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Gestational Diabetes-Dawn Phenomenon help?

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I am 28 weeks pregnant and diagnosed GD as of today due to my blood sugar readings the last two weeks (some highs post meal and fasting). I am able to control my post meal numbers with a low carb diet (trying to eat grain free and free of most dairy except cheese, butter and yogurt but agreed to eat corn and beans if it will help keep me off insulin....), but my fasting numbers have still been over 100 the last couple of days. Any ideas on how to get those numbers down? I am trying to adhere to their "diet", modifying it a lot to be healthier ( note: no graham crackers or pretzels :001_huh:) but wanting to know mostly if I am able to eat low carb and get those fasting numbers down.


My midwife says protein at night, the dietician agrees..somewhat :glare: She wants me to eat a protein, starch and milk (despite me wanting to be dairy/grain free :confused:) at bedtime.


Anyone have/had GD and give me an idea of what you ate to control with diet only the whole time?


What kind of snack did you eat before bed to control your fasting numbers?


A typical day of eating for me (when i am lower carb/grain free/ low dairy):


Breakfast: Omelet w/ cheese, ham, any veggies I have in hand cooked in lots of butter or coconut oil

Snack: fruit w/ piece of cheese or nut butter

Lunch: large salad with eggs, bacon, cheese, full fat ranch (they want me to add a carb here :glare:)

Snack: greek yogurt (plain) w/ sliced almonds, stevia and vanilla

Dinner: (this has been a problem lately..pizza and in and out..which is getting CUT!!!) will be having meat, 2 veggies and MAYBE some brown rice, corn tortillas, or a starchy carb (like butternut squash or brown rice)

Before bed: ?? I am usually not hungry at this time but she said I have to eat because there cant be 10 hours in between meals for fasting.


I am planning on walking 20 mins every night when it cools down and hope that helps some also.



Anyways, this is baby#5 and the first time I have GD although I have a history of PCOS and Insulin resistance, so I had a feeling it was coming this time :glare:



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I had GD with baby #4. I tried to stick to 15g of carbs at each snack. To be honest, I didn't drink much milk since I realized it was 10g or so for a glass. I would rather have yogurt or cheese. But since you are trying to go dairy free, I don't know what a good substitute would be?


Corn is also high in carbs be careful.


Your breakfast, lunch and snacks look ok. Is your fasting sugar in check? How about 2 hours post breakfast and lunch? Dinner could be a little carb heavy depending on how much rice and which veggies you choose so keep an eye on portion sizes and the choices.


My best advice is to walk, walk, walk after every meal. I was able to completely control it with diet and exercise.


HTH (and congrats on #5 - I am 31 weeks!)

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The consequences of this can be much more than a temporarily restricted diet. Focus on your baby, not what you're giving up. Uncontrolled GD is a disaster for a developing child.


When I had GD the second time, I cut out all grains and starchy vegetables. I had one serving of fruit late in the day. This approached was OKed by both my doctor and the dietician as a short-term solution only, and I had to give both a food diary every week in the last six weeks. They also kept a cap on my calories.


You really won't know your numbers unless you're strict. Pizza is out.

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I had gd with dd #3. I was hospitalized for 3 days to control blood sugar, then sent home after consulting with a dietician. I was on injections until dd's birth.


It was a basic low carb diet. Breakfast was similar to yours, and snacks were around the 15g range, as well. I remember eating triscuits with cheese as one of my go to snacks...


You can google some low carb diet plans to get an idea for your snacks, etc.


Keep up with the walking! I gained a lot of weight with this pregnancy because of the gd. When my water broke, you could literally see my stomach shrink down!

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I had GD with baby #4. I tried to stick to 15g of carbs at each snack. To be honest, I didn't drink much milk since I realized it was 10g or so for a glass. I would rather have yogurt or cheese. But since you are trying to go dairy free, I don't know what a good substitute would be?


Corn is also high in carbs be careful.


Your breakfast, lunch and snacks look ok. Is your fasting sugar in check? How about 2 hours post breakfast and lunch? Dinner could be a little carb heavy depending on how much rice and which veggies you choose so keep an eye on portion sizes and the choices.


My best advice is to walk, walk, walk after every meal. I was able to completely control it with diet and exercise.


HTH (and congrats on #5 - I am 31 weeks!)


Thanks and congrats as well!


I was planning on allowing corn tortillas (they are pretty low carb compared to flour or ww and dont affect my post meal numbers as much as they do.)


My fasting sugar is what has been the problem the last week....thinking its due to some choices in dinners I made. So hoping going back to lower carb will help that, but wanting to know if anyone has experience with that as the diet they have for GD is VERY high carb IMO.


