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didn't expect that! Update on DH's car accident

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I posted last week that DH was rear ended badly, by a woman whose brakes failed. He was shaken up, and sore, but said he was fine. I insisted he see a doctor, and he was shuffled from place to place, landing in an Urgent Care center that really did nothing other than prescribe some pain meds. Meanwhile he's had a headache (probably whiplash related), some abdominal tenderness, and some nausea. Oh, and a sore wrist from holding the steering wheel. But he has continued working, going to school, tiling my kitchen floor, etc.


Today he met with the insurance adjustor guy, from Progressive. The guy actually told him he wouldn't settle the claim until DH goes to the ER and has a CAT scan, or some sort of further testing for concussion, etc. That he is probably fine, but there is no way he is comfortable closing this or paying out the small amount they have set aside, until he knows Dh won't need more care. DH was so suprised that the insurance company, which really has a financial interest in DH not getting more medical care (they are paying for it 100 percent), would tell him to go get further care. He in fact was so impressed that he actually agreed to go to the ER later today for follow up!!! Of course I've told him that already, but hearing it from this guy really made it sink in. I'm so thankful this man was honest and caring and said what he did. i'll feel much better knowing DH is getting checked out completely.


Edited to add..I forgot to say that the insurance adjustor and DH determined that it was DH's HEAD that broke the rear window of his truck!!!!! From the direction the glass broke and the cut on his head that is the most likely scenario. Good thing DH is hard headed!!!!


Another update: I just messaged DH to remind him of the symptoms to tell the doctor, including that he seemed to have trouble undestanding stuff I was saying to him while he was home this weekend. I was a bit worried he would say I was being silly, but instead he admitted he was noticing it himself now. He said that he was unable to remember how to do DOS command lines at work today...something he does all the time for his IT job.

Edited by ktgrok
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That is actually pretty good business.


I hope your dh is feeling back to 100% soon. :grouphug:



Yes, it's very good business practice. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. If something is wrong with him and he hasn't realized it yet, early care and preventing permanent damage will cost far less then later care, more damage, and possible lawsuit.



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My dh was in an accident (rear ended badly) in March. It took 2 weeks to realize he had an undiagnosed concussion, even though he did go to the ER. Then a bit later, a crown on his tooth shattered, and the dentist thinks it was from the impact. So it really can take a while for all the effects to become obvious.

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When I was rear-ended last year, Progressive was the other guy's insurance company too. I was also impressed at how they seemed more than happy to make sure I was made whole. I was expecting to get the runaround.

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I forgot to say that the insurance adjustor and DH determined that it was DH's HEAD that broke the rear window of his truck!!!!! From the direction the glass broke and the cut on his head that is the most likely scenario. Good thing DH is hard headed!!!!


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When I was rear-ended last year, Progressive was the other guy's insurance company too. I was also impressed at how they seemed more than happy to make sure I was made whole. I was expecting to get the runaround.


They are actually our insurance. The other person didn't have insurance:glare:. Luckily we have uninsured motorist coverage, so we will be fine. What is crazy is that we JUST switched to Progressive. We literally had made ONE monthly payment before the accident!

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I forgot to say that the insurance adjustor and DH determined that it was DH's HEAD that broke the rear window of his truck!!!!! From the direction the glass broke and the cut on his head that is the most likely scenario. Good thing DH is hard headed!!!!



Holy. Moly. That sounds like good insurance you have though, wow.

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Another update: I just messaged DH to remind him of the symptoms to tell the doctor, including that he seemed to have trouble undestanding stuff I was saying to him while he was home this weekend. I was a bit worried he would say I was being silly, but instead he admitted he was noticing it himself now. He said that he was unable to remember how to do DOS command lines at work today...something he does all the time for his IT job.


So yes, he will be checked out. poor guy is feeling his mortality a bit.

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