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Random weird thing of the day

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I was outside in the front yard when a lady walked by with a little dog, which looked like it was wearing shorts. She stopped in front of me, looked down and said "Oh my goodness! I forgot to take your billy(?) band off!"


She then proceeded to remove the band, took out the inside part that looked suspiciously like a menstrual pad, rolled it up and handed it to me. "Can you be a dear and throw this in your trash can?" she asked.


Um..... :blink: :blink: :ack2:



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Belly Bands


These are for those male dogs with incontinence problems. Belly bands are made to prevent dogs from marking their territory when out and about. These belly bands are not intended to absorb pee, but to inhibit peeing. For urine absorption, just add a panty liner or tissue. Belly bands provide temporary aid to dogs with incontinence problems.




The menstrual pad probably was the liner. Even if it was 'just pee', that's just WEIRD.:svengo::eek::ack2:

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I had a dog that had to where one of those :D They are called a "belly band" He was a timid dog who lifted his leg to mark on everything in the house. So we kept one on him to stop him from ruining our furniture. And sometimes when a dog marks a lot, people will put a pad inside to soak it up. So although I understand the belly band part....I still can't believe she asked you to throw it away! That's definitely gross! :lol:

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Now the question is..... did you take it? :bigear: :D



Yeah, I did. I was sort of stunned and my "be polite to your elders" switch flipped on. So I took it around back and threw it in the Herbie.


One the bright side, my DH declared me the winner of tonight's round of "Best Worst Weirdest." :laugh:

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OK.... where did you find that? I could have used that for another thread earlier today. :lol:

I stole it from another forum because there wasn't one on here that expressed my exact sentiment. And I think I know what thread you're talking about. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, HI JEN! (Looking for the wave smiley.) This is Kristine from the big old hs list! Your sig line says your boy is 7. My goodness, how time flies! I remember when you were pregnant with him, and I was trying to get all of the Jens straight.


I would have probably taken the pad, too shocked to do otherwise. Ewww!


I stole it from another forum because there wasn't one on here that expressed my exact sentiment. And I think I know what thread you're talking about. :tongue_smilie:


I missed whatever smiley you're talking about, but I sure can guess the thread too.:blink:

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I had a dog that had to where one of those :D They are called a "belly band" He was a timid dog who lifted his leg to mark on everything in the house. So we kept one on him to stop him from ruining our furniture. And sometimes when a dog marks a lot, people will put a pad inside to soak it up. So although I understand the belly band part....I still can't believe she asked you to throw it away! That's definitely gross! :lol:


:iagree::lol::lol: I foster, and my first "guest" was a 2 year old un-neutered male who had always lived outside. Thank heavens for the existence of belly bands! I'll never forget the time that a visiting friend hung her coat on my banister, and Buddy walked right up to mark it. I gasped :tongue_smilie:, but the belly band saved the day.


I couldn't foster without these, and I, too, have occasionally forgotten to remove it prior to a walk. (Which totally defeats the purpose of the walk! :lol:) BTW, many dogs will outgrow the need to use one after they have been neutered. Buddy did.

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Well, HI JEN! (Looking for the wave smiley.) This is Kristine from the big old hs list! Your sig line says your boy is 7. My goodness, how time flies! I remember when you were pregnant with him, and I was trying to get all of the Jens straight.


Kristine!!! :hurray:

How fun to run into another SHS "old timer!" I am friends with several on FB, but it's not the same. I miss the old group, but things change and people move on. I've been enjoying the WTM boards because it reminds me a lot of the old SHS days. :001_wub:

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