I live in So Cal so walking after every meal right now isnt possible with the 100+ temps, but I am walking after dinner as of tonight. Actually just came in from my walk just now :D

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I'm 29 weeks and have had the same trouble. I've had GD with past pregnancies, but never had trouble with my fasting numbers until this time.


Oddly enough I've found that eating moderate carbs (15-25g) for my bedtime snack leads to better fasting numbers. When I just eat protein my numbers are higher. My current snack of choice is Greek yogurt, fresh berries, a squirt of redi-whip (1carb), and sprinkled with nuts.


FWIW - looking at your dinner menu. I can't tolerate corn tortillas at all and brown rice only in small amounts. I can eat 1 piece of pizza if I don't eat the crust and make sure I have another significant source of protein. We've also found a low-carb pasta I can have - Dream Fields.


I know I've eaten other bedtime snacks, but I can't think of what they are. I'll get back to you when I remember what they were. :tongue_smilie:

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I had Gestational Diabetes with both dds. Mine was discovered late FIRST trimester, so I had a long way to go. The nutritionists developed a calorie/exchange program for me. Basically, they told me how many exchanges of what food group I could eat at each meal and snack. They "tweaked" it throughout the pregnancy as the baby grew and I needed more calories (but wasn't as hungry). As my morning fasting got lower and lower, my bedtime snack had to be increased. I recall, they wanted a long burning protein and a fiber for bedtime snack. Check with your nutritionist and keep a food log. Some foods spike glucose more than others.

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The consequences of this can be much more than a temporarily restricted diet. Focus on your baby, not what you're giving up. Uncontrolled GD is a disaster for a developing child.


When I had GD the second time, I cut out all grains and starchy vegetables. I had one serving of fruit late in the day. This approached was OKed by both my doctor and the dietician as a short-term solution only, and I had to give both a food diary every week in the last six weeks. They also kept a cap on my calories.


You really won't know your numbers unless you're strict. Pizza is out.


Yeah. I know pizza is out ;) Actually I can make an almond flour crust or cauliflower crust if I wanted to...but its just more work for me in this heat so we'll skip it ;) Up until a week ago I could eat 2 pieces and a salad with no issues and my BS under 120 at the one hour mark post meal.


I am reporting my meals and bs to an rn weekly. Taking it fasting and 1 hour post prandial, and have been strict 90% of the time, but that other 10% is what I think has caused my fasting numbers to be off (but only allowed those foods because they hadnt shown to be an issue before...so I was pretty shocked when I spiked after eating them which I guess is pretty common after you reach the 3rd trimester).


Thanks :)

Edited by Momtoamayalilal2
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I'm 29 weeks and have had the same trouble. I've had GD with past pregnancies, but never had trouble with my fasting numbers until this time.


Oddly enough I've found that eating moderate carbs (15-25g) for my bedtime snack leads to better fasting numbers. When I just eat protein my numbers are higher. My current snack of choice is Greek yogurt, fresh berries, a squirt of redi-whip (1carb), and sprinkled with nuts.


FWIW - looking at your dinner menu. I can't tolerate corn tortillas at all and brown rice only in small amounts. I can eat 1 piece of pizza if I don't eat the crust and make sure I have another significant source of protein. We've also found a low-carb pasta I can have - Dream Fields.


I know I've eaten other bedtime snacks, but I can't think of what they are. I'll get back to you when I remember what they were. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks! Greek yogurt was mentioned but she said never to mix fruit with a milk....such conflicting stuff out there! Your suggested carbs for bedtime sound about like what they recommend, so it makes sense. Thanks!

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Have you had a 15g carb snack before bed and still been 100 on your fasting number? If not I would try it a couple of nights and see if that makes the difference. My last pregnancy I had GD. I followed their diet guidelines and had great numbers. Maybe now isn't the best time for low carb eating plan, instead try a counting carbs plan. And I did have pizza, but I always made sure I knew how much I could have carb wise and stuck to it. Best of health to you and your little one!


My snack always consisted of protein and carbs = 15g carb snack such as sugar free pudding, crackers and peanut butter, a glass of milk and string cheese, and usually an hour before bed.

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Have you had a 15g carb snack before bed and still been 100 on your fasting number? If not I would try it a couple of nights and see if that makes the difference. My last pregnancy I had GD. I followed their diet guidelines and had great numbers. Maybe now isn't the best time for low carb eating plan, instead try a counting carbs plan. And I did have pizza I always made sure to know how much I could have carb wise and stuck to it. Best of health to you and your little one!


