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Any games that an adult with Down's Syndrome could play?

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My brother's son is in his 30's and has Down's. He can read very very simple words I think and can read at least the numbers up to five. I remember on a past visit he had so much fun playing "Hi Ho Cheerio" with my dd when she was about 4. But while he had fun playing with her as the older cousin, I think he would be offended if we played that at a time when it isn't developmentally appropriate for my kids. (I could be wrong here but that's my gut feeling.) Are there some simple but still "older" games that we could play with him?

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Does he know colors? If so, Uno is perfect! Our entire family loves playing Uno for hours and hours. You don't even have to keep score, just play hand to hand. Pretty easy concept to understand and there's lots of different "kinds". We have Harry Potter, Bass Pro, the one the shoots cards out at ya..... Yeah. We're a little weird.

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I like the Uno suggestion -- great for NT adults, but easy enough for people with limitations you describe.


Mancala -- you're just redistributing pieces


Chinese Checkers


Sorry, Trouble


Blink is only 2 players, but it's matching.


Sequence (there's a kids version, too, but even the main one is matching to a large extent)

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Skip-bo if he can recognize the position of numbers 1-10

Bohnanza (trading and set game, no reading, asking for trades and recognizing pictures to make sets)

Space Beans (similar to Bohnanza where cards are passed around and you keep the ones which help you make your sets..he'd probably need help with when to score but if you keep both piles face up/no secret stack it would be easy to help him)


Backgammon (if he can read dice)

Ubongo (if he has good spatial sense and can fit shapes together to fill a space)

Faces (like apples to apples but with faces/little reading, if someone does the reading when its his turn once per round its very easy to play this)

Incan Gold (press your luck adventure game, he just has to decide to stay or leave)

For Sale (bidding on houses game, good with a large group)


Cooperative Games (you can easily do coaching):

Castle Panic (fighting orcs together)

Forbidden Island (looking for treasure while the water level rises)

Saboteur (although if he has problems with being a secret enemy you may want to always make sure he's a good guy, laying tunnel..they just have to match up)


How is his fine motor control?


If its good you can do a lot of games like Sorry! Sliders, Elkfest, Crokinole

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