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Back from Uganda, Africa!

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The trip was amazing. LOOK AT LINK BELOW


I got home about 4pm yesterday, spent a few hours with my family and then collapsed on my bed and slept for 12 hours straight!!


I think I'm still in a bit of culture shock. The country was BEAUTIFUL, the people were very welcoming, and the poverty was very REAL. I am seeing all of our excess...and I'm very humbled.


I'll try to post some pictures later today...


Jann--who left her heart in Uganda...



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Hi Jann, welcome home! I am looking forward to seeing your pictures too. I would love to hear about your experience. How long were you there? My middle dd is currently in Zambia. She went with a college mission group for 2 months. She is already emailing that her head is messed up with looking forward to coming home in 2.5 weeks and then dealing with how rich we are compared to this African nation. Get some rest and then tell us about it!

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Hi Jann,


These people do appear to be very poor, but I am struck by how clean and kempt everything is. I didn't know if that was indicative of the local area in general or if was just the mission itself.


Do you know why the school girls have shaved heads as well as the boys? Is it the general style of all women to have shaved heads?

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Hi Jann,


These people do appear to be very poor, but I am struck by how clean and kempt everything is. I didn't know if that was indicative of the local area in general or if was just the mission itself.


Do you know why the school girls have shaved heads as well as the boys? Is it the general style of all women to have shaved heads?


The people--especially in the rural areas keep what little they have very tidy. They dry the local tall grasses to make 'brooms'. The children all have chores.


Most of the young girls (up through age 18) have shaved heads. This is just customary--it also makes it hard to tell boys from girls---but fortunately nearly all girls wear dresses. I did see some young girls in the urban areas with braids--but these were the exceptions.

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I think I'm still in a bit of culture shock. The country was BEAUTIFUL, the people were very welcoming, and the poverty was very REAL. I am seeing all of our excess...and I'm very humbled.
Oh Jann, I'm so glad you had this experience! Isn't it amazing? I still dream of going back someday!


Anyway, the part I quoted above is about word for word what I said when I got back from Kenya! I was so humbled!


I look forward to hearing more about your trip and seeing some pictures. I'm heading to the link now....


WELCOME HOME! :grouphug:


ETA: About shaved heads: It was that way in Kenya as well. They told us it's healthier that way--lice and bugs can't stick well on shaved heads!

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