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I've tossed 20 bags of clutter,

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separated 2 giant tubs for consignment (and will be outsourcing the washing, ironing, hanging, tagging, and drop off - if anyone hasn't heard, there's a new consignment event in Sussex County NJ in October), and dropped several bags of donations...


So when do I get my house back? Because it's still overflowing and disorganized. :001_huh::tongue_smilie:

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Great job!


I cleaned out closets at my parents' house (they live down the street) and bagged up four leaf bags with clothes I'm getting rid of. I keep my out-of-season clothes there, but it was getting out of control with me changing clothing styles. I was dresses/skirts only for a while, so I had so very many that I don't wear anymore.


I plan to have a yard sale next weekend with books, games and clothes.

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It's an ongoing process, so it could take awhile. I am always purging/tossing/donating throughout the year and with every move (every year or two) and I'm STILL mired in clutter.


**I say, as I sit on my loveseat with my feet propped on a half full contractor sized trash bag of clothes that I sorted to donate, after dropping off the back of our large SUV FULL of stuff last weekend to the donation center. There's another contractor sized bag in the school room half full - and we've barely made a dent, it seems.


DH is motivated to help this time (for the first time) because I flat out refused to move again until we've reduced our belongings by at least 30% and he wants to move closer to his work to shorten his commute.

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I hear you! Doing the same here. My husband took our kids away for the day. Our son with autism is a toy hoarder and dumper. I did a fair bit of work but my dh comes in and says it looks like I just moved piles around. :glare:


To some degree he is right, but he did not need to say that.

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Anything beyond a standard size suitcase is clutter for me; man can I pitch a fit over too much stuff.


I'm never going to have a house full of stuff again, even if I had a house. Never.


My leaf is turned, dropped and decomposed, and gone through the water cycle a few times on this.

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Anything beyond a standard size suitcase is clutter for me; man can I pitch a fit over too much stuff.


I'm never going to have a house full of stuff again, even if I had a house. Never.


My leaf is turned, dropped and decomposed, and gone through the water cycle a few times on this.


This is my goal. My family will be dragged along kicking and screaming if that's what it takes.

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separated 2 giant tubs for consignment (and will be outsourcing the washing, ironing, hanging, tagging, and drop off - if anyone hasn't heard, there's a new consignment event in Sussex County NJ in October), and dropped several bags of donations...


So when do I get my house back? Because it's still overflowing and disorganized. :001_huh::tongue_smilie:


That's fantastic!!! Good for you!! :hurray: I'm in the same boat. Trying to get my house under control. It's a work in progress and it takes a looooooong time, but I'm already seeing the benefit from it. Hang in there! You can do it! :hurray:

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