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My doc put me on a short course of prednisone this week. I've got the munchies, am constantly thirsty, and have this weird "wired" kind of energy. Is that par for the course with this drug?


We went clothes shopping for dds yesterday and I was so thirsty, I started looking longingly over at the garden fountain!!! I wound up getting 2 bottles of water (drank both back to back) and 2 cookies from the Cookie Company. I never do that! For starters, I've been on a diet for the past month, I'm trying to really watch my snacks and carb intake. But, I was just miserable until I got a snack.


Will this go away when I stop taking the steroid??

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My doc put me on a short course of prednisone this week. I've got the munchies, am constantly thirsty, and have this weird "wired" kind of energy. Is that par for the course with this drug?


We went clothes shopping for dds yesterday and I was so thirsty, I started looking longingly over at the garden fountain!!! I wound up getting 2 bottles of water (drank both back to back) and 2 cookies from the Cookie Company. I never do that! For starters, I've been on a diet for the past month, I'm trying to really watch my snacks and carb intake. But, I was just miserable until I got a snack.


Will this go away when I stop taking the steroid??


Yes and yes. :grouphug:

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Not only that, but prednisone can make it harder to lose weight after :glare:


oh joy......hrt makes it harder....being 50 makes it harder.......having inflammatory response makes it harder......stress makes it harder.......lack of sleep makes it harder........now the medication makes it harder......


someone pass some chocolate ice cream? :)

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I take hydrocortisone (which works the same way) every day and I am CONSTANTLY thirsty. Thankfully since I only take a small dose, I don't have to deal with the other symptoms, but I easily drink 3-4x more than my DH or DS do.


Thanks for telling me that. The only other time I was this thirsty was when I was pregnant and had gestational diabetes.

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Try not to feed the munchies be cake and cookies and bread. I know that is what they want, but the weight gain isn't worth it. Feed them salad or cut veggies.


I'm still trying to work off the 20 pounds I gained while on Prednisone long term. :glare:


And I'd have my blood sugar checked due to the excess thirst. I read that one of the side effects of this medication is diabetes. Make sure this hasn't happened to you.

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