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Am I the first back on?

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in the old, old days, the forum was this giant screen with threads one under the next and at a certain time, midnight? the board would flip and start new at the top. The first person on would post a line that said "1st!"


something like that, it's been a long, long time


A thread would have a title and then under it someone would post a response

Here is my subject

++++++++++wow- great subject, I agree! because...

+++++++++++++++++eck! nt (no text so you wouldn't bother clicking to read

++++++++++++++++++++++++hard to read, no? you would read a line, then click to

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++read more unless they marked it nt




old, old days :)


(this post automaticall formatted, I couldn't make it look inset like it was so I added the + sign to indent)

Edited by Hen Jen
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