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My Oven is broken :( Help me cook.

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I need creativity and ideas. My oven broke during a power surge earlier this week. We finally had a repairman come out yesterday and it needs a new control panel. He's ordering one but said it would be 7 - 10 days before it comes in. He also said that occasionally something happens and it may take longer.


I had JUST finished pre-making and freezing 28 meals in the freezer and pantry that are crockpot and oven made. I did this as an attempt to help organize myself (from a thread a couple of weeks back about being overwhelmed). I spent the bulk of my grocery money for the month on preparing things and have only a little left (which I had planned for milk and veggies/fruit).


I can borrow someone's oven, but it's hard to prepare everything and then rush it back home, especially if i'm having sides with it.


I do have a grill, but I've never cooked fish or shrimp (in a sauce no less) on a grill. The fish is tilapia and orange roughy and they would just fall through the grate if I tried it. I also have pizza and I know that's probably impossible.


I also had breakfast muffins and breads I had wanted to make. I'm thinking of buying one of those foldover cupcake makers so I can make those and cupcakes (since cookies are out for now).


We eat gluten free so we had to adjust ingredients in many things. I rely on my oven a lot. We usually have some type of bread toasted to go with our dinner. I have 12 loaves of baguette bread just waiting (and sadly possibly wasting) for an oven.


There's got to be a way to turn my grill into an oven in a simple way. Suggestions? Also, I'm cooking for five but my oldest is turning into a teen-ager so she eats (and eats and eats).

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My best suggestion would be to go get yourself a toaster oven. The biggest one you can afford, both money and space-wise.


I didn't grow up with a toaster oven, but I bought one two years ago when our regular toaster broke. I LOVE that thing.


They work just like a big oven. SO convenient.


ETA: I just bought the absolute CHEAPEST one they sell at Walmart for $20; that's after the $4 one I bought at the thrift store pooped out on me. :P I'm thrifty like that. :D The size I have is just right for me, but it sounds like you might want one big enough to bake a pizza, like a PP said.


And if I could advise; don't stress yourself TOO much looking at reviews online and comparing all the different models before you go buy. The thing will either work or not. :tongue_smilie: Save your reciept, and take it back if it breaks or doesn't work. The most important things to worry about for you would be size (making sure it's big enough for what you want) and then cost.

Edited by bethanyniez
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My best suggestion would be to go get yourself a toaster oven. The biggest one you can afford, both money and space-wise.


I didn't grow up with a toaster oven, but I bought two years ago when our regular toaster broke. I LOVE that thing.


They work just like a big oven. SO convenient.


:iagree: YEs, get a toaster oven. It does not have to be expensive, just big enough to cook a pizza in. I can cook 12 biscuits on the pan that came with mine. It cooks a pizza in it and I use it as my second oven for side dishes all the time. Mine is a black an Decker convection oven. I love it!!! We use it every day in our house. You would be able to use what you have already prepared in the freezer.

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Would some of your meals work in a solar oven? I don't know what the climate where you live is like but those can be a good option and can be made cheaply.


Have you considered a camp oven? http://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-Portable-Camp-Oven/895626 It says you need the camp stove but a grill might work especially if it is a gas grill.


How many of the meals are crock pot meals? Could you use the crock pot for some of the others as well?


Could you make skillet toast with the bread?

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saraha - I don't know if it would work or not. I'll try as that would help, especially with the fish. I have four meals planned (one a week) that involve seafood that I've already purchased.


celticmom- I'm in Alabama. :) It's a bit cool in the mornings, but I'm still hanging hand-washables outside and it's drying just fine. :) Most solar cooker stuff would probably do just as well in a crock pot. I'll check out the camp stoves. Pizza and seafood are my biggest concerns. Each one is scheduled for once a week. I've already missed this week and will also miss next week. I had hoped to prep more food on DH's next payday, but this depends on a variety being in my freezer to begin with. Additionally, my meals were planned as we do lots of extra curriculars in the evening. I literally planned specific meals on specific days. I'm so annoyed about the oven situation.


maimom and bethaneyinez - I'll look into a toaster oven. Our biggest issue would be keeping gluten free and regular stuff separate. We use separate toasters as my daughter is very sensitive. We eat different pizzas. Do they really make toaster ovens big enough to put pizza pans in? I'm amazed. I obviously haven't been watching that area....


