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Runners check-in 7/21

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So, how is everybody doing?


I ran 25 minutes today - without stopping - and I'm thrilled. I had a rough week last week and was feeling very discouraged. I could not seem to run 10 minutes without walking, so I'm feeling great about the 25 minutes. I'd also been having problems with my calf muscles and they gave me very little trouble today. Yea!

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Wow!! Way to go Rhonda!!!! Seriously - you made a huge jump this week. Congrats!


I ran this morning for the first time in over a week (dh was out of town last week). I was worried it would be hard all over again. It WAS!!!! But, I don't think it was hard because I hadn't run. It was hard because it was HUMID and HOT and I slept in. Yuck all the way around. I did manage to get three miles in though.

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Good job, ladies!!!!


I walked downstairs and made coffee. Now I'm sitting on the couch with my pillows, laptop, the remote control, and muscle relaxers :glare:



If it makes you feel any better, I am not running today either. It is wicked hot here today already and don't even get me started on the humidity.


I am afraid to run in this heat with my husband not here lest some injury or heat stroke befall me. All I need is to be unconscious on a sidewalk somewhere with no prospect of being rescued.:lol:

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Congrats to you, Rhonda!!! I only did a couple of short runs last week thanks to busy-ness and I have hunch I'm going to feel a bit stiff out there today. It's really humid, too, and as we all know, that's a killer. Ya know, these running threads are one time when I'm glad to be on the other side of the country from some of you. Reading about the mornings runs that are over and done for you gets me motivated! I'll check back in later!

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I did my lowly mile for the second time this week. What amazes me is that about 2/3 of the way through it my body seems to snap into auto-pilot and I can run without thinking. Or rather - run while thinking about other things. How amazing is that? I am getting stronger even though I haven't increased my distance yet.


All the rest of you continually amaze me with the lengths/times you run.

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Ya know, the heat and humidity don't bother me at all. I can run in that no problem (I sweat A LOT!!). But the cold? Fuhgettaboutit!!!! It kills my lungs.


Since I have nothing else to do today other than play on my laptop, I've been reading about strategies for running in the cold. Colleen, you of all people should have SOME input on this subject, no?



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DH had a job interview in Seattle on Friday. In case we end up moving out there, I had him ask each person if they felt safe running around their home, which he did. At some point during the day it hit him: "all over the news is the fact that a runner from Cary (where we live) has been killed, but is it safe for my wife to run here?" It was just odd, you know.


No new information locally about the case, btw.

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But I did manage to walk 4 times last week (about 2.5 miles each time). And dh and walked yesterday morning and this morning. My new shoes (Asics) have inspired me.


I did run about .2 miles this morning and it gave me an instant headache which I feel is somehow related to my TMJ but can't be sure. That has me discouraged that I will never be able to run....maybe I just need to get stronger first?


It is wicked hot here too. That NC case makes me sick, but I doubt she was killed by a stranger. :(

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But I did manage to walk 4 times last week (about 2.5 miles each time). And dh and walked yesterday morning and this morning. My new shoes (Asics) have inspired me.


I did run about .2 miles this morning and it gave me an instant headache which I feel is somehow related to my TMJ but can't be sure. That has me discouraged that I will never be able to run....maybe I just need to get stronger first?


It is wicked hot here too. That NC case makes me sick, but I doubt she was killed by a stranger. :(


:iagree: unfortunately...

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I did 2 miles on the eliptical at the gym. 30 minutes. You guys are all talking about humidity! Whew! 100% Florida Humidity. Why do you think I went to the air-conditioned gym. I also save energy by showering there! Not today though, I came home and jumped in the pool! Delightful.

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Well, I "run" (slowly) about 20-25 minutes six days a week, but it's been difficult of late, and I HATE humidity, which is bad right now. I would love to have someone to run with -- maybe even train to do a 5K, 10K and eventually the big marathon. My older brother, who is 54, does regular marthons and is training now to run with his post-college daughter in one this fall. Problem is, even if I could work up to it physically, I can't imaging having the time...

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I forgot to take a hanky with me me and I had to blow my nose on my shirt several times. Ugh. The windy weather makes my nose run when I'm out running.


Oh I love it!!!! THANK YOU for the honesty! One thing someone needs to tell all beginning runners is that RUNNING IS NOT GLAMOROUS! :lol:

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Checking back as promised ~ I know you were all on pins and needles.:tongue_smilie: So annoying that if I even take a few days off, I start to spiral downward. Bleh. Although I've hardly slept for the past week or so and having eaten a lot lately, so that doesn't help. At any rate, I felt pretty sore and tired out there today. Put in 4 miles and then walked another mile or so.