Thanks! I havent tried 15grns but will tonight.


My numbers postprandial (1 hour) when I eat low carb are much better (like 80's-90's) when i am low carb compared to a meal when I have controlled carbs (100-120). That just doesnt seem to be optimal to me and I am trying to find a happy medium, yk?


I am going to try the carbs at night to see if it helps though so we'll see!

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So, I've been a lurker for a while on these boards, and this post got me to join! :) I had diet-controlled gestational diabetes with baby #4 (she's 9 mos now). My Diabetes Educator and the Dietician recommended I eat 1 measured cup of ice cream with 2 tablespoons of nuts right before bed. Not a bowl of ice cream, just 1 cup. And the carbs should be about 30 grams per cup, so no crazy flavors loaded with candy! And this was to be right before bed, not right after dinner, and not an hour before bed....right before bed! And the nuts are important. This totally got my fasting numbers back in range. They had been in the upper 80s and 90s. I know you said you are trying to avoid dairy, so I'm not sure if you would want to try this. I don't drink milk, but I do enjoy yogurt, cheese, and butter.


As for my meals, I aimed for 30g of carbs (not including veggies) per meal and 15-30g per snack. If I remember correctly I was eating about 120g or 150g of carbs per day. Baby was born just fine with no issues!

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I had GD with six pregnancies.


I ate peanut butter and also mixed nuts *a lot*. I am always so tired of peanut butter by the end of the pregnancy, but it really helped me control my hunger and my blood sugar levels.


Fast food and fried chicken sent my numbers through the roof.


:grouphug: It isn't easy, but it will help you have a healthy diet. You will learn what makes your blood sugar spike.


I always kept packages of peanut butter crackers in my purse or car for when I needed a snack when I was away from home.



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So, I've been a lurker for a while on these boards, and this post got me to join! :) I had diet-controlled gestational diabetes with baby #4 (she's 9 mos now). My Diabetes Educator and the Dietician recommended I eat 1 measured cup of ice cream with 2 tablespoons of nuts right before bed. Not a bowl of ice cream, just 1 cup. And the carbs should be about 30 grams per cup, so no crazy flavors loaded with candy! And this was to be right before bed, not right after dinner, and not an hour before bed....right before bed! And the nuts are important. This totally got my fasting numbers back in range. They had been in the upper 80s and 90s. I know you said you are trying to avoid dairy, so I'm not sure if you would want to try this. I don't drink milk, but I do enjoy yogurt, cheese, and butter.


As for my meals, I aimed for 30g of carbs (not including veggies) per meal and 15-30g per snack. If I remember correctly I was eating about 120g or 150g of carbs per day. Baby was born just fine with no issues!


Thank you!


I have heard about ice cream helping, and actually mentioned it today to the person I am sending my bs into..but she wants me to to wait 2 weeks before trying it, so I will ;)


Thank you for breaking down your carb counts per meal. They have me on a plan that is 225 grms of carba and I normally need to eat low carb so that is such a high number for me to deal with!! But keeping 15-30 grms seems to be a happy medium for me and thinking its what I will be trying the rest of this week.


So glad you joined in!

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I had GD with six pregnancies.


I ate peanut butter and also mixed nuts *a lot*. I am always so tired of peanut butter by the end of the pregnancy, but it really helped me control my hunger and my blood sugar levels.


Fast food and fried chicken sent my numbers through the roof.


:grouphug: It isn't easy, but it will help you have a healthy diet. You will learn what makes your blood sugar spike.


I always kept packages of peanut butter crackers in my purse or car for when I needed a snack when I was away from home.




I have been taking my blood sugar since before I was pregnant due to knowing I was insulin resistant and nuts saved me the first trimester! I was having lots of lows due to not eating, but also some highs because all I wanted was fruit....as long as I would have those nuts I was good! I try to keep some in my purse also for when we are away from home....definitely helps. :)

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I have heard about ice cream helping, and actually mentioned it today to the person I am sending my bs into..but she wants me to to wait 2 weeks before trying it, so I will


I forgot to mention ice cream!



I found that I could eat higher-fat ice creams like Ben & Jerry's and Bruster's with no problem, but that cheaper ice creams with fillers like Edy's drove my numbers up.

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I have been taking my blood sugar since before I was pregnant due to knowing I was insulin resistant and nuts saved me the first trimester! I was having lots of lows due to not eating, but also some highs because all I wanted was fruit....as long as I would have those nuts I was good! I try to keep some in my purse also for when we are away from home....definitely helps. :)


I love the mixed nuts called Nut·trition. I kept a bag by the bed. Sometimes I would test in bed, then need to eat some nuts before I could get up because I felt so nauseated and fatigued upon waking up.

