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Advent calendars with multiple kids?

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You mean the little chocolate ones?


I've never done those because they'd probably say "Oh i'll just eat tomorrow's early..." and so on.


I quilted a huge wall hanging with pockets and I put one thing in each day.


I've seen some cute ideas. Here's a pinterest page:




If you have a corkboard you can just make little pockets out of paper and tack them on numbered. Just drop a candy for each. I like having one big one

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In the past, the oldest two have shared a Lego one. It's gone OK...they take turns opening the doors, but there's usually some trading of items.


This year, the oldest two are each getting their own, but only because my husband happened to go to Legoland on a business trip, and found the Lego Friends calendar for DD. Since that's not really shareable with her brother, he gets the Lego Star Wars one.


I haven't really figured out to do with the two younger children (the baby doesn't care, obviously...at least not yet!). They're not really ready for a Lego one, and they don't care for Playmobil stuff, so I guess they'll just "help" the older two. I'll have to figure out something else in the future, I guess, unless I just make them split the Lego calendar four ways (five, eventually).

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Kids get the $1 Trader Joes chocolate advent calendar each every year. I don't mind if they want to make their own.


This is what we do, too. Haven't had a problem with eating chocolate early. Probably because I keep the calendars on top of the fridge. :D

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My kids take turns with a more expensive ones and they have since my youngest was a toddler. It's gone totally fine! I alternate years between getting more girly and more boyish ones. We've done mostly playmobil or lego. Last year it was star wars lego. This year I have girly lego and my dd is going to go nuts!

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We get one chocolate one & then buys bag of kisses or something & they take turns getting the kisses vs calendar chocolate.


We also have a Lego one & a magnetic nativity scene one & we rotate through who gets to open the doors. I guess we'll need another one this year since all 4 kids will want to open a door every day.

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The first year I that bought a Playmobil advent calendar, the kids took turns. Now we have about 4 or 5 different Playmobil calendars, and every year each kid picks the one they want to open. I put the pieces back in the little boxes after New Year's Day so we can "recycle" the same calendars year after year.

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I think I'll probably just end up doing the $1-$2 chocolate ones and get one for each kid. They don't know any different (we've never done them, but I'd like to start), so I'm sure they'd be thrilled. I just thought it would be cool to do the more expensive ones, but um....I didn't realize they were as expensive as they are!

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