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Favorite board games

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What are your family's favorite board games and card games?


We're outgrowing the preschooler games and moving into elementary school, so I'd love a few suggestions!


We have Operation, Life, Monopoly, dominoes, cards, and one of those 12-in-1 sets with chess, backgammon, etc.

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Card games:

Uno, Blink, Set, Monopoly Deal (like Monopoly but as a card game)


Board games:

Blokus, Settlers of Catan (better for older kids but my 5 yr old can play a little, my 8 yr old LOVES it), Clue, Othello, Battleship

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For the ages of your dc, I'd probably go the "junior" game route still, like Monopoly Jr. and Clue Jr., as they are quick and easy to play. You can probably find them at yard sales, too.


It sounds like you already have a good bunch of games to start with, and can probably slowly build your game collection. I made the mistake of getting too many games, and they require a lot of room to store, and don't get played with much because there are just too many to choose from.

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We have Great States and Great States, Jr.,

Planet Earth the DVD game, which he LOVES for the imagery.

We also have Clue, Jenga, Blokus, Connect 4, Perquackey, Deluxe Scrabble, Mancala, Don't Make Me Laugh, Jr., Buzzword, Jr., a couple of the Lego Creationist games, Mousetrap, Cranium, Cranium Family Fun, and several others. (We're big on board games)

For card games, we have several Snap It Up sets (like this one), Uno, Scrabble Slam, 3 of Crime, Xactica, and a math game with Pyramid something in the title, and regular plain decks of cards.

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My kids have loved playing Wide World since they were young. It's an older game about world travel. My mom played it, then I played it, and my boys love it - they just requested playing it on Sunday for family game day (and my guys are 16 and 18 now).


WOW! I just looked one upon e-bay to show you what it is, but I'd no idea they were so expensive now! The one we play is in tons better condition than this one, but here it is: (you probably don't want to spend this much and MY game is not for sale... we love it too much)




Maybe you could find one for less at a yard sale or something. If I hadn't looked it up I'd have never put that sort of price on mine IF we had ever decided to sell it.

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For a 6yo, I would recommend Blokus, Cribbage (once he can add to 15 and count by two's), Railways of the World the Card Game, and Hey! That's My Fish. In a couple of years, I think you'll have a better selection of games available to you... once your ds is 8 he'll be ready for Roll Through the Ages, Carcassonne, Forbidden Island, Bananagrams (better than Scrabble IMO), and Boggle. Some of those you can try earlier if he is reading and spelling well. If your kids are into pirates, they may find Jamaica fun. (Also for ages 8+.) Honestly, if you and your dh are interested in playing games, I'd get the ages 8+ ones now and help your ds join in as he's ready.


If your preschool games aren't that fun for your 6yo to join in on, you may want to consider some more "scalable" preschool games that both your kids could play. Maybe Boo Who? or Kids of Carcassonne.

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I second (or third, or whatever) Uno in all varied forms and Sleeping Queens.


I would like to add Crazy Old Fish War


and our current obsession; Poo. Yes, Poo. A card game about monkeys flinging poo. My additional tip is to use candy for counters, brown jelly bellys, milk duds, even chocolate chips. It adds something to the game when your kids yell out, "Don't eat the poo!"


We might be classical homeschoolers, but that doesn't mean we are classy homeschoolers.


Because I don't know other families tolerance for poo-related jokes, I always ask before my kids play with anyone else.


Amber in SJ

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I can't believe no one mentioned Rat-a-tat-cat. Hands down best kids card game ever!!!!!! Even preschoolers can play it even if they don't understand numbers well yet (just avoid the rats and collect the cats). It is challenging for adults because our memory is not as good as kids' memories, so it is truly fun for everyone!

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We love Yahtzee, Sleeping Queens, Zeus on the Loose, Sequence, Rack-o and Parcheesi.


DS, who is 5 loves Hiss and it is a good transition game, fun for young elementary too. We have two sets of cards so we can play longer.


I agree. My son was playing Hiss at 3 and it didn't bore us adults to tears either!

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I'll list what we've used from younger, easier games to older, more difficult games.


Animal Upon Animal (a really, really fun balancing game)

Loopin' Louie (trying to get the airplane guy to pick up all of your discs)

Alfredo's Food Fight (flinging cloth meatballs at a spinning chef)

Uno (color matching, number matching, card game)

Skip-bo (making piles, order recognition, card game)

Sorry Sliders (sliding pieces...a bit like shuffleboard)

Incan Gold (press your luck treasure hunting game)

Chateau Rocquefort (mice go around a board seeking cheese matches, mice can drop through holes)

For Sale (buying and selling funny houses to make the most profit, easy card game, fun)

Bohnanza (trading game, fun and easy card game)

Bang! (spaghetti western card game)

Forbidden Island (cooperative game finding treasure on a sinking island)

The Adventurers (kind of like the first 10 minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark complete with boulder...with added memory and dice rolling)

Ubongo (we don't play this competitively, its a pattern game where you put the pieces together to fit the shape)

Ticket to Ride (making train tracks to fulfill routes)

Zooloretto (collecting animals for a zoo)

Stone Age (prehistoric tribe surviving, growing, and developing civilization)

Dominion (if you don't mind shuffling for them...its a card collecting game)

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A few that haven't been mentioned yet, that we love:



  • Camp - it's a trivia game about the outdoors, what's neat is that you can choose to play at level 1 (which my 3 year old manages ok!), 2 (my 6 and 10 year olds use this), 3, and 4 (which we usually do). Each person just gets questions according to their level.
  • Rivers, Roads, and Rails - PERFECT for your ages, best if you add a story-telling component



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