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10.5 lbs in 12 days

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Yup that is what I have lost so far. I have a very long way to go to my goal. 91.5 more lbs to be exact. But in only 12 days I can not believe I have hit my first 10lb milestone. I am not doing a special diet. I am not taking anything. I am not giving up the junk and fast food I love. I am cutting portion sizes down by a lot. For example out with all the running around yesterday I was craving a burger from teh burger joint. Instead of the size I normally get I got a kid's size off the value menu. Better for budget and waist size and still satisfied the craving. In addition to portion sizes I have reduced my carb intake. Hard to do in a family that makes most meals out of pasta/grains/potatoes etc and uses very little meat or produce. I have increased the produce and decreased the starches though I have a lot to do to really make that switch better. But the end result has been in 12 days I have dropped 10.5 lbs.


Biggest obstacles is I feel hungry but don't want to eat the foods in the house. I have healthy things to snack on, but what I really want is to dig into a big pot of mashed potatoes and gravy, or hit up a fast food place for a super combo etc. My will power sucks so I am battling back and forth with myself constantly. I give into cravings by downsizing what I am eating and it helps but in the end I just have to retrain myself and that is hard. I am an emotional eater. I eat when stressed. My life is always stressful. I still can not physically exercise due to issues with my feet, and have not found a new coping skill to replace the eating. Not fun, but what is fun is watching the needle on the scale drop 1-2 lbs every day. And that is what I am clinging to as tight as possible while I retrain myself.

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CONGRATS!!! And, :grouphug:... I completely understand the cravings issues and the "NEED" for carbs. I've struggled with my weight for years, so I get what you are going through.


Just want to say that I'm proud of you! You can do this!

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Yup that is what I have lost so far. I have a very long way to go to my goal. 91.5 more lbs to be exact. But in only 12 days I can not believe I have hit my first 10lb milestone. I am not doing a special diet. I am not taking anything. I am not giving up the junk and fast food I love. I am cutting portion sizes down by a lot. For example out with all the running around yesterday I was craving a burger from teh burger joint. Instead of the size I normally get I got a kid's size off the value menu. Better for budget and waist size and still satisfied the craving. In addition to portion sizes I have reduced my carb intake. Hard to do in a family that makes most meals out of pasta/grains/potatoes etc and uses very little meat or produce. I have increased the produce and decreased the starches though I have a lot to do to really make that switch better. But the end result has been in 12 days I have dropped 10.5 lbs.


Biggest obstacles is I feel hungry but don't want to eat the foods in the house. I have healthy things to snack on, but what I really want is to dig into a big pot of mashed potatoes and gravy, or hit up a fast food place for a super combo etc. My will power sucks so I am battling back and forth with myself constantly. I give into cravings by downsizing what I am eating and it helps but in the end I just have to retrain myself and that is hard. I am an emotional eater. I eat when stressed. My life is always stressful. I still can not physically exercise due to issues with my feet, and have not found a new coping skill to replace the eating. Not fun, but what is fun is watching the needle on the scale drop 1-2 lbs every day. And that is what I am clinging to as tight as possible while I retrain myself.


First of all :party: for what you have lost already!! It is a process and you will not be perfect.. And once in awhile....dig into those mashed potatoes!!! I eat just for the reasons you stated. I lost 80 lbs with 35 to go when I got preggo. Now I am headed back to weight watchers with 45 to lose.


You can do it, give yourself grace and time. Never give up. It is not fun, but it will get easier. You will go through phases and sometimes may even need a break from "dieting". I found that if I eased in and focused on one change at a time it was easier.



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Congratulations! That's wonderful! I, too, am trying to lose weight again. A few years ago, I lost 65 pounds in about 8 months. Since then, I've gained back 40 pounds, so I'm back to it again. I always joke that I'm allergic to exercise. LOL.. I lost weight then (and am starting it again now) strictly through portion control. As soon as you tell me I can't have that cookie, then I WILL HAVE that cookie. haha.. By counting calories, I can eat whatever I want through give and take. I can have the cookie now, but that means no cake later, or whatever. It works for me. Congrats, again. And good luck!