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I love the mixed nuts called Nut·trition. I kept a bag by the bed. Sometimes I would test in bed, then need to eat some nuts before I could get up because I felt so nauseated and fatigued upon waking up.


Mmm i loved the cocoa dusted almonds :D Yep, they helped that nausea 10times better than any crackers could this time around for me!

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Amazing about the ice cream! I will make sure its real ice cream if I do try it. It is HARD on my stomach so I try to avoid it, but might be worth the shot ;)


Will stick to greek yogurt for now....better yet, will freeze it, add some cocoa powder and nuts.....just like ice cream ;) :D


I eat fresh mango with my greek yogurt. I know you have to watch your fruit intake, but it is delicious and is great for your stomach.


Re: the ice cream, Lactaid pills are supposed to be safe pregnancy, if that would help.

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I have noticed a strange phenomenon wherein my fasting numbers are highest when I eat the fewest carbs, even though overall my numbers throughout the day are fabulous. Like my fasting number will be the highest it goes all day. I don't know what to make of this, really. I think that people focus so much on the fasting number because they assume that's when your blood sugar's at its lowest point. But if that's not actually true, does it matter so much? I don't know. So maybe my musing is not very helpful :). But, like you, I wonder if it can really be better to focus on eating more carbs during the day to get the fasting level down if that means higher levels throughout the day.


I'm pregnant right now, with a history of GD, so I'm testing my sugar regularly. My fasting numbers are lower now than when I wasn't pregnant, and I wonder if that's because I'm eating more carbs now....I often have a serving of potatoes with dinner, for example. I'm planning to just monitor at home and not take the GTT this time...I always fail the 1 hour and then have to take the 3 hour (which I've passed 2 times out of 3)....I'd hate to see how my body that's used to eating low carb would react to such a massive dose of glucose.

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Mmm i loved the cocoa dusted almonds :D Yep, they helped that nausea 10times better than any crackers could this time around for me!


Oooooooohhh! I forgot about those! I don't think I have eaten them since I was pregnant.


I'll have to do something about that! ;)

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I have noticed a strange phenomenon wherein my fasting numbers are highest when I eat the fewest carbs, even though overall my numbers throughout the day are fabulous. Like my fasting number will be the highest it goes all day. I don't know what to make of this, really. I think that people focus so much on the fasting number because they assume that's when your blood sugar's at its lowest point. But if that's not actually true, does it matter so much? I don't know. So maybe my musing is not very helpful :). But, like you, I wonder if it can really be better to focus on eating more carbs during the day to get the fasting level down if that means higher levels throughout the day.


Yes!! This is what I have been trying to figure out! I eat well...low carb, lots of veggies, fats etc (except on those small occasions where we've had junk this last couple weeks in the middle of a heat wave because I dont want to cook ;)) and wonder why my fasting is stil high! This is what my main question has been....so thank you for succintly stating what i have been trying to convey, but just havent obviously lol.



I'm pregnant right now, with a history of GD, so I'm testing my sugar regularly. My fasting numbers are lower now than when I wasn't pregnant, and I wonder if that's because I'm eating more carbs now....I often have a serving of potatoes with dinner, for example. I'm planning to just monitor at home and not take the GTT this time...I always fail the 1 hour and then have to take the 3 hour (which I've passed 2 times out of 3)....I'd hate to see how my body that's used to eating low carb would react to such a massive dose of glucose.



Yeah, thatwas a worry of mine, so I opted to test instead of taking the GTT. :-/

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Ok so more background, and I may need to start a new thread because I think

I tend to lean more on the side of Low carb, high protein, high fat and low grain/sugar and it is what *I* feel is healthiest!! So when i see these *dietiians* telling me to eat graham crackers w/pb or sugar free pudding before bed I cringe!! I want my baby to have the BEST i can give her and want other options that fit within those parameters instead of just going along with what i dont feel is healthy, yk?



*typing one handed on an ipad..lol....excuse my typos and bad grammar ;)

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I forgot to add, that I had to eat REAL ice cream, not low-fat! Yum, it was great! I also prefer to eat lower carb in general as I feel so much better. The gestational diabetes folks wanted me to pee on the Ketostix to prove I wasn't going too low on carbs since I did not want to eat all the carbs that they suggested. They were satisfied that I wasn't in ketosis (a whole other topic!) and I was pleased to not be eating all the carbs they wanted me to.

