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Do you make your bed?

Do you make your bed?  

  1. 1. Do you make your bed?

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That means no.

To be honest... I don't even really make the bed half the time when I'm putting fresh sheets on. I just put the new fitted sheet on and sort of shake the top sheet over top, then pull the comforter or quilt over.


I share my bed with a kid who moves more in her sleep than she does during the day (and that's a lot!) and a big furry dog who isn't happy unless her head is on my pillow and her body is tucked in tight next to me underneath the blanket. There's no saving my bed. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, I do the following in this order:


Put clothes in dryer.

Make bed.

Start coffee.

Unload dishwasher.

Drink coffee and read WTM forum.


I should time myself; I bet it only takes one minute but makes such a difference.


I have made my bed every day for at least the last 14 years unless I was at a hotel.


Very similar to me. I start tea in microwave, put first load in washer, drink tea with my quiet time, unload dw, switch laundry, second/third cup with WTM Forum and make bed as soon as dh stumbles out to kitchen (around 7am:) I also have made my bed every day probably since I've been around 10 years old unless on vacation or giving birth:lol:

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We had a hideous bedroom for the first several years of our marriage. Everything was mismatched, the carpet was filthy, the paint was worn, the room was dark. I hated it. A couple of year ago, we redid it, and I refuse to leave the room in the morning messy. Now that it is so streamlined, it takes no time at all to keep it looking like it did the day we redid it. The only difference is, I keep my workout clothes in a pile on my treadmill next to my shoes.


It just wouldn't look the same with the bed unmade.



I love your room! Thanks for sharing!

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Always when we are expecting company. Any other time, occasionally. I need to change that.


I love walking into my room with my bed made; it makes the room look so much better and I feel more motivated to keep the rest of the house tidy.


I have been doing a better job of requiring my kids to make their own beds.

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I make my bed strictly because I love how a fresh, tight made bed feels getting in. I swear I'd I had a daily housekeeper then I would have several sets of sheets and have newly washed sheets every day. I'm excited at night when I realize I washed sheets that day. It's like a treat. :)




If company is coming over, my bed is too covered with things to tell if I made it.


:lol: Mine too. Make the bed first and you protect the sheets ;)

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Very similar to me. I start tea in microwave, put first load in washer, drink tea with my quiet time, unload dw, switch laundry, second/third cup with WTM Forum and make bed as soon as dh stumbles out to kitchen (around 7am:) I also have made my bed every day probably since I've been around 10 years old unless on vacation or giving birth:lol:


I don't like beer, but here! :cheers2:

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I make my bed strictly because I love how a fresh, tight made bed feels getting in. I swear I'd I had a daily housekeeper then I would have several sets of sheets and have newly washed sheets every day. I'm excited at night when I realize I washed sheets that day. It's like a treat. :)


:iagree: Exactly! I crawl into my bed made with nice clean sheets and say to dh, " I love my bed!":)

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Most days I do make the bed. There is a rare occasion when I oversleep and I have to get out of the door somewhere or if it is just one of those stay in your pjs and lounge kind of days that I don't. Our room is small and having an unmade bed makes it look messy even if the room isn't. Our bedroom is also visible from the living room, so I like for it to be neat just in case someone drops by.

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I only make it if company is coming over.

I like to be ready on the spur of the moment if unexpected company drops in. :) It is also why I shower at night (I wash my hair in the kitchen sink in the morning) and get dressed right away when I get up. :)

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We had a hideous bedroom for the first several years of our marriage. Everything was mismatched, the carpet was filthy, the paint was worn, the room was dark. I hated it. A couple of year ago, we redid it, and I refuse to leave the room in the morning messy. Now that it is so streamlined, it takes no time at all to keep it looking like it did the day we redid it. The only difference is, I keep my workout clothes in a pile on my treadmill next to my shoes.


It just wouldn't look the same with the bed unmade.



Oh, pretty! Very bright and welcoming. I'm going back to look at more of your decor posts, I love looking at other people's homes.:)

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I've never been a bed maker. I've always gotten up early, had plenty of time to make a bed, but I walk off and leave it either unmade or stripped every single day. When I return at night is when I either straighten the used sheets or put on the clean ones.


Hmm...come to think of it, I always treated the children's beds the same way. They walked off and left theirs unmade (or stripped, if I told them to bring their sheets out with them in the morning) and together we'd get their sheets and blankies in place before tucking them in at night. I wonder if my adult kids still do it the same way??


Well, that little question turned out to be interesting (to me!) :lol:

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We had a hideous bedroom for the first several years of our marriage. Everything was mismatched, the carpet was filthy, the paint was worn, the room was dark. I hated it. A couple of year ago, we redid it, and I refuse to leave the room in the morning messy. Now that it is so streamlined, it takes no time at all to keep it looking like it did the day we redid it. The only difference is, I keep my workout clothes in a pile on my treadmill next to my shoes.


It just wouldn't look the same with the bed unmade.



That is an adorable room. It's looks like one you would walk through at an IKEA. I love the bedding.


I like to be ready on the spur of the moment if unexpected company drops in. :) It is also why I shower at night (I wash my hair in the kitchen sink in the morning) and get dressed right away when I get up. :)


We just close the door if someone comes over. The dog usually get sequestered in there anyway. There are no locks on the door, however, I don't think the dog knows how to use a lock. ;):D

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Thank you! :D


That is an adorable room. It's looks like one you would walk through at an IKEA. I love the bedding.




We just close the door if someone comes over. The dog usually get sequestered in there anyway. There are no locks on the door, however, I don't think the dog knows how to use a lock. ;):D

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