And, yes, cost is a huge issue. The oven will be nearly $500 to fix. I threw my entire grocery budget on the front end to prepare meals in the hope that in another month or two, the savings would start happening since there would be less waste. I'm holding my breath on my budget.

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If your grill has a cover, you can use it as an oven.


Dh says to use indirect grilling. Turn on one half of your grill and let it go with the lid down for like you would an oven. Then put your dish on the unheated side and put the lid down. Medium heat would be similar to a 350 oven.


Hope this helps! You may have to adjust your times.


An easier method is buy a toaster oven. It could be handy when your kiddos start cooking.


ETA: wrapping fish in banana leaves or using cedar planks for your fish could help it to not stick

Edited by hsingscrapper
fish idea added.
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Try not to fret! We were without electricity for 2 weeks during a winter storm 4 years ago, and enjoyed the challenge.


It seems like money is the real squeeze, so you may not wish to buy an additional small appliance. We used a campstove with propane and our fireplace.


But using your BBQ grill (as described by another poster) sounds like an easy fix. You don't mention if you have a microwave, crock pot, waffle iron/griddle, fireplace, etc. Can you still use the stove, even if the oven is broken?


I think your family will need to adjust their menu expectations during this next week. You can easily make instant rice and alternate-grain pasta, with boiling water. You can live out of your canned food stash (rice & beans & spices), if you want to save the fancier meals for later--the $$ will really really even out in the end. (Especially if you resist the urge to eat OUT for supper this week!)


You can also thaw out one of your 30 meals that needs heating-only, and then just heat up individual servings.


I would ask the neighbors for help before I threw in the towel, and ask your friends if they will loan you a toaster oven for a week.


I just wanted to quickly encourage you to ENJOY the challenge, to get your kids to help you problem-solve. We really do have fond memories . . . in HINDSIGHT . . . of how we dealt with the limitations.



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Ok had a really funny thought just now! Have you seen the video instructions on Youtube for cokking fish in the dishwasher? ROFL!!! I found it so amusing and wondered why you would need to cook fish in the dishwasher.....your situation would be a reason. They say it works great.


Just tongue in cheek thinking you might get a kick out of this idea. Your family might even laugh with you if you say your thinking of doing this.....or who knows you might try it and find a great alternative. If you do will you let me know how it goes? I have been so curious to try it. But a chicken.

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I use my grill to bake things in the summer.


I have a huge stone that is rated to 700 degrees, but if you have a cast iron or some kind of pan you don't care so much about you can turn it into an oven.


Turn all the burners on, then turn the ones off that are right under the pan and leave the others on low.

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I'm actually in really good shape kitchen appliance-wise. I just really rely on my oven. We have multiple crockpots, gas stove, grill and microwave.


Breakfast breads and muffins were my first challenge and I don't mind buying a cupcake maker for that since it would give the girls an appliance to use independently (my 7 yr old isn't allowed to use the oven yet).


Pizza is our biggest concern. Cookies is our next. (I know that sounds weird, but we bake most of our own desserts and I have about a dozen gf cookie mixes in the pantry. So, we have no dessert plans for the next few weeks.) I also bought frozen pies (gf) to cook for a breakfast alternative.


I think a pan across the grill would work for my seafood.


There's not many places to eat out here, so we're fairly safe on that concern. I'd like to keep our food simple rather than just buying more food that is easier to cook.


I can borrow a neighbor's oven very easily. The planning is what bothers me. I have to carve out time from my list of things to do to get over there.

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I'm actually in really good shape kitchen appliance-wise. I just really rely on my oven. We have multiple crockpots, gas stove, grill and microwave.


Breakfast breads and muffins were my first challenge and I don't mind buying a cupcake maker for that since it would give the girls an appliance to use independently (my 7 yr old isn't allowed to use the oven yet).


Pizza is our biggest concern. Cookies is our next. (I know that sounds weird, but we bake most of our own desserts and I have about a dozen gf cookie mixes in the pantry. So, we have no dessert plans for the next few weeks.) I also bought frozen pies (gf) to cook for a breakfast alternative.