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I forgot to add, that I had to eat REAL ice cream, not low-fat! Yum, it was great! I also prefer to eat lower carb in general as I feel so much better. The gestational diabetes folks wanted me to pee on the Ketostix to prove I wasn't going too low on carbs since I did not want to eat all the carbs that they suggested. They were satisfied that I wasn't in ketosis (a whole other topic!) and I was pleased to not be eating all the carbs they wanted me to.


My midwife (CNM) actually mentioned to me today that she thought buying those would be a good idea.


So you ate 120-150 grms of carbs per day, ice cream every night and your numbers were good?


Would you mind giving me a sample of what your average meal plan looked like for a day, if you are able?



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I have noticed a strange phenomenon wherein my fasting numbers are highest when I eat the fewest carbs, even though overall my numbers throughout the day are fabulous. Like my fasting number will be the highest it goes all day. I don't know what to make of this, really. I think that people focus so much on the fasting number because they assume that's when your blood sugar's at its lowest point. But if that's not actually true, does it matter so much? I don't know. So maybe my musing is not very helpful :). But, like you, I wonder if it can really be better to focus on eating more carbs during the day to get the fasting level down if that means higher levels throughout the day.


An interesting tid-bit....I picked up on the fact that my OB and perinatologist actually disagree on what constitutes a dangerous fasting number. My OB tried to send me to a different perinatologist, but he was on medical leave. My OB's comment was, "I don't want to send you to one of these hypervigilant Dr.'s who make you keep your blood sugars ridiculously low. It's too stressful and not necessary." My regular OB is fine with slightly higher fasting numbers as long as my other numbers are good and I'm still gaining weight. He did put me on a small dose of glyburide when I started losing weight. I had to increase my carbs at that point just to keep my numbers up.


FWIW- I never spilled ketones in my urine, even when I was losing weight. I only lost two pounds though.

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I had GD with son #1, 8 years ago. And I tested positive for it at 15 weeks with this baby. (And I was pre-diabetic in between)


My numbers after my meals are absolutely fine, but for a few weeks now, my fasting numbers have been at least 100, usually low 100's but once it was 112. I was trying everything and doing everything right... so frustrating.


Anyways, I am now 27 weeks and I go and see the Maternal & Fetal Specialist every 4 weeks to have an ultrasound and check the baby. He's normal size, btw :) But the doc said that he wants to have me take a small dose of glyburide at bedtime to help the fasting numbers go down. (I may not be explaining this right, I'm very bad at explaining it b/c I'm not sure if I completely understand it, but you get the gist of it.)


He said there is nothing I can do about the fasting numbers b/c it's being caused by hormones and such that the placenta is producing and putting into my body. He said that if my after meal numbers were also high, they would assume it was something *I* was doing, ie. keeping my blood sugars high throughout the day which messes stuff up, but since all my other numbers are normal, and I'm eating my bedtime snack, etc. That it's just the placenta screwing up my system and it's best to take the glyburide.


Also, I read an article somewhere when I was trying to figure out why my numbers were high and it said that your fasting blood sugar level was what levels look like when your body is solely working on it's own to stabilize your sugar, IOW, without the help of foods. It said that when you eat something, your blood sugar goes up for two hours and then starts to come down for two hours and then holds steady for about an hour. After that 5 hours, whatever carbs you have eaten are completely out of your system and your body is on it's own. So, the purpose of eating the bedtime snack is so your body is "on its own" for less time, does that make sense? If you don't have a bedtime snack, your body doesn't get to have those 5 hours of carb absorption. And when your body is left to its own devices to stabilize blood sugar, it's getting those hormones or whatever from the placenta that messes it up.


Anyways, that is my understanding of what is going on. I hope it makes sense to people other than myself, LOL.


This guy is an awesome doctor. He discovered a heart defect in my friends child at only 10 weeks gestation and because they caught it so early and he knew what he was doing, my friends daughter is a happy and healthy 7 year old :) He is very highly esteemed in this area, so I trust him. And my OB trusts him, and I trust her.


So, that's what I'm going to start tomorrow. We'll see how it goes :)



Thanks! It makes sense to me. I think it would make sense for those of us who eat lower carb all day and have great numbers after meals, yet still have high fasting numbers. I have messed up my day choices somewhat the last week or two, so gope my numbers are just caused by that.