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Well I had mashed potatoes with dinner. We has salmon and veggies and potatoes. I stuck with a normal portion and never cooked gravy for it. You see before when I would get really upset I would make a pot of mashed potatoes and a pot of gravy and sit down and eat it all. Tonight was good, 1/2 plate of veggies, and a proper serving of salmon, and then about a cup of potatoes to start. I had 1/2C for seconds, but that serving didn't even taste as good. Much better amounts than I used to eat.


As for cauliflower in my potatoes no way :lol: I would rather have a smaller amount of the way I like them than change them like that.

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:hurray: That is great! I don't know what your foot issues are, but you may find them diminishing as you lose weight. I had gained quite a bit at one point and started having horrible foot pain. Since losing it all, I rarely have foot pain (barring normal, over did it on my feet all day type stuff.)

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As for cauliflower in my potatoes no way :lol: I would rather have a smaller amount of the way I like them than change them like that.


This actually tastes really good. You might find that small changes like that taste better than you thought! :001_smile:

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Congrats! :party: My family laughs at me for weighing stuff but it's what it takes for me to keep portions normal. Keep doing what works for you.


This. It's a necessary wake up call for me from time to time to see what a serving looks like. I can't eat like my husband or this pack of skinny teenagers I live with.


I've discovered a few other things along the way in addition to portion control:


1) Have specific goals. "Eat better" is too vague. Goals like: "Eat a salad with dinner at least 3 nights a week" or "Eat four servings of veggies a day" are far more useful.


2) Make it easy as possible by doing some advance prep. I've always been intrigued by the idea of once a month cooking, but I know I do not want to spend a weekend cooking. Instead, I increase a recipe that freezes well, and set aside a couple portions for emergency rations. Do this a few times, and you'll have a few things on hand that can be popped into the microwave. Also, put away produce clean to make that salad prep easier. Chop any salad veggies after lunch instead of while cooking dinner.


3) Work with your vices. I can't do that "No eating after dinner" rule as I simply cannot fall asleep while hungry. I also obsess about how deprived I feel if I even try. It seems I can tolerate a little hunger during the day if it means I get my evening snack or treat. I still seem to lose as long as I stay in a certain calorie range, so it's all good. We all have a limited amount of self-control, so you gotta pick your battles wisely.


And congrats!!

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Yup that is what I have lost so far. I have a very long way to go to my goal. 91.5 more lbs to be exact. But in only 12 days I can not believe I have hit my first 10lb milestone. I am not doing a special diet. I am not taking anything. I am not giving up the junk and fast food I love. I am cutting portion sizes down by a lot. For example out with all the running around yesterday I was craving a burger from teh burger joint. Instead of the size I normally get I got a kid's size off the value menu. Better for budget and waist size and still satisfied the craving. In addition to portion sizes I have reduced my carb intake. Hard to do in a family that makes most meals out of pasta/grains/potatoes etc and uses very little meat or produce. I have increased the produce and decreased the starches though I have a lot to do to really make that switch better. But the end result has been in 12 days I have dropped 10.5 lbs.


Biggest obstacles is I feel hungry but don't want to eat the foods in the house. I have healthy things to snack on, but what I really want is to dig into a big pot of mashed potatoes and gravy, or hit up a fast food place for a super combo etc. My will power sucks so I am battling back and forth with myself constantly. I give into cravings by downsizing what I am eating and it helps but in the end I just have to retrain myself and that is hard. I am an emotional eater. I eat when stressed. My life is always stressful. I still can not physically exercise due to issues with my feet, and have not found a new coping skill to replace the eating. Not fun, but what is fun is watching the needle on the scale drop 1-2 lbs every day. And that is what I am clinging to as tight as possible while I retrain myself.



Amazing! I need to do what you are doing. Portion control is a tough one, isn't it?

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