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Teachers Lounge - It's FRIDAY!

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Friday! Woohoo!


Opening a bit early this morning so I can zoom on out of here to go to the Starbucks just down the street! and get some of my own studying done this morning. No co-op this morning so that helps!


This weekend is down to one sports game (soccer for the boy), one group photography shoot for my daughter's Young Writers Group's anthology, Western Night at church tomorrow night (still debating whether or not I want to go, church on Sunday, followed by auditions for my daughter that afternoon. Whew!:D


What does your weekend look like?


Unofficial poll: we are looking into getting a new, updated TV plus either Dish Network or DirectTV. If you have any of these, what kind/which do you have and what do you like about it?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Goooooood morning, everyone!!!


We're at it early, too! I was invited to a park day, and by golly, just got tired of saying "No" all the time. So we're cramming, and I'm going to take the younger 3 to hang with friends. Yay!


This weekend: well, I have a gig! Hooray! Going to play Brahms' German requiem and Poulenc's Gloria. So that will make my weekend busy, but fun and fulfilling to my soul.


Happy Friday, everyone!


ETA: oops! We don't have tv at all, so no opinion. Sorry!

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I'm so glad it's Friday! And today is dh's birthday!

This weekend holds one soccer game and pumpkin finding/carving. Plus, we're having a party for our friends here because I really felt we needed to celebrate and by joyful after a carp-filled three months and dh's birthday was the perfect excuse!

We have Directv and love it! We've had them for over 6 years and have had great customer service. We've had no problem getting them to come out the next day to adjust the satelite when we get bad reception. That does sometimes happen but hasn't in a couple years now.

We don't have any of the extra channels but we love what we do get. And their prices have only gone up twice in 6 years and only by $1.50 or so each time. We do call every couple years to renegotiate. That does help keep the cost in check.

Happy Friday!

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Friday! Woohoo!


Opening a bit early this morning so I can zoom on out of here to go to the Starbucks just down the street! and get some of my own studying done this morning.


Ooooh--trying not be jealous! lol.


We have our Tapestry of Grace Unit Celebration with our co-op this weekend, so that will take up some of my time. but I love weekends because it gives me more time to work on my home businesses. :D It's what I do in my free time.


Have a great time at Starbucks!

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Good morning.


Today is a fairly normal school day. Dd has an order to fill of two large zucchini breads, no nuts. She did the dry ingredients last night. Ds and Dh go to a men's Bible study tonight.


Weekend - pretty normal again, I think. I can't think of anything special planned. I might take dd to a gym to workout on Saturday.


T.V. - we have rabbit ears and only watch free t.v. so I can't help you on the poll.

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Can I join in?


I am drinking my coffee and willing myself to make it through this day. I am having a week of "I don't want to go to work." ODS is having attitude issues, I was sick through yesterday and so was the toddler, and my dear "Aunt Flo" has visited, so that stuff has been a lot of it I think, and the toddler continues to tear apart the world, making me feel "punished" with a massive cleanup effort every time I focus on teaching the younger ones. Haven't seen DH all week as he is working constantly. I could really use a teammate, a hug, a break. Life has just been a long marathon recently. Probably the change in weather here does not help. I am trying to count the many, many blessings I have. Okay, end vent.


This weekend holds church activities, catchup from the week, yard work, and a visit from friends. I am hoping it will feel like a refreshing time so that next week all will be well.

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Good Morning and Happy, Happy Friday.

The kids our out of school again today - something about a Fall Break. DH is taking them to the natural history museum this afternoon to see a Pompeii exhibit, and I'm working.


For the weekend, I'm resting and cleaning. My mom is coming on Sunday, and I need to at least pretend that I clean house regularly. ;) I also need to dust her room and put her sheets back on the bed. We're also going to try to get to the zoo for trick-or-treating. It will be fun.


I can't even go near a Starbucks this time of year. The pumpkin spice latte puts enough Cinnamon in the air to give me a migraine from just walking by.


And we don't have any tv's in the house at all.


Have a terrific day.

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Yay for Friday!


It's rainy here. And we are sloooooow to start school. Still, older is halfway done and younger only has reading left. We're doing couch school because mama's tired and letting them pick the order of their subjects which I never do.


