for a 2 year old.

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Tried the pie crust recipe that I posted on this thread. I think if I had baked it for 10 minutes first it would have been better. I made 2 crusts and one is in the freezer so I will try it again a little later. At this point the other recipe that I have is better even though it has a ton more ingredients. If you want it let me know.


On a side note, it took my dd and I 3 days to bake the pumpkin enough to cut it up and then peel it, boil it, mush it and turn it into pumpkin pie. It took several trips to the store because I forget that I don't have everything that I normally have when I am home. We had fun and dd was a great help for a 2 year old.


If you don't mind sharing your other recipe, I'd love to have that. Lots more ingredients is not necessarily a problem, as long as I can get hold of them! A lot of gluten-free recipes online seem to call for things that are only available in the US, like certain branded mixes and so forth. Individual ingredients would be less of a problem, I think!

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I forgot I had posted it on the GF social board and had found the online link to it when I did. Here you go. This one turns out really good.


Pie Crust

This comes from GlutenFreeGirl.com It is her pumpkin pie crust recipe.


If I am making pot pie I cook the bottom shell for about 10 minutes before adding in the mix. The big trick is to keep it cold and make sure you use the saran wrap when rolling it out.





Go about 1/2 way down the page to find the recipe

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