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This would be a typical day:


Breakfast: scrambled eggs (plain or with veggies) in coconut oil, berries with coconut milk


Snack: Trader Joe's Go Raw snack packages (15 g carbs each!) - 1 or 2


Lunch: Meat of some sort (chicken, turkey, beef...) with Weight Watchers garden veggie soup (no potatoes or pasta) or salad with high-fat dressing; fruit and grain (rice/quinoa) or beans measured to 30g carbs total


Snack: Health-Bent's Paleo Banana Bread with Chocolate Swirl...15-30g carb portion adding fruit or yogurt or more dark chocolate if needed. :)


Dinner: Meat of some sort, cooked veggies with butter, America Test Kitchen's Family Cookbook Black Bean Soup (15g carb portion)...(or 15g beans/sweet potatoes/rice), fruit (15 g carb)


Right before bed: 1 c full-fat ice cream (approx 30-35g carbs), 2 tablespoon nuts


My numbers were always good eating this way. I love Dr. William Davis' book Wheat Belly, so I tried very hard to get in the carbs but to avoid the blood sugar spikes. I did my best, but I wasn't perfect. I think one reason the diabetes folks didn't poo-poo my lower-than-recommended-carb count is that I was eating healthy foods. They saw I wasn't in ketosis (I measured that once a day in the late afternoon before dinner), and my numbers were good.


I tried to keep the carbs low at breakfast (15g or less) with just berries. Then at meals I added about 30g of carbs with fruit, beans, sweet potatoes and/or grains. I had nuts for snacks generally.


Hope that helps!

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This would be a typical day:


Breakfast: scrambled eggs (plain or with veggies) in coconut oil, berries with coconut milk


Snack: Trader Joe's Go Raw snack packages (15 g carbs each!) - 1 or 2


Lunch: Meat of some sort (chicken, turkey, beef...) with Weight Watchers garden veggie soup (no potatoes or pasta) or salad with high-fat dressing; fruit and grain (rice/quinoa) or beans measured to 30g carbs total


Snack: Health-Bent's Paleo Banana Bread with Chocolate Swirl...15-30g carb portion adding fruit or yogurt or more dark chocolate if needed. :)


Dinner: Meat of some sort, cooked veggies with butter, America Test Kitchen's Family Cookbook Black Bean Soup (15g carb portion)...(or 15g beans/sweet potatoes/rice), fruit (15 g carb)


Right before bed: 1 c full-fat ice cream (approx 30-35g carbs), 2 tablespoon nuts


My numbers were always good eating this way. I love Dr. William Davis' book Wheat Belly, so I tried very hard to get in the carbs but to avoid the blood sugar spikes. I did my best, but I wasn't perfect. I think one reason the diabetes folks didn't poo-poo my lower-than-recommended-carb count is that I was eating healthy foods. They saw I wasn't in ketosis (I measured that once a day in the late afternoon before dinner), and my numbers were good.


I tried to keep the carbs low at breakfast (15g or less) with just berries. Then at meals I added about 30g of carbs with fruit, beans, sweet potatoes and/or grains. I had nuts for snacks generally.


Hope that helps!


Yes!!! This helps me a lot! Thanks!! We eat very similarly and I am happy to hear you had good numbers. I am going to get some ketostix asap so I can document that i am not in ketosis, and just continue eating lower carb..but like you add a specific amount per meal so its more controlled.


What is a Trader Joes Go Raw snack package? :D i also like that you have fruit with dinner, that was one thing she said she was fine with me swapping out for the milk portion.


I bought some greek yogurt tonight so going to try that with some nuts and see if I get the same effect as the ice cream...if not I am going to stop at TJ's for their super premium ice cream tomorrow ;)

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I bought some greek yogurt tonight so going to try that with some nuts and see if I get the same effect as the ice cream...if not I am going to stop at TJ's for their super premium ice cream tomorrow ;)


I'm not sure what flavor or brand you bought, but wanted to recommend Chobani's vanilla greek yogurt. You can get it in large containers at BJ's.


Also, their pomegranate yogurt is delicious!

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YellowPrimrose thanks for detailing your meals. I'm been trying to figure out my optimum carb levels here and your plan sounds similar to what seems to work well for me, fairly low carb in the am but upping it towards the evening. I had gotten to where I was eating too many but then I tried to cut too much and felt crappy.


I bought some half and half to make icecream as well and will indulge guilt free tonight. It is interesting as I have noticed before that I feel better when I eat more carbs in the evening. I've never tested gd either but have been more towards hypoglycemic before (although since going lower carb I generally haven't had that issue). But I find it harder to sort out in pregnancy as my carbs needs are higher and it is hard to find the balance between enough but not too much.

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Ok so more background, and I may need to start a new thread because I think

I tend to lean more on the side of Low carb, high protein, high fat and low grain/sugar and it is what *I* feel is healthiest!! So when i see these *dietiians* telling me to eat graham crackers w/pb or sugar free pudding before bed I cringe!! I want my baby to have the BEST i can give her and want other options that fit within those parameters instead of just going along with what i dont feel is healthy, yk?



