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When you don't want teA.......

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10 months post-partum after a high risk pregnancy, no pp-af yet. No desire for teA of any kind. Don't even bring it near me. Why? How do you know if there is something more wrong?


I know I'm not in the best place with emotions or stress but I can't explain it to dh to make him understand. I'm not sure I could put into words what I feel anyways.


DH is patient but is wearing thin. I don't even want to think about having teA. Makes me cry.


Any help?

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can you think through it? Are you afraid of getting pregnant? (totally normal fear given the high risk pregnancy). Are you afraid of the teA hurting? Are you feeling weird about the lady bits? Are you getting any sleep?

:iagree: I think the answer depends on why you are having an aversion, if you can articulate that. I understand it may be impossible for you to tease out.



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It's actually very common when you have a baby not to want to be intimate. If you are breastfeeding then hormones that increase libido are suppressed. Go ahead and see your dr. If you are tired or having ppd then that would be another reason.

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I could have written that myself! I'm 12 wks postpartum and my taste for teA is MIA. Breastfeeding has a lot to do with it but I find that if I just go ahead and partake then I do enjoy it (that is after the first time...ouch). So I make myself take a sip ;)

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Has your cycle returned? My hormones don't go back to normal until then and it takes a LONG time when I am nursing. Brownie


:iagree:After my first child, we went 7 months before I even could muster an "okay, I guess," so I understand. Three children later and a 2 year old still nursing, I can attest to the fact that breastfeeding can definitely take a toll on desire. You could also have your thyroid checked and maybe see if you have ppd as well. When I dealt with ppd, I didn't want to be touched at. all.

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Go to the Dr. and get a hormone profile.



Be sure to ask that they check DHEA an testosterone levels, too. Given your high risk pregnancy, it's possible your adrenals took a hit and those levels are low as well--impacting desire for teA. I'm sorry. :(

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Has your cycle returned? My hormones don't go back to normal until then and it takes a LONG time when I am nursing. Brownie





It took me about a year after each pregnancy to feel back to normal in that department! My poor DH!!

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I'm in the " It's easier to do it than stress about it" camp. Don't let it become a big deal or wait until you feel smokin hot. This is a tension that can be alleviated in 15 minutes if you get out of your own way. I wouldn't go to the doctor unless I had a dozen disastrous 'events' to report.

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10 months post-partum after a high risk pregnancy, no pp-af yet. No desire for teA of any kind. Don't even bring it near me.
I'm also 10 months postpartum and teA hasn't happened, which I'm absolutely fine with. I'm still pumping so no hormonal stuff going on (which is the only thing that gets me even remotely interested in teA 2-3 times/month). I don't want to be touched, I'm tired, I have a hundred other things to do besides "that". Thankfully, my dh is also patient and has btdt enough times to know to just bide his time.


I envy women who get their cycles back even with breastfeeding; I'd love to feel like a woman again and not just an "it". Although even with hormones/cycle returning, knowing how uncomfortable (OK, downright painful) first teA postpartum has been I am avoiding it like the plague.

Edited by LuvnMySvn
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