Yah. Tired and a bit grouchy (thank you, hormones). Tomorrow is cleaning all morning and then friends over for dinner - Halloween cookie decorating and pumpkin carving. I'm thinking chicken pot pie for dinner with them...hopefully I get some more energy before then!


Must. Finish. School time.

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Good morning!


Things are looking up this morning. My cousins baby got to go home last night. Yay! Hoping the specialists can figure out what is going on. It was good to hear that he was doing better when I woke up this morning.


Today we are going to try and play a little catch up with our school work and house work. We shall see how far we get!


This weekend is ballet for DD followed by grocery shopping. Every 3rd Saturday DD and I do a trip to town after ballet and do an all day grocery shopping trip (4 stores or so), and this Saturday is it. Sunday morning we might be going to the pumpkin patch (after church at home) and then my 3 older kids are going to a costume birthday party in the afternoon. I might need a weekend to rest after my weekend :lol:.


TV: we live in the boony sticks where your choices are internet or cable. We use netflix, amazon prime instant viewing, and free hulu. We are not TV people, but my kids love documentary and nature stuff, so we have it for that. Oh and I like my cooking shows!:tongue_smilie:

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Starbucks sounds good :drool: I thought about running to the local owned coffee house this morning as a treat but it is raining and cold. Instead made coffee here and used my favorite creamer.


Not real sure about the weekend. I hope we can, stay home today and go for a ride or something tomorrow.


We have cable and are happy with our Vizio tv's.


I need more coffee or something stronger. Kiddos are rather grumpy this morning. School is slow go.

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Bad day here for us. 3 out of 4 kids are tantrumming, stress inducing messes today. And we were supposed to leave the house 2 hours ago to get ds14's social insurance number for his new job(we have to drive to a town an hour away to do this) before the girl's dance classes but you would think the sky is falling because his typical sweats are in the wash and he has to wear other pants. Tonight I need to help ds14 switch the buttons on his cadet uniform from the brass buttons to the other ones they wanted and shape his beret and polish his boots. I need to iron his dress shirt and dd's dress. And help dd find her dress shoes and buy ds a bowtie.


This weekend is crazy. Tomorrow morning from 9-12 we are at the dance studio for the girl's acro classes. Then we get a lunch break then from 2-4 dd13 is at the dance studio doing exam prep classes in tap and jazz. At 3 I have to have ds14 over at the armory to help set up for mess dinner. He needs to take hit uniform, dress shirt and bowtie with him to change into there. After dd14's dance class I have to race her home(our town is down the highway about 20 minutes in these road conditions) so she can shower and get dressed up and have her back at cadets for 6pm. They have their mess dinner until 11-1130. So then bundle the little kids back inthe car in the middle of the night and go back to get the big kids.


Sunday we recooperate from such a busy saturday and get ready for the busy week ahead. I have started my coffee IV already.

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Welcome to the newbies! ;)


Some of you are making me rethink the TV thing. What I'd really like is to move to a house with a nice big YARD that I can send my kids out into but that's difficult in a townhouse in the desert.


On a positive note, we found an answer to what's been going on with ds's tummy: took ds to doctor yesterday because he'd been complaining of off and on tummy issues since mid-September. Turns out those issues are intestinal - poor boy's backed up! So doc said no dairy, and increase the fiber (fruits & veggies at least 3 times per day and more bran type fiber). DS is not thrilled about the no cheese part but he's not adverse to fruits and veggies. Doc ordered blood work yesterday, too. Still waiting on results from that.

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I could have sworn that I typed out a nice long response early this morning, but alas, it seems to be missing!


We had a good day here! The kids finished up their schoolwork for the week and then worked on some Halloween crafts. They played outside and raked leaves for much of the afternoon. Since we're supposed to get rain for the next 4 days, I figured they should burn off some of that extra energy now!


DD15 had co-op all day and is now at the "Fear Farm" (haunted house type place) with dh and 2 of her girlfriends from dance. I predict that she's going to be scared out of her mind!


The other three kids are already showered and in their pj's, watching a Halloween movie. They have their last soccer games of the season tomorrow, unless the rain causes them to be postponed until next weekend. Two of our other weekend plans have already been canceled due to the high likelihood of rain.


Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I still need to pick up the rest of the ingredients for dinner and bake his cake tomorrow (after soccer). I just finished wrapping his presents.


Happy weekend, friends! See you on Monday!

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