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AFA protests "Mix-It Up" Day in Public Schools

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. . .because they're worried about "the gay."


The Southern Poverty Law Center has been encouraging schools to try "Mix-It Up" day in their school cafeterias, to encourage students to sit outside of their cliques and with students different than they are, and in turn, reduce bullying and foster greater understanding amont students. http://www.tolerance.org/mix-it-up/what-is-mix

The American Family Association is encouraging Christian to keep their kids home because this is just a way for the SPLC to encourage homosexuality.




I can't even editorialize on this without going into a rage.

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This is not only to mix it up for "gay" students...this is against bigotry, social injustice and learning tolerance. It includes accepting people from other religions like Islamic faiths, different colors and races as well as LG kids. They are not pushing these kids to become gay.


Down here we have lots of schools included in the day including several Catholic schools. I am in NO Way upset...I am PROUD that my son participates in groups to prevent bullying and harassment in his high school! Ive seen too many stories of kids committing suicide because others cannot just accept that their choices have nothing to do with the other kids. There is nothing wrong with my child welcoming an islamic, jewish, wiccan, black, asian, gay, or straight kid...etc. to come and sit with them. Im sure if these kids really cant mix with other kids they wont change their seats. I cant imagine a teacher is standing over them forcing them to sit next to someone else.


I know my Aspie wouldnt switch her seat...but Im sure they are asking not demanding!

Edited by mchel210
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That was a sickening 20 minutes of reading AFA's history and posted "accomplishments."


Beyond yuck.


I need a shower.


I have no words to adequately express my disgust.


ETA: disgust with the AFA...I just wanted to clarify.


I don't get it. Does the stated intention of "Mix It Up Day" have anything to do sexual orientation? The link doesn't even explain what "Mix It Up Day" is.




I agree -- I need an I Agree with an angry face - stupid AFA.


FWIW, my dd13 is in 8th grade at the public middle school - this is her first year ever in public school. She was asked to be a Peer Mediator and thus was quite involved with Mix It Up Day.....getting the lunch room set up, etc. Peer Mediators and others were given ice breaker questions and when they sat as 'facilitators' with tables of kids who did not know each other, well, they were to break the ice.


For dd13, she was placed in 7th grade lunch for that day, and she said it was such a positive experience for her and for the 7th graders she met. The 7th graders at dd's table spoke openly about how it feels to be a 7th grader - the new kids in school and at the bottom of the totem pole. They had a million questions for dd13 about being homeschooled, how she likes public school,k which does she like better, and on and on.They also spoke about how similar being a 7th grader and being a new 8th grader is -- (this school has a large number of military families so new 8th graders are not uncommon).


My husband and I were extremely pleased with the effort and outcome -- the AFA needs a kick in the pants!


ETA: Mix it up day at dd's school is done as part of an anti-bullying effort and the questions and discussions are themed that way.

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Pathetic. This goes right along with Heather's post about why people laugh at Christians (the Halloween party one).




But I certainly wouldn't consider these people Christians in the true sense of the word. Was Jesus scarred of talking to others outside his clique (I guess that's another way of thinking of the disciples)? Absolutely not! This type of "Christian" is what drove me away from the religion.

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But I certainly wouldn't consider these people Christians in the true sense of the word. Was Jesus scarred of talking to others outside his clique (I guess that's another way of thinking of the disciples)? Absolutely not! This type of "Christian" is what drove me away from the religion.


That is actually what upsets me so much about this. I am Christian, and I HATE that I am lumped in with these people, who obviously have NO CLUE what Christianity is actually about. Have they ever even READ the Bible? Seriously, Jesus hung out with sinners, tax collectors, etc. He certainly would have sat at anyone's lunch table!!!!!! That anyone could promote this kind of exclusion in the name of my religion makes me want to throw up. Seriously..it actually makes me sick to my stomach. I can only imagine the heartache it causes Jesus.

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That is actually what upsets me so much about this. I am Christian, and I HATE that I am lumped in with these people, who obviously have NO CLUE what Christianity is actually about. Have they ever even READ the Bible? Seriously, Jesus hung out with sinners, tax collectors, etc. He certainly would have sat at anyone's lunch table!!!!!! That anyone could promote this kind of exclusion in the name of my religion makes me want to throw up. Seriously..it actually makes me sick to my stomach. I can only imagine the heartache it causes Jesus.


Don't forget easy women. Jesus hung out with hookers, thieves, cheats, liars, and all kinds if disreputable people. I thought we, as Christians, were supposed to try to be like Jesus. The AFA is completely off the mark here.

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