*typing one handed on an ipad..lol....excuse my typos and bad grammar ;)


I have absolutely no experience with GD (a family history of diabetes so the general topic is one of interest and concern to me), so I just wanted to state that upfront as a caveat. But I also wanted to encourage you because I think you are doing absolutely the right thing here. There is something surreal and insane going on when you have "experts" recommending foods like graham crackers and pudding! The diet that you are following is MUCH closer to what our species was actually designed to eat, and I applaud you for having the courage to do what's right for you and your baby. :grouphug:


I also wanted you to know that it's common for those of us who eat low-carb to have higher fasting blood glucose numbers. My fasting blood glucose numbers kind of freaked me out at first. But then I read this article and also compared my RANGE of numbers on low-carb versus high-carb, and I was convinced beyond all doubt that low-carb is healthier. (When I eat low-carb, my numbers, throughout the day, stay in a narrow range: 90-110, but usually more like 95-100. When I eat the diet recommended by the "experts", it will range from 70-180! That cannot be good! Not to mention, I feel like crap when I eat the so-called healthy diet!)


Also this website is full of great information about diabetes.

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I'm not sure what flavor or brand you bought, but wanted to recommend Chobani's vanilla greek yogurt. You can get it in large containers at BJ's.


Also, their pomegranate yogurt is delicious!


I bought a plain, whole milk one....i usually make my own, but havent had time.


I had one cup of greek yogurt last night w/2 tbsp of almonds, and it was still high this morning.


Off to get that Trader Joes Super Premium vanilla ice cream today and pray it works for me as it has for some of you!

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It's Trader Joe's "just a handful of Go Raw Trek Mix" in 10 individual bags. One bag has 210 cal, 14g fat, 16g carbs (3g fiber), and 7g protein. It has raisins, cashews, walnuts, almonds, and filberts. They have other kids of trail mix in individual bags that you might be interested in, but that's the one with raw nuts.


Be sure to check the label on the Trader Joe's ice cream. I didn't buy that kind for some reason...it may have been that the sugar and carbs were higher than other brands of ice cream??? For instance I know Costco's vanilla ice cream is much higher in sugar than other brands, so I never buy that. I don't know where you are but I've bought Kroger Deluxe (not always the best ingredients), Breyers, and Tillamook.


I hope it works for you! It was quite crazy to tell people I HAD to eat ice cream before bed...doctor's orders! :)

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I was at Kroger's last night but the ones with decent ingredients were sky high. I have some frozen strawberries and we enjoy homemade so I just planned to make my own. I was just looking up icecream and fat contents and such and I think my homemade should be pretty good in that regard and I can add just as much sugar/honey as I want.

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I have absolutely no experience with GD (a family history of diabetes so the general topic is one of interest and concern to me), so I just wanted to state that upfront as a caveat. But I also wanted to encourage you because I think you are doing absolutely the right thing here. There is something surreal and insane going on when you have "experts" recommending foods like graham crackers and pudding! The diet that you are following is MUCH closer to what our species was actually designed to eat, and I applaud you for having the courage to do what's right for you and your baby. :grouphug:


I also wanted you to know that it's common for those of us who eat low-carb to have higher fasting blood glucose numbers. My fasting blood glucose numbers kind of freaked me out at first. But then I read this article and also compared my RANGE of numbers on low-carb versus high-carb, and I was convinced beyond all doubt that low-carb is healthier. (When I eat low-carb, my numbers, throughout the day, stay in a narrow range: 90-110, but usually more like 95-100. When I eat the diet recommended by the "experts", it will range from 70-180! That cannot be good! Not to mention, I feel like crap when I eat the so-called healthy diet!)


Also this website is full of great information about diabetes.


Thank you for the encouragement! I actually tried to do their diet this morning and had an awful number at 1 hour! I just almost would rather eat what I feel is healthy fir my body, and then go on the stinkin insulin for my fasting numbers if that will make them happy and not hurt the baby.....but these numbers post meal along with the high fasting is just out of control to me!

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Or it may have been because the package was smaller! :lol:


Well I got some of that trail mix and had some for a snack on the way home.yum!!


The ice cream was 24 grms of carbs for 1/2 cup....seemed a bit too much to me also....so I didnt get it :-/ Gonna make some almond flour pumpkin muffins for my bedtime snack tonight. The last time I had two before bed with some cream cheese is the last time my fasting was under 100....so hoping they will do the trick till I get me some ice cream :D


Thanks for all your help!

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Well I got some of that trail mix and had some for a snack on the way home.yum!!