I think a pan across the grill would work for my seafood.


There's not many places to eat out here, so we're fairly safe on that concern. I'd like to keep our food simple rather than just buying more food that is easier to cook.


I can borrow a neighbor's oven very easily. The planning is what bothers me. I have to carve out time from my list of things to do to get over there.


Oh pizza on the grill is sooooo good!

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I always start my pizza on parchment paper on top of a stone. I pat it out on parchment and then slide it to the grill or oven using a flat cookie sheet. I can't stand trying to wiggle it off of a peel. Then I just pull the parchment out from under wtih help of a spatula to finish the cooking right on the stone. Or you can just leave it.


And for seafood I often cook fish in parchment and put it on the grill. Lay down some small potatoes and vegetables, put the fish on top and make a little packet. Or you can do that in foil. Using the indirect heat of turning all burners on to heat it up, then just leave one on and put the food on a cast iron thing over the off burners

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Breakfast breads and muffins were my first challenge and I don't mind buying a cupcake maker for that since it would give the girls an appliance to use independently (my 7 yr old isn't allowed to use the oven yet).

Put me in line with those who said to get a toaster oven!

If you're going to buy a cupcake maker (which are cheaply made and likely to break very quickly), you're almost to the price of the cheap toaster ovens, which will be *much* more useful.


I let my kids use the toaster oven at a pretty young age, because they could set the timer to shut off the oven, so they wouldn't catch anything on fire by leaving it in there for too long.


The toaster oven will do pizza, as well as cupcakes, breads, casseroles, etc.


I have *three* regular ovens, but I still keep a toaster oven for economy's sake, because there's no sense in heating a large oven for a small item. The main attraction for me though, is that in the summer I can put my toaster oven outside on the porch and cook really great meals (like lasagna, or whatever) without heating up my house at all. It uses less power than my regular oven, and also keeps the house cooling costs down.


I'd look at the thrift store for a used one, or join your local Freecycle (if you have one) and ask if anyone has one to give away. If I didn't find one right away, I'd hop into Walmart and solve my problem immediately for under $40.

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Put me in line with those who said to get a toaster oven!

If you're going to buy a cupcake maker (which are cheaply made and likely to break very quickly), you're almost to the price of the cheap toaster ovens, which will be *much* more useful.


I let my kids use the toaster oven at a pretty young age, because they could set the timer to shut off the oven, so they wouldn't catch anything on fire by leaving it in there for too long.


The toaster oven will do pizza, as well as cupcakes, breads, casseroles, etc.


I have *three* regular ovens, but I still keep a toaster oven for economy's sake, because there's no sense in heating a large oven for a small item. The main attraction for me though, is that in the summer I can put my toaster oven outside on the porch and cook really great meals (like lasagna, or whatever) without heating up my house at all. It uses less power than my regular oven, and also keeps the house cooling costs down.


I'd look at the thrift store for a used one, or join your local Freecycle (if you have one) and ask if anyone has one to give away. If I didn't find one right away, I'd hop into Walmart and solve my problem immediately for under $40.


I like it. :)

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Put me in line with those who said to get a toaster oven!

If you're going to buy a cupcake maker (which are cheaply made and likely to break very quickly), you're almost to the price of the cheap toaster ovens, which will be *much* more useful.


I let my kids use the toaster oven at a pretty young age, because they could set the timer to shut off the oven, so they wouldn't catch anything on fire by leaving it in there for too long.


The toaster oven will do pizza, as well as cupcakes, breads, casseroles, etc.


I have *three* regular ovens, but I still keep a toaster oven for economy's sake, because there's no sense in heating a large oven for a small item. The main attraction for me though, is that in the summer I can put my toaster oven outside on the porch and cook really great meals (like lasagna, or whatever) without heating up my house at all. It uses less power than my regular oven, and also keeps the house cooling costs down.


I'd look at the thrift store for a used one, or join your local Freecycle (if you have one) and ask if anyone has one to give away. If I didn't find one right away, I'd hop into Walmart and solve my problem immediately for under $40.


I do this as well. Love it!

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