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Empty-nest. How old will you be when you're empty-nested, how do you feel about it..

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1. How old will you be when you're empty-nested?

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What do you plan to do with yourself/your time then?


I will be 39 when DS13 is 18; that doesn't necessarily mean that he will leave home then. ;)


Being that I have an only child, it will be strange not having him around. I got pregnant just months after DH and I got married, so the idea of us ever being WITHOUT him is something completely foreign.


I would love to go to school to become a Veterinary Technician.

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I kind of take exception to that. I'm also raising my kids to be independent. But I also know that without my direct help in the current economy, even with the housing having crashed, inflation is dictating that we'll have to help beyond 18 and most likely for years beyond that.


I'm sorry you take exception to it. :grouphug: I was trying to explain why I feel fine about them leaving.

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It's only two years away for us, so we've been talking about this a ton. We plan to sell our place here (23 acres with pastures, barn, outbuildings, etc) as we're not too old to run it by ourselves like we did when the kids were young. Then we're going to either buy something small and easily maintainable while we're gone or just a Class B motorhome (small one) and live on the road.


Hubby has been preparing by building up engineering work on the internet (small world when Civil Engineers can do that, but it's been working for him - he has projects world-wide). In two more years we'll see if what he has at that time is enough to support us with less expenses (no more farm).


Then, we may just travel or we may travel with more of a mission - working on projects in a certain place, then moving on.


I'm not 100% sure what I'll do with my time. I play with ideas, but don't have anything set. If hubby works on projects overseas (mission type), then I'll see if I can teach in mission types of schools. If we're just traveling, I'll be chief travel agent and planner of all sorts.


Since we'll be down to one son at home REALLY soon, and the other will be at school and off with friends or possibly getting a job, we're getting somewhat used to being a couple again. It goes two ways. Sometimes I get very nostalgic and other times I find myself enjoying just the two of us.

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1. How old will you be when you're empty-nested?

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What do you plan to do with yourself/your time then?


When my youngest is 21, which is when I consider them grown, I will be 61. I am not sure how I feel about it. I am hoping I will have enough money to go to school and earn a degree....for fun....because I want to. I hope there may be some financial aid or scholarship money for Granny:D. I am also hoping by then I might be a grandma....and I can spend time doing some fun stuff with grandchildren.


That is my hopes anyway:D

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1. How old will you be when you're empty-nested?

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What do you plan to do with yourself/your time then?


Well, I have no idea when they will actually move out. They are welcome to stay here until they are married if they want. (as long as they are contributing)


But, I will be 42 when my babies turn 18.


I have mixed feelings. I dream of not have to clean up after them and cook for 5 every night. On the other hand, I can't imagine how much I'll miss them.


I don't know what I'll do. My dh wants me to focus on my art then. We'll see :tongue_smilie:

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I will be approx 55. 2 years older than when my mother died of cancer. The older I get, the more I seem to look at it in terms of how old my mother was when she died. How morbid is that? :001_huh:


That's 17 years away and I have a lot of living and raising of children to do in that time.


I've thought of selling some of my lesson plans, writing a book about raising a large family, making home made wine, traveling, ...


But honestly? I don't see any of that happening. More likely I will be helping with grandchildren and just sitting next to dh's rocking chair. I hope.:)

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I will be approx 55. 2 years older than when my mother died of cancer. The older I get, the more I seem to look at it in terms of how old my mother was when she died. How morbid is that? :001_huh:



I do the same thing, only mine is looming much closer as she was 41. 41 Will be a hard birthday.

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I will be 46 when our youngest turns 18. We still don't know if they will be home in college or away. Both want to stay local at least!!! Yay! At that point, I might go back to work as an RN or just volunteer more. Either way, as has been stated before, I *should* have more time to clean and organize!!

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1. How old will you be when you're empty-nested?

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What do you plan to do with yourself/your time then?


If we are not blessed with more kids I will be 52 when my youngest is 20.

I'm not sure, yet. I love having a house full of kids right now, but I don't know how I'll feel at 52.

I hope to be helping my kids with their kids. I hope they all homeschool and I'd love to be the grandma that helps out with that. I'm also hoping to minister to other young moms and wives.

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1. How old will you be when you're empty-nested?

2. How do you feel about it?

3. What do you plan to do with yourself/your time then?

If our current baby is our last, I'll be at least 55. How do I feel? No clue, since I'm still in the midst of changing diapers. That's 18 years away LOL. I have absolutely no idea what I'll do with myself. At this point I like to think I'll run around the house rejoicing. But I know that once I get to that point I'll be sad. But hopefully I'll have grandchildren by then (my oldest will be in his 30s so it's very possible).

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I will be 54 when all are finished 4 years of college if that is the route they chose, 50 when I am finished homeschooling my youngest. A couple of my kids say they are never leaving or they are going to be rich and build me a house attached to theirs. :lol:


Not sure how I will feel about it. There are a number of things I plan to do like go back to aikido, learn photography, garden more, raise my chickens, etc... I love to learn how to do new things and, generally, all my learning for the past few years has been about homeschooling, learning styles, etc... I guess I will just have more time to do things I haven't been able to get to yet.

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I'm 47 now, and my 5 year old just rolled down the stairs. I asked him, "How old do you think you'll be when you are grown up enough to leave this house and live on your own?" He thought for a second and then said, "41." So, apparently I have another 36 years to go before my nest is empty. I think I'll make plans to go straight to the nursing home from there... :)


As to how I feel about it overall, for me, my life's timing has worked out great so far. I was fortunate to get a lot of opportunities in my 20s and 30s that were great, but frankly I have no need to repeat. It's fun to simply focus on my kids, knowing there's not a whole lot after that, except retirement. I'm totally OK with it. And, I feel very, very blessed.

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