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What do you do when your heart aches?

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I often cant form the words to pray when my heart aches. I ask a trusted friend to pray with me. I will pray for you. Knowing people are praying helps but hearing someone pray for me is often much more helpful. Do u have someone irl who can pray with u? Id be happy to if u want to pm me. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: praying for you!


Psalm 34:17-19

English Standard Version (ESV)

17* When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears

****and delivers them out of all their troubles.

18*The Lord is near to the brokenhearted

****and saves the crushed in spirit.

19* Many are the afflictions of the righteous,

**** but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

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If it's a little heartache, sometimes music or a good book will help.


If it's a little bigger, I have to talk to someone (usually dh, mom, or another friend in real life. Sometimes online friends.)


If it's really big or something that no one else can even remotely relate to, I sleep when I can and go into auto-pilot when I'm awake. I call this "closing my circle" because that's what it feels like. I have to deal with my basic needs in order to deal with my family's basic needs. Everyone who is not in my immediate family has to get kicked out of my peripheral vision for a while. Once I can handle myself and my family, I can start to open myself up to extended family and friends.


That's just what has worked for *me* in the past. Everyone is different. I really, truly hope you can find something that works for you in your current situation, whatever that may be.



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Shed lots of tears. :crying: I will sometimes feel better after a good cry.

It is hard for me to pray when I am devastated by something. I have an amazing prayer partner who will pray for me whenever I feel I can't pray for myself.

It also helps me to read Psalms.

Quiet time alone...

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