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Tried & True Religious Reading

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I'm wanting to come up with some religious reading outside of Bible reading for my teens to work through: reading, journaling, discussing. Could you share with me some of your favorite books for your teens or books for yourself that would be appropriate for a teen.


Last year my oldest son read


Don't Waste Your Life by Piper

Basic Christianity by Stott

Mere Christianty and Screwtape Letters by Lewis

Do Hard Things by Harris (I think that's the right author)

Thoughts for Young Men by Ryle


So books along those lines. I have some great catalogs with great looking books but it's hard to know what might be too dense. I thought I could get some tried and true favorites from the hive. :001_smile:

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The Story of Christianity by David Hart. A pretty balanced church history book that will give a broader picture of Christianty than western American evangelical Christianity tends to give us.


Father Arseny is a life-changing, humbling read. Along those lines, I'd also recommend reading several biographies of the saints through Christian history.

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"The Way of the Pilgrim" by Anonymous. Good book and definitely accessible for teens.


"On the Incarnation" by St. Athanasius. If you get the version with a forward by CS Lewis it's doubly worth it. :D The book itself is less than 100 pages and also quite accessible.


"Whose Bible is Is? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages". by Jaroslav Pelikan. He also wrote a book on Creeds through the ages. I haven't read that one, but did listen to an excellent interview of him on this topic.

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Off the top of my head all time favorites/classics for my kids to read in the next few years that aren't on your list. Theology or men/women titles would be a different list btw.


The Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges

Trusting God, Jerry Bridges

Holiness by Grace, Bryan Chapell

The Praying Life, Paul Miller

Improving Your Serve, Charles Swindoll

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I just read (parts of--haven't finished) How To Stay Christian In High School.


I really liked it! It uses biblical people (Daniel, Mary, etc) to make points about Christian practice.


One thought-provoking part talked about Christians having non-Christian friends. It said something like, "How can you invite a friend to Christ if all your friends are Christian?" It talks about being real, being under grace, making godly decisions--it's really much better than I thought it would be.

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