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Unfortunately I feel tired. My sister and her family were here this past week and just left this morning. We definitely burned the midnight oil too much and I'm tired. I don't know if I'll be able to run my 5 km or if I'll have to do some walking in between.


On a positive note, my sister and I ran several days during her visit and we did a lot of hiking and other outdoor activities. (Okay and a bit too much eating! lol!)


I'll post later what my actual accomplishment was (maybe this will be like virtual peer pressure!)

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We're waiting for a report Rose!!!! I'll help hold you accountable!


You know, I'm actually happy to see that some of you regular runners have had some bad days. I'm not glad that you've had them, of course, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone when I feel like my legs are made of lead!


Hanky. I'll have to get myself one of those for winter! LOL

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Checking back as promised ~ I know you were all on pins and needles.:tongue_smilie: So annoying that if I even take a few days off, I start to spiral downward. Bleh. Although I've hardly slept for the past week or so and having eaten a lot lately, so that doesn't help. At any rate, I felt pretty sore and tired out there today. Put in 4 miles and then walked another mile or so.



Good job, Col!!

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We (SIL and I) ran 30 minutes today. My first since last Tuesday. It was HARD! Not b/c of the running, but b/c it was VERY humid and hot. I had some trouble breathing, but SIL and I kept talking to keep our mind off of the humidity! :)

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Good days, bad days and everything in between.


A friend asked me to go with her on her long run today (6.3) as we run trails here and the last 3 miles are back in the way-back woods where people camp sometimes. It creeps me out when I'm back in there at 6:30 am on a Tuesday and somebody in a pickup truck is slowly driving down the old logging roads...


Anyhow, it's good to go in pairs back there. But, I haven't run over 5.2 in a long time. Well, I made it, driven mostly by pride as she's younger than me, but not without mishap. First time I've ever fallen when running. I mean flat-out, nothing-to-hang-on-to, hand first, then knee/hip/elbow/shoulder roll fall. We were only about 3 miles in so I kept running but, WOW...I am sore now. And I've got a really pretty purpley-greenish bruise on my thigh the size of Delaware. That'll teach me...pride coming before a FALL and all that :glare:...

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Guess what????? I think my first race is going to be October 19 - the Detroit Marathon!!! But, I'm going to run it as a relay. We need a team of 5 and each person runs 3 - 7 miles each. I have three people so far!!! I sure hope this works out! Our church downtown is on the marathon route and the mood is so fun that day. I hope this works out!!!

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First time I've ever fallen when running. I mean flat-out, nothing-to-hang-on-to, hand first, then knee/hip/elbow/shoulder roll fall. We were only about 3 miles in so I kept running but, WOW...I am sore now. And I've got a really pretty purpley-greenish bruise on my thigh the size of Delaware.


That must have hurt! I don't know that I could've kept running ~ well, maybe out of pride, like you said.;) I don't often get a chance to run trails, but if I did, I could totally see myself going sprawling over an exposed root.:tongue_smilie:

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Guess what????? I think my first race is going to be October 19 - the Detroit Marathon!!! But, I'm going to run it as a relay. We need a team of 5 and each person runs 3 - 7 miles each. I have three people so far!!! I sure hope this works out! Our church downtown is on the marathon route and the mood is so fun that day. I hope this works out!!!



I started reading that and I was like, "Whoa! Here Jennifer's acting like she's just easing back into running and shazam! she's doing a marathon in a few months. What's up with that?!" LOL


I don't know of any marathons around here that are relays like that. Sounds fun!:)

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I started reading that and I was like, "Whoa! Here Jennifer's acting like she's just easing back into running and shazam! she's doing a marathon in a few months. What's up with that?!" LOL


I don't know of any marathons around here that are relays like that. Sounds fun!:)


LOL!! I really faked you out heh? Unfortunately, the other two people that are running with me so far prefer the shorter distances. So, they're taking the 3 and 4.7 mile legs. That leaves me with a choice of: 5.3, 5.8, 7.4 miles. I'd take the 5.3, but the 5.8 is the last leg and I'd sure like to be the one to cross the finish line!


The Detroit Marathon is really neat. It's the only underwater marathon! It's also international. It goes through the Detroit-Windsor tunnel. I need to look at the map to see which leg I'd prefer - running through the tunnel sounds neat too.


Good days, bad days and everything in between.


