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Two weeks after move and the in-laws are here.

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Fil - I'm leaving for the game.


Me: kick off is in four hours.

Fil: I have a lot of stuff I have to do.

Me: oh. Well, you are going to miss my Tex-Mex appetizers. I have guacamole (his favorite).

Fil: I'm still full from lunch. Pause. Is it made?

Me: yes. It's just that stuff in the pouch. Would you like some now?

Fil: it's not homemade?

Me: no. I made homemade last time you came, and you didn't say a word about it, so I decided it wasn't worth the effort.


I'm getting better. I'm also drinking tequila.



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*grumble* It'll pass faster if you put his bags on the lawn for when he gets back, w/directions to the nearest hotel pinned to them *grumble*


Not even my insane inlaws and I'm cranky!:lol:


I appreciate the empathy, Imp!


I appreciate ALL the support. It has been very helpful to be able to come here and vent as the weekend has gone along. They are leaving tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Not sure what time. They are always vague. That's another way fil maintains control. Sigh.


Anyway, I have only felt *slightly* guilty about typing these things in front of them on my ipad without their knowing what I was typing about! Kinda tacky, huh? *itching about them on-line when they are in the same room.

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I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.


Oh, poor tormented man that he is! :nopity: Just a few more hours...you can make it!

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My MIL used to be like that. Then one day after DH and I had been married about five years and she was visiting - she rearranged my kitchen. I'm one of those people where it takes me a couple of weeks to figure out where I want stuff in the kitchen. And it STAYS in that place unless I move it.


When I got back from shopping and discovered MIL had rearranged the kitchen, I was fuming. I grabbed her by the hand, walked her out the front door to the porch. Shut the screen door in her face and told her when she remembered whose house she was at and could respect said persons and how they choose to do things, she could come back in but NOT a minute sooner. Then I shut and locked the front door.


Took her about five minutes to apologize and the last thirteen years have been much less stressful when they're visiting! :D


This, I like.

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Reminds me a bit of my mother. Years ago when we lived 1,000 miles away from my parent's home, dh and I drove straight through (part of the way in a snow/ice storm) to get to his grandfather's funeral. We arrived at my parents house exhausted late evening. In the span of 1 hour, my mother had commented about my weight not being to her liking, hair style, and make up (lack there of). She spent the rest of the evening and breakfast the next morning sighing and lamenting repeatedly about not being able to get me a hair appt before we had to leave that day and drive another 250 miles to attend the funeral. By the way, I had just gotten a hair cut the previous week.


Ok, this reminds me of my mother! She once gave me 20 dollars for a b-day present with a note inside the card saying "Get your hair cut, it has looked like sh*t for over a year."

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I appreciate the empathy, Imp!


I appreciate ALL the support. It has been very helpful to be able to come here and vent as the weekend has gone along. They are leaving tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Not sure what time. They are always vague. That's another way fil maintains control. Sigh.


Anyway, I have only felt *slightly* guilty about typing these things in front of them on my ipad without their knowing what I was typing about! Kinda tacky, huh? *itching about them on-line when they are in the same room.

Whatever keeps you outta jail, Hon.

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You are nicer than I am. :) I would have started handing out jobs to complainers, yes, even the ILs.


I hope they leave soon and you can return to your lives...


Actually, I think that's brilliant.


"Oh, yes, the weeds are a problem! Were you offering to start weeding for us? That would be such a help since we just moved in and the yard was a little neglected while the house was vacant! Let me get you some gardening gloves!"


"Oh, the two sinks are so someone can wash-up while the other is cooking! So kind of you to notice! So how 'bout you start in on these pots while I finish chopping the salad!"


"Oh, those shelves are for the bookcase! Here are the instructions -- let me know if you need any tools! So kind of you to help out!"



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