The ice cream was 24 grms of carbs for 1/2 cup....seemed a bit too much to me also....so I didnt get it :-/ Gonna make some almond flour pumpkin muffins for my bedtime snack tonight. The last time I had two before bed with some cream cheese is the last time my fasting was under 100....so hoping they will do the trick till I get me some ice cream :D


Thanks for all your help!


I remembered another bedtime snack I've been having....


Peach Smoothie (I share this with dh)


1/2 can coconut milk (6 carbs)

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (5 carbs)

10-15 ice cubes

1 large peach (about 15 carbs)


Split in half with dh that makes 13 carbs for me. :)

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I remembered another bedtime snack I've been having....


Peach Smoothie (I share this with dh)


1/2 can coconut milk (6 carbs)

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (5 carbs)

10-15 ice cubes

1 large peach (about 15 carbs)


Split in half with dh that makes 13 carbs for me. :)



Sounds yummy and I have all the ingredients, too! :D Thanks!

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Haven't read the other posts.


- Substitute milk for cheese.

- Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds.

- Watch the other nuts like cashews which have more carbs.

- Lots of raw (less carbs than cooked) vegetables with coconut oil/olive oil.

- The only really low-carb fruits are olives and avocados (which have healthy fats).

- Use pure stevia instead of sugar.

- Use coconut and almond flour instead of wheat, oats, etc in baking.

- Lots of eggs, fish, meat.

- WASA Crisp 'n Light (only this type) has 13g of carb (2g dietary fiber) per 3 crackers - so very low carb and delicious with butter.

Edited by Sandra in FL
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Haven't read the other posts.


- Substitute milk for cheese.

- Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds.

- Watch the other nuts like cashews which have more carbs.

- Lots of raw (less carbs than cooked) vegetables with coconut oil/olive oil.

- The only really low-carb fruits are olives and avocados (which have healthy fats).

- Use pure stevia instead of sugar.

- Use coconut and almond flour instead of wheat, oats, etc in baking.

- Lots of eggs, fish, meat.

- WASA Crisp 'n Light (only this type) has 13g of carb (2g dietary fiber) per 3 crackers - so very low carb and delicious with butter.


Thanks! Doing about 90% of this right now already, so hoping it helps!

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I was just doing some figuring for homemade icecream and if using this recipe:

1 quart half and half

1 c strawberries

1/4 c honey


It would be about 30g carbs to split into 4 servings- the icecream expands upon freezing so it would actually be more than 1 c serving. Fwiw.

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I am not a dietician but reading your meal plan you mentioned a lot of high fat foods. I have done a lot of research into diet/ diabetes/ candida, etc. What I have found is that more important than carbs is dietary fat. If your dietary fat is too high then the body can't metabolize the glucose because the insulin can't get to the cells. Anything you eat whether fat, carb, or protein will be converted to glucose by the body. We run on glucose. If we are forcing too much fat to glucose conversion or too much protein to glucose conversion it can be pretty tough on the body. You might consider reading some of Dr. Fuhrman's works. He has successfully gotten his patients off insulin regularly. Dr. Furhman tends to be lower carb and low fat but HIGH on the veggies. They are SO important.

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I just almost would rather eat what I feel is healthy fir my body, and then go on the stinkin insulin for my fasting numbers if that will make them happy and not hurt the baby.....but these numbers post meal along with the high fasting is just out of control to me!


:iagree:I did everything and ended up on an insulin pump because I needed humalog insulin running at different basal rates throughout a 24 hour cycle to control my fasting BS.

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I was just doing some figuring for homemade icecream and if using this recipe:

1 quart half and half

1 c strawberries

1/4 c honey


It would be about 30g carbs to split into 4 servings- the icecream expands upon freezing so it would actually be more than 1 c serving. Fwiw.


I made this and it expanded way more than I thought/remembered, next time- I'll do

2 c half and half

1 c strawberries

1/4 c honey


It needed more strawberries and I added some more honey too as it expanded when mixing so I ended up with 2 batches worth.


I vaguely measured and it was about 4 c total for the half of the batch made from the first recipe, so anyway, 30g total carbs (not subtracting for strawberry fiber) per cup.

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I made this and it expanded way more than I thought/remembered, next time- I'll do

2 c half and half

1 c strawberries

1/4 c honey


It needed more strawberries and I added some more honey too as it expanded when mixing so I ended up with 2 batches worth.


I vaguely measured and it was about 4 c total for the half of the batch made from the first recipe, so anyway, 30g total carbs (not subtracting for strawberry fiber) per cup.


That sounds sooooo yummy!

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