Anyhow, it's good to go in pairs back there. But, I haven't run over 5.2 in a long time. Well, I made it, driven mostly by pride as she's younger than me, but not without mishap. First time I've ever fallen when running. I mean flat-out, nothing-to-hang-on-to, hand first, then knee/hip/elbow/shoulder roll fall. We were only about 3 miles in so I kept running but, WOW...I am sore now. And I've got a really pretty purpley-greenish bruise on my thigh the size of Delaware. That'll teach me...pride coming before a FALL and all that :glare:...


Oh man!!! Ouch. I can't believe you got back up and kept running! But, wow! You did 6.3 miles!!!! AWESOME!!

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What is this? True runner confessions?:lol:


Nose blowing in sleeves? Check

Falling while running? Check

Finding a secluded spot to, uh, pee? Check



I love runners!:D







That last one was my true confession.;)

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What is this? True runner confessions?:lol:


Nose blowing in sleeves? Check

Falling while running? Check

Finding a secluded spot to, uh, pee? Check



I love runners!:D


That last one was my true confession.;)


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Another thing to love about runners: Those serious, experienced, athletic runners who run 7 miles on a light day actually wave at me, an overweight, 44 year old lump who's just trying to get one mile done without stopping to walk. Yep. They wave or nod their heads to just say hey, you're one of us.


I love that.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Another thing to love about runners: Those serious, experienced, athletic runners who run 7 miles on a light day actually wave at me, an overweight, 44 year old lump who's just trying to get one mile done without stopping to walk. Yep. They wave or nod their heads to just say hey, you're one of us.


I love that.


Oh, me too!:D It's like the high sign or a secret hand shake.

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What is this? True runner confessions?:lol:


Nose blowing in sleeves? Check

Falling while running? Check

Finding a secluded spot to, uh, pee? Check



I love runners!:D







That last one was my true confession.;)


:lol::lol::lol: Yeah, BTDT!!!!


I went out today too. Did about 5 miles or so. I've been alternating between running one day and then biking the next. I guess I can't get my triathlon training out of my system! It is REALLY hot here too!


Way to go Jennifer in MI! And, you'll be doing that marathon on my birthday!


I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread! Is it something you all do every week? Check in? Count me in, the older I get the more help I need to keep going!

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:lol::lol::lol: Yeah, BTDT!!!!


I went out today too. Did about 5 miles or so. I've been alternating between running one day and then biking the next. I guess I can't get my triathlon training out of my system! It is REALLY hot here too!


Way to go Jennifer in MI! And, you'll be doing that marathon on my birthday!


I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread! Is it something you all do every week? Check in? Count me in, the older I get the more help I need to keep going!


One of us usually posts a check-in every day. If you log on and don't see one, feel free to start it! :D

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That must have hurt! I don't know that I could've kept running ~ well, maybe out of pride, like you said.;) I don't often get a chance to run trails, but if I did, I could totally see myself going sprawling over an exposed root.:tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the sympathy!! The really sad part is, there was no exposed root...just air and my body. Sigh.

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I started reading that and I was like, "Whoa! Here Jennifer's acting like she's just easing back into running and shazam! she's doing a marathon in a few months. What's up with that?!" LOL


I was thinking the same thing...


And really impressed:tongue_smilie:!

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I just came back from 5 km in very pleasant running weather -- not too hot but sunny with a nice wind (not a battling wind).


Thanks for the helpful peer pressure -- I might have ditched my run today if it were not for some prodding. lol!


:party: Good job!!

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Another thing to love about runners: Those serious, experienced, athletic runners who run 7 miles on a light day actually wave at me, an overweight, 44 year old lump who's just trying to get one mile done without stopping to walk. Yep. They wave or nod their heads to just say hey, you're one of us.


I love that.


Amen sista!!! I LOVE that too!!! Most people here say, "Good morning!" or something, but I usually can't talk much and just wave as they pass me!!


:I went out today too. Did about 5 miles or so. I've been alternating between running one day and then biking the next. I guess I can't get my triathlon training out of my system! It is REALLY hot here too!


Way to go Jennifer in MI! And, you'll be doing that marathon on my birthday!





Awesome run!!! I'm more and more impressed with people who can run when it's so HOT outside!


Thanks - but I'm not running the whole thing! I can't wait though! It looks like I'm going to have the leg that runs from Windsor Canada through the tunnel (underwater) and back in the the US!! Oh - and I'll think of your birthday as I start!! (Really - I will - I'm weird that way!)

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