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Your tried and true remedies for morning sickness

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By the fourth child, I had figured out that I had to stay away from gingerale and drink a tea with ginger instead. The sugar in the gingerale made me feel yucky. In fact, protein in the morning was my life saver. I would eat peanut butter and banana on whole wheat sandwiches, or a homemade egg mcmuffin type thing- just the ham and cheese if I couldn't face an egg. Cereal in the morning was a no-no. In fact I felt much better eating more fat and protein and less carbs when I was pregnant.

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The only totally effective one for me was:



Be not pregnant :tongue_smilie:


The one that helped me the most was keeping some crackers in the bedside drawer and nibbling one before I got up in the morning. Not even raising my head, but just carefully reaching for the crackers and nibbling lying down.

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The only totally effective one for me was:



Be not pregnant :tongue_smilie:





This and a couple days on IV fluids. :lol:


Besides the zofran and compazine, the only thing that ever helped was lots of sleep and eating what is appealing. With my youngest, the only thing I could keep down was cheeseburgers and plain cheese pizza from Pizza Hut. Totally counter intuitive but that is the way it was.

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Ditto to the Unisom/B6 combo....this has been life changing. This is pregnancy #4 and this is the only thing that has ever helped keep things to a manageable level. (I do still take zofran, but that wasn't working on its own.)


Otherwise, I avoid sugar, avoid anything carbonated, eat protein, eat frequently, have DH do all the shopping and cooking, and avoid walking into the kitchen whenever possible.

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Wake up, don't eat anything, get in the shower, dry heave, get out, eat whatever I want :D I know it's awful, but it's the only thing that saved me through three pregnancies


Pretty much the same. I would just give in and hurl. That would get me over the worst part. Trying to keep from vomiting was far worse than just doing it :tongue_smilie:


And if I had trouble getting it to come up, all I had to do was look at the grotesque wall paper in the dining room, the pumpkin orange countertops and fake brick floor in the kitchen. For some reason, things I found visually obnoxious would work wonders to put me over the top.

Edited by CynthiaOK
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So, did the B6 and Unisom really work for anyone?? I've never tried it.


I had Zofran with my last 2 pregnancies and it was enough to take the edge off. I don't have any this time though....and since I can't get in to my dr, I can't get any, so I'm desperate and willing to try anything. I'm at a non-functioning level right now. Not puking, but I sure feel like I could any second...all.day.long! My poor kids probably think I will never leave the couch.

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So, did the B6 and Unisom really work for anyone?? I've never tried it.


I had Zofran with my last 2 pregnancies and it was enough to take the edge off. I don't have any this time though....and since I can't get in to my dr, I can't get any, so I'm desperate and willing to try anything. I'm at a non-functioning level right now. Not puking, but I sure feel like I could any second...all.day.long! My poor kids probably think I will never leave the couch.


B6 was HUGE here. For both me and DW. Didn't try unisom

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Unisom and a B6 before bed! It's a game changer.


You should call your OB and ask about it- for me it was the difference between being hospitalized with an IV, and being able to manage at home with zofran and compazine.


Yup-for 4 of the 6 this was all I needed!

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