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Um, the OP got the pic from me originally. It was an actual pic, taken in a store. Not something the OP made up.


When stores do goofy displays like that, someone is gonna snap a pic.


Last wk, I had a similar display, back to school, but it was bottles of rum. Again, found on fb, reposted on my wall.


So, nobody should point out goofy mistakes by a store?


Someone better tell cakewrecks.


Yeah, there have been similar pics all over facebook in the past week.


I think I may have finally learned to stop venting here. I guess you have to be perfect and never make mistakes to get sympathy from some people.

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Yeah, there have been similar pics all over facebook in the past week.


I think I may have finally learned to stop venting here. I guess you have to be perfect and never make mistakes to get sympathy from some people.


Don't worry about the naysayers. You already said you regretted stooping to her level, but honestly I think your SIL deserved it. And since my opinion is the most important one, you have all the sympathy you need. Keep venting here when you need to, I've got your back :D

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I love what you said!! My SIL LOVES to start up a good ole bash on homeschooling, so I usually don't post anything on FB about it, because I KNOW she will chime in. Not really sure why some people feel obliged to tell you how to live. I am totally using your statement for our next debate :) Honestly, if they weren't taught at home to behave....how will they learn what is inappropriate. I have learned it is ok to stand up for yourself, ( due to already dealing with the same crap from my inlaws) I would probably just address her next time through a message. Then everyone can just look at her post and say what the crap!

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Yeah, there have been similar pics all over facebook in the past week.


I think I may have finally learned to stop venting here. I guess you have to be perfect and never make mistakes to get sympathy from some people.


Why fight with your SIL on FB? That's all I'm saying. The picture was funny, but attached to the homeschooling line, you were sure to offend. How is this a surprise to anyone?

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Um, the OP got the pic from me originally. It was an actual pic, taken in a store. Not something the OP made up.


When stores do goofy displays like that, someone is gonna snap a pic.


Last wk, I had a similar display, back to school, but it was bottles of rum. Again, found on fb, reposted on my wall.


So, nobody should point out goofy mistakes by a store?


Someone better tell cakewrecks.



I agree with you about the photos. They are funny, especially the rum one! My point wasn't that the photos aren't funny.

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Why fight with your SIL on FB? That's all I'm saying. The picture was funny, but attached to the homeschooling line, you were sure to offend. How is this a surprise to anyone?


I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing how such an innocuous joking remark could be considered offensive. It was abundantly clear that she was only kidding around.


Honestly, just because homeschooling was mentioned as part of a joke in a place where -- :eek: - public school moms might see it, that would be considered offensive? Why?


Because if anyone got upset over something that silly, they need to grow a thicker skin. Suck it up and deal with it, people, and move on to something that matters... and a caption under a silly photo isn't it. :glare:


Why should homeschoolers have to be so politically correct, anyway? I don't see public school moms worrying about it if they joke about homeschooling -- and if the joke is cute, I laugh at it. I'm not going to waste my time getting upset at a joke, and I truly don't think most public school moms would think twice about one, either.

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Don't worry about the naysayers. You already said you regretted stooping to her level, but honestly I think your SIL deserved it. And since my opinion is the most important one, you have all the sympathy you need. Keep venting here when you need to, I've got your back :D


I'm right there with you. :cheers2:


Not only do I think the SIL deserved what she got, I don't think there was any reason not to have posted the photo or the caption.


It's not like she was inciting violence, for crying out loud. She was kidding around, and people really need to lighten up if they are offended by a little joke.


Seriously. They should get off their computers, and go have a nice cupcake. :001_smile:

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I'm right there with you. :cheers2:


Not only do I think the SIL deserved what she got, I don't think there was any reason not to have posted the photo or the caption.


It's not like she was inciting violence, for crying out loud. She was kidding around, and people really need to lighten up if they are offended by a little joke.


