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Son woke up hysterically crying about leg cramps

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He'll be 7 in November. He woke up saying ow, ow, ow over and over, and then crying, and then screaming hysterically that his legs hurt.


I massaged them but he just kept crying. I encouraged him to try walking around and he threw himself on the floor crying. I finally got him to take some kid's ibuprofen. I tried putting a hot water bottle on his legs. I tried talking to him and distracting him. Finally, he began to calm down and a blueberry waffle and juice took care of the rest. Now he's sleeping again. That was awful, he was so miserable and I felt so helpless and bad for him!


Growth spurt/growing pains, do you think??

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Maybe low in potassium? A banana or orange juice usually helps if that's the case.


He doesn't like bananas, but I'll pick up some OJ. It can't hurt to try! This used to happen sometimes when he was younger, but not as bad as it was tonight! I hope/think it's growing pains and not a sign that anything is wrong!

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My DD has had these for months now, on and off. They seem to be growing pains.


What helps her, is to stretch her leg out completely (while lying down in bed), to lift it up slowly while keeping the leg straight, and to point the toes to her face as far as she can. I found this exercise on Google somewhere, and it eases the pain a little.


Cold packs make the pain worse, while a hot bath helps sometimes.

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Growing pains for sure. All four of my kids have them and it's terrible. My oldest sees and orthopedic surgeon regularly and I asked him about the growing pains. He says noone knows why they happen and that all you can do for them is motrin, heat, and massage. He told me if we go through periods where it's happening frequently to go ahead and give a motrin at bedtime to try to prevent for a few nights.

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But my girls (6 & 8) get these. Magnesium. We made an arnica, clove, and mint massage oil (it is warming and cooling) that really seems to help. I think I've only given motrin once since we made that. I bet you could find something like that somewhere.


But yeah, they can be really severe. I am sorry for your little guy.

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My DD has had these for months now, on and off. They seem to be growing pains.


What helps her, is to stretch her leg out completely (while lying down in bed), to lift it up slowly while keeping the leg straight, and to point the toes to her face as far as she can. I found this exercise on Google somewhere, and it eases the pain a little.


Cold packs make the pain worse, while a hot bath helps sometimes.


:iagree: Once I learned to avoid pointing my toes in bed while stretching I have completely avoided having these cramps. If I wake up and feel one coming on then I immediately flex my toes up towards my face and it stops before it starts.


When I used to get them, I'd end up with a sore leg for the rest of the day and be unable to put me down. As I kid I had a pair of plastic toy heels to walk around in until the pain subsided. I wish I new the flex trick earlier, it would have saved me 20 years of pain.

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I get leg cramps when pregnant. Worst pain ever. The trick to getting rid of it is to FLEX the feet, NOT point the toes. The first time I pointed the toes and OUCH!!!! Walking does help too, but flexing the feet to stretch the calf is what makes it go away for me.


magnesium/potassium help to prevent.

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:iagree: Once I learned to avoid pointing my toes in bed while stretching I have completely avoided having these cramps. If I wake up and feel one coming on then I immediately flex my toes up towards my face and it stops before it starts.


When I used to get them, I'd end up with a sore leg for the rest of the day and be unable to put me down. As I kid I had a pair of plastic toy heels to walk around in until the pain subsided. I wish I new the flex trick earlier, it would have saved me 20 years of pain.


Yup, when pregnant I flex my feet to stretch every time I roll over, just to prevent them.

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I agree with magnesium supplement. If he won't swallow a pill, try a bath with epsom salts. Too much magnesium can cause diarrhea.


I saw a Dr Oz episode where he said pickle juice cures leg cramps. Apparently it has the right ratio of salt to potassium.

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My DS is the same age and he went through this a few nights in a row a couple of months ago. It definitely wasn't a potassium/magnesium thing because we'd been eating to rid DH of his leg cramps at the time. We attributed it to growing pains, heated his legs, and it was over after a few nights.

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ds 9 has had them since he was about 4yrs, although he hasn't had any for a while. Nothing would calm him except for a painkiller. I did mention it to his dr when we were there any way and he said that it is quite common in boys for a time.




Same with my ds10. Any pain reliever usually works.

DS10 stopped getting them at around age 9 for a couple of months, then he had one the night before last. Every time he has had them he has grown inches in a short amount of time. I just bought him new pants last week. :D Be ready. ;)

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I used to have them on long road trips (not growing pains, but leg cramps so bad I would cry), DD#1 gets them (growing pains). My chiropractor told me to try taking a good calcium/magnesium supplement with vitamin C. If we don't take it regularly to prevent leg cramps, we take it when we start having leg cramps and they stop within 1/2 hour.

This is what she takes: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/LFT005/ItemDetail

I take a packet of Emergen-C and 1.5 teaspoons of dolomite powder

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