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Temper-pedic beds

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Quite a while ago I started a thread about these beds and many said they loved them and many more said they were warmer to sleep on than the average bed.


I think I would love sleeping on a temper-pedic bed, but I don't think my husband will like it if it's warmer than normal. So I wanted to ask again about this...to see just how much warmer they are and if anybody regrets buying one based on that.





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I have family with one and it is much warmer. I think one of the couple does regret it, but they are stuck with it for now.


I have slept on the bed once or twice, and my DH hates it with a passion because of how hot it is. I think it is wonderful. :)

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We have one, and DH and I have different heat preferences (he is cold all the time, I'm warm. I don't think the beds are significantly warmer. I usually sleep with a ceiling fan on (I did before we got the new mattress too) and I haven't noticed a temperature increase, just a comfort increase.

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I slept on my parents and didn't like it. While they definitely DO make one warmer, which would NOT work for dh, I didn't like how it molded to me and made it difficult to move around. The heavy fumes also bothered me. My mom had a hard time getting out of her bed due to Parkinsins and had to have a bar installed so she could lift herself out of it.:001_huh: she had no issue rolling out of her normal mattress but the Temperpedic was difficult.


We have a Sleep Number and I find it. WAY more comfortable. I also like that dh and I adjust each side to our liking.


FWIW, I recently saw a commercial for a foam bed which had a gel topper. It claimed that people would be cooler on it. I don't know what the brand name was.

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Never heard of it. Can you feel the other person move on his side of the bed?


We have a Sterling dual-choice mattress that has split, interchangeable components, made up of latex foam (firmer, cooler) and memory foam (plusher, warmer) and you can each have the set-up that you like the most. DH has the latex foam on top on his side, and I have the memory foam on top on mine. It's awesome.


Sterling Dual-Choice

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Yup, DH hates the heat of the Tempurpedic. Not just the fact that it seems to make him warmer, but that the warmer temps of summer actually make the bed softer than in winter and neither of us really want the bed softer. It's a better bed in winter. Getting rid of ours as soon as I can choose a new mattress. Thankfully the pedic was a free gift someone else was getting rid of, so we don't feel "out."

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we got a cheap knock-off. at first the warmth was a bit annoying, but we got used to it. it was cheaper than most mattresses and better for our backs, although not very soft. but we got 2 more of them for the kids, and one of them was just too hard . . it doesnt really mold to your body at all. they were all different cheap knock-off brands.

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I used to sell mattresses and it is an extremely common complaint that Temperpedic sleeps hot. There are other memory foams that sleep a little cooler, but not a lot.


I would recommend a gel bed. They are pricey but similarly priced to TP beds but are so much cooler.


can you give me a name of a gel bed, so I can check it out. The TP bed are expensive too...


considered just getting the top for a regular bed from TP...but that was nearly $1000 too...


the reason I am even considering these is becasue I have a bad back and can't sleep on my back, and I have always been a side sleeper but my shoulders are getting sore from doing that too...and I am beginning to think it's my bed.

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can you give me a name of a gel bed, so I can check it out. The TP bed are expensive too...


considered just getting the top for a regular bed from TP...but that was nearly $1000 too...


the reason I am even considering these is becasue I have a bad back and can't sleep on my back, and I have always been a side sleeper but my shoulders are getting sore from doing that too...and I am beginning to think it's my bed.


Please do your research to see which bed is best for a bad back. A close friend of mne is a nurse and her husband had a back injury which caused a lot of pain. They got a Sleep Number and he is finally able to sleep at night now, pain free.


I have a slight scoliosis. When I do too much physical labor my back hurts bad. I LOVE that I can adjust my own bed to make me more comfortable when suffering in pain. I have also simetimes woke up in pain, adjusted my bed, then woke up pain free in the morning. Dh does the same after a long day cutting wood. Anyway, something to think about.

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We got a Temperpedic in the spring and I would never want to go back to a regular bed. Yes, it was warmer at times this summer, but this is when it was 100 and we do not use a/c. My dh is always hot and he loves the bed. We got the basic. We went with a king size in the basic version. I thought just having one would be fabulous, so we didn't need to get in to bells and whistles.


I shopped around and even though most places say that Temperpedic sets the pricing, we got an AMAZING deal at Mattress Firm compared to anywhere else. Not sure if you have them where you live.


If you can afford it I would spring for the Temper. The knock-off reviews don't not have nearly the same praise and life length. And I think a lot of the other styles are just too new to assess what kind of life and durability they will have.

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We have a Tempurpedic and I don't think I've noticed it being warmer. I love it.


It did take me over 2 weeks to adjust to it though - my back was more sore than normal and I slept worse. Now, I love it. Love the solid feel and it doesn't wiggle all over.


My parents have a sleep number and they really like it.