Seriously. They should get off their computers, and go have a nice cupcake. :001_smile:




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I'm right there with you. :cheers2:


Not only do I think the SIL deserved what she got, I don't think there was any reason not to have posted the photo or the caption.


It's not like she was inciting violence, for crying out loud. She was kidding around, and people really need to lighten up if they are offended by a little joke.


Seriously. They should get off their computers, and go have a nice cupcake. :001_smile:


:iagree: but can I still have a nice cupcake? :lol:

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:iagree: but can I still have a nice cupcake? :lol:


Let's all have cupcakes! :thumbup:


Even if we don't all agree on the whole joke thing, let's all agree on cupcakes. And anyone who doesn't like cupcakes should just lie and say they do, because otherwise someone might get offended, and we don't want to go there again. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing how such an innocuous joking remark could be considered offensive. It was abundantly clear that she was only kidding around.


Honestly, just because homeschooling was mentioned as part of a joke in a place where -- :eek: - public school moms might see it, that would be considered offensive? Why?


Because if anyone got upset over something that silly, they need to grow a thicker skin. Suck it up and deal with it, people, and move on to something that matters... and a caption under a silly photo isn't it. :glare:


Why should homeschoolers have to be so politically correct, anyway? I don't see public school moms worrying about it if they joke about homeschooling -- and if the joke is cute, I laugh at it. I'm not going to waste my time getting upset at a joke, and I truly don't think most public school moms would think twice about one, either.

Exactly. But I will keep in mind that, should someone on FB post a similar picture with a comment about not seeing those on the supply list, I can take that as an obvious opening to bash their children and all the horrific cr@p they are learning in school. I would have had no idea I'd been baited. Silly me.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Why fight with your SIL on FB? That's all I'm saying. The picture was funny, but attached to the homeschooling line, you were sure to offend. How is this a surprise to anyone?


Anything posted on facebook has the potential to offend someone at any given moment.


Sorry, I don't think one should have to tiptoe around people because they have issues. We all have issues. It's personal responsibility to make sure your issues don't affect others. No one gets a free pass for being a jerk because they have 'issues'. Not in my house.


I thought the picture was hysterically funny. Why are homeschoolers supposed to tiptoe around people's feelings? If the SIL didn't like the post she could 'hide' it. I do that with posts that I don't like even if I like the person making the post.

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For crying out loud. It's funny. It's not in the least offensive. Knives are not ACTUALLY on the school shopping list. If they were, perhaps her statement could have been received as rude by public schoolers. They're not. She's not bashing public school parents.

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For crying out loud. It's funny. It's not in the least offensive. Knives are not ACTUALLY on the school shopping list. If they were, perhaps her statement could have been received as rude by public schoolers. They're not. She's not bashing public school parents.


Now that would have been funny! :D

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Why fight with your SIL on FB? That's all I'm saying. The picture was funny, but attached to the homeschooling line, you were sure to offend. How is this a surprise to anyone?



So, if she sent her kids to school and posted the picture with something like "If these are the back to school specials, I am a little nervous sending my kids to school on Monday!". Then it would be fine and sure not to offend? Double standard much?

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For crying out loud. It's funny. It's not in the least offensive. Knives are not ACTUALLY on the school shopping list.


Well, what if you're taking a cooking class? I mean, just in case someone cuts their finger, they wouldn't want to risk body fluid contact by sharing knives, right?










I'm so kidding. OP, I think it's funny, but it's people like your SIL that prevent me from posting a lot of things like that, or only posting them so that my other HSing friends can see. It's a shame. :(

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For crying out loud. It's funny. It's not in the least offensive. Knives are not ACTUALLY on the school shopping list. If they were, perhaps her statement could have been received as rude by public schoolers. They're not. She's not bashing public school parents.


:iagree: There was nothing to be offended by unless you're looking to take offense. (And I am a public school parent.) I doubt that the SIL was offended by the original post and homeschool comment etiher; she just took advantage of an opportunity to take a jab at homeschooling.

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