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Question for those with lego kids...

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My oldest was never into legos but I think that my DD6 might really enjoy them. I don't know if she would like a set with no guidelines or a set with something specific to build or two...


I looked at websites and just got completely overwhelmed. Who knew there was so much lego stuff? Ideas for a curious, mechanically minded girly girl to start out with legos?

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According to my ds(lego fanatic) it is best to get a set, the sets have cool pieces. Tubs have basic blocks. With a set you first have fun building with the directions but then you can take the pieces and mix them with other sets to give you more building options.


:iagree: Also, if she is mechanically minded, a set with a vehicle might be a good idea. My ds8 loves to build the kits from the plans then mix them together to create new things, and if those things can have wheels, axles, and/ or hinges and he can drive them around, spin propellers, swing things on hinges... even better!

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the Lego Creator (3-in-1) sets are good, if you can find one with a theme she likes. Mostly those are boy-geared, but maybe you can find one more gender neutral. This way she has instructions, but for 3 different things (using the one set of bricks) and also it's a good way to "have permission" to take apart & rebuild, which some kids need.


From there, branch out into the kits and blocks. My kids have a very large mix of both sets and plain bricks; different things get used in different ways. It really depends on the kid.

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I'll be the voice of dissension. I think just bricks is the best way to start out.


My ds started with a bag of Lego bricks from a garage sale. I like that he came up with his own creations. For the first year or two all I bought him were boxes of bricks. He didn't get his first set for quite a while. Once he did, he'd build the set, display it for a while, then take it apart to use the bricks for his own ideas. We also used to make regular trips to The Lego Store in Downtown Disney to get him the pieces he "needed".

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I would get a set of something you think she will like and then wait for it to never be built the same way again. Another box of pieces that could be combined would be nice.


Yes. We are a lego family - I considered them school supplies, not toys - and the sets are great as a starting point. Sometimes just given a bunch of stuff to create with is overwhelming at first.

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Dd12 started building with her brother's thousands of Legos so we never had to start her out, so to speak. Her favorites things to build at age 4/5/6 were vehicles, and she loved to drive them around on some Lego road base plates ds has. Once she was about more adept at building, she started creating houses and other structures. Now she creates entire towns from her own imagination.


I suggest a good supply of bricks (either a tub or a larger set). Add in interesting pieces like wheels, seats, doors, windows and a few minifigs. Suggest specifics for Christmas to the grandparents and other family members. That's what we've done for years :)


Do you live near a Lego store? Filling a Pick-a-Brick container from the wall of possibilities is one of dd's favorite activities! She saves up her own money.

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Definite lego family here-we have an entire room that is just legos and American Girl.



The Creator Houses aren't a bad place to start-they do a good job of demonstrating how you can build different items from the basic pieces, as opposed to relying on mostly specific pieces as "Friends" tends to. The "Friends" builds are good for beginners, though, because they've been made to be simpler. Lego city are also often cheaper.


The more traditionally "girly" colors are hard to find in lego and tend to be expensive. Even "friends" is mostly beige. The "Pink brick box" contains only a handful of pink bricks-all the rest are basic colors. One reason why the Seaside House from Creator is a favorite is because it contains a LOT of pretty light blue bricks.


The fantasy and fairy tales minifig set from Lego Education is a good purchase for most girls. Female minifigs are rare in the Lego world, and the set is long on female figures (so can be mixed and matched with other minifigs because you then have female faces and hair), and most girls enjoy the traditional fairy tale characters.

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My DD6 loves the Lego Friends sets. They've gotten a lot of bad press, but I do think they're appealing to girly girls. We also got both kids one of the big boxes of legos last Christmas (set 5512), and that's a great starting point. Shop around - on the Lego website it's $80. We got it for less than half that at Walmart last Christmas.

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I am sitting here surrounded by Legos at this very moment. :) Our entry-level drug was a Thomas the Tank Engine duplo set, and we've since graduated to the 9V train set, and beyond.


My mechanically-minded son loves to build complex sets with working features. He builds battle ships and mining equipment and space droids.


My girls play with the exact same Legos but they use them to build stores and houses - they love them just as much but their focus is on the minifigs and accessories.


Needless to say, the girls have been begging for Lego Friends, so that's on our Christmas list. :)


For a 6 yr old girl, I would get her a box of blocks and one or two specialized sets. I would get her a Lego Friends set if you think she'd like it - they are really cute and have a lot of unique pieces.

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