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my parents have a sleep number and I didn't llike sleeping on it...I have a memory foam pillow (not TP) and I LOVE it!!!!!!!! we do have a local store that sell the TP beds, and I have laid on them...however, never slept on one. How does one REALLY know the comfort of a bed until you have slept on in for a while. I know that TP have a money back guarentee, but after you have lugged that thing up 2 flights of stairs...will you REALLY want to lug it back down if you aren't pleased...not to mention what to do with your old bed during the trial period...we had a heck of a time getting our queen box spring up the stairs (it has a turn and it's not an open stair case)...and there is no room to store it for a bit while we try out the other bed.


I hate matress shopping it is such a pain!!!!

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my parents have a sleep number and I didn't llike sleeping on it...I have a memory foam pillow (not TP) and I LOVE it!!!!!!!! we do have a local store that sell the TP beds, and I have laid on them...however, never slept on one. How does one REALLY know the comfort of a bed until you have slept on in for a while. I know that TP have a money back guarentee, but after you have lugged that thing up 2 flights of stairs...will you REALLY want to lug it back down if you aren't pleased...not to mention what to do with your old bed during the trial period...we had a heck of a time getting our queen box spring up the stairs (it has a turn and it's not an open stair case)...and there is no room to store it for a bit while we try out the other bed.


I hate matress shopping it is such a pain!!!!


I understand your concerns. I would deal with the hassle over being out a ton of money or keeping a mattress you didn't like.


Another thing I loved about the SN was how easy it was to get upstairs, but that doesn't help you.:tongue_smilie:

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Never heard of it. Can you feel the other person move on his side of the bed?


Dawn, you know, I do feel my dh when he moves, but I am a *very* light sleeper - a few months ago we stayed at a hotel with a regular coil mattress, and oh my gosh, talk about feeling every little squirm and wriggle. I had forgotten how much more you can feel someone on a coil mattress. So by comparison, the foam is MUCH less sensitive. But does it completely muffle movement? No.

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We bought a knock-off at Overstock about 3 years ago. I think we paid around $250 for it. We don't find it hot. It does muffle movement (sometimes when my youngest crawls in bed with me I don't wake up and I'm not a heavy sleeper unless DH is off). We have a queen on a low platform. I only feel him shift because of the movement of the blankets and he sleeps pretty close to me. It took about a week to get used to.


I'm also surprised that for the price, there aren't body shaped indents on the mattress. The middle feels a little firmer, but you can't tell by looking at it.

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We've had our Tempur-Pedic mattress for one year now and we love it. We haven't noticed it sleeping any hotter than our old mattress, in fact we have our programmable HVAC thermostat set to 4 degrees warmer after we fall asleep.


We bought the Tempur-Pedic because my husband does whatever Consumer Reports tells him to, and though TP customers aren't unanimously satisfied they are much more satisfied than any other mattress owners. It also comes with a 90-day money back guarantee, so we didn't have anything to lose. (A side note--it does take some getting used to, and the first month we wondered if we wasted our money. We were sold by the second month though.)


Tempur-Pedic mattresses don't really ever go on sale, but we were able to get lots of extras by paying in cash. We bought a lower-end King Size model for $1250 and received free: the boxspring (not really a boxspring but you know what I mean), the waterproof mattress cover that includes an amazing warranty ($150 value), two Tempur-Pedic pillows ($100 each), and free delivery and set-up (it's unbelievably heavy).


The only down side is that before our mattress, we have always been low-maintenance bed people. I, particularly, could even sleep on the floor and sleep fine. Now that we have slept on Tempur-Pedic for a year I have trouble sleeping on coil mattresses and even have become one of those annoying people who brings their Tempur-Pedic pillows on vacation. Another downside was the off-gassing. If I had been co-sleeping that would have bothered me more, but the smell dissipated within a month.

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I posted on the other mattress thread about the solution I found to the excessive heat issue with the tempurpedic or other memory foam type mattresses.

I bought a mattress pad that is great for helping moderate the temperature. It was quite pricey (I thought) but I can finally sleep without waking up every couple of hours because I'm too dang hot (even in the winter and we don't heat our bedroom).

The website is http://www.coolingmattress.com

I bought the Cooling Mattress Pad. They also have cooling sheets and pillow cases.

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We love ours. We have a king. My husband and I had spent very few nights in the same bed in the last ten years because we are such light sleepers. Since we got our bed, we've slept together for the whole night, every night.


Ours doesn't "mold to our body" and make it difficult to get out of bed. That sounds like someone needs a more firm bed.


It is warmer. A bit. But ours is fairly new and we heard that the newer ones are less warm than the older ones- they've apparently worked on that.


We didn't "smell" the bed after the first few weeks. You have to air it out several times when you first get it.


We've never slept so well in our lives. We hate hotels now because we feel every lump in the beds. We can't wait to get home.


Worth. Every. Penny.

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