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broken toe - send him to camp, or not?

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DS hit his toe on the edge of the couch leg today ( ironically, on the way out the door for his physical.) It's broken....and "badly" according to the doc.

DS is devastated. He is due to leave for camp, (for his first time ever,) on Sunday.


Despite the injury, the doc cleared him to go. She said to avoid long walks, kicking sports, and if he gets tired he needs to sit and rest. ( Yeah right...he's a 12 yr old boy :rolleyes: )

She did stress that if overdoes it and this doesn't heal properly that it could be something that 'plagues' him for the rest of his life.


All of the other camp sessions are full, so there is no postponing - it's now or never.


Should I send him...or keep him home? :001_unsure:

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DS hit his toe on the edge of the couch leg today ( ironically, on the way out the door for his physical.) It's broken....and "badly" according to the doc.


DS is devastated. He is due to leave for camp, (for his first time ever,) on Sunday.


Despite the injury, the doc cleared him to go. She said to avoid long walks, kicking sports, and if he gets tired he needs to sit and rest. ( Yeah right...he's a 12 yr old boy :rolleyes: ) She did stress that if overdoes it and this doesn't heal properly that it could be something that 'plagues' him for the rest of his life.


All of the other camp sessions are full, so there is no postponing - it's now or never.


Should I send him...or keep him home? :001_unsure:


What kind of camp is it? What type of activities are planned? How long is it for? (Could you just delay going for two days to see how his toe is?)

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I say don't decide until Sunday morning before it is time to go then let him decide based on his pain levels.


I do understand the disappointment if he doesn't get to go. Ds8 was supposed to stay at his first ever sleep away camp 2 days after his accident. So no camp last year.


If the dr cleared it, and SUnday morning he is feeling up to it, make a point of letting the camp director and his assigned counsellor know the situation. THey will check up with him thorughout to be sure he is not over doing it.


Is it booted, or crutches or anything?

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I wouldn't have even thought twice about it. If the kid was game to go, I would've sent him. I broke a few toes as a kid and I took pain meds for the first little bit if I was riding the horses or out on the trike, but other than that, I just continued on with life. It hurts, but it won't render him immobile or unable to do things. It's a toe, not his foot.

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What kind of camp is it? What type of activities are planned? How long is it for? (Could you just delay going for two days to see how his toe is?)


It's church camp (Sun - Friday)


Traditional activities...arts & crafts, swimming, canoeing, dodgeball, kickball (he'd have to sit that one out) and a ropes course.


He did okay this afternoon w/o ice or elevating, and he felt okay enough to go shopping with me for a short while tonight. (He needed different shoes as he lives in Crocs and the doc said 'no' to those until it's healed.)

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I say don't decide until Sunday morning before it is time to go then let him decide based on his pain levels.


I do understand the disappointment if he doesn't get to go. Ds8 was supposed to stay at his first ever sleep away camp 2 days after his accident. So no camp last year.


If the dr cleared it, and SUnday morning he is feeling up to it, make a point of letting the camp director and his assigned counsellor know the situation. THey will check up with him thorughout to be sure he is not over doing it.


Is it booted, or crutches or anything?


This is sort-of what I was thinking, too.

It's his pinky, so they just 'buddy taped' it to the next toe.


There is a camp nurse, so if he goes, I think I will see if I could enlist her help as well.

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It's church camp (Sun - Friday)


Traditional activities...arts & crafts, swimming, canoeing, dodgeball, kickball (he'd have to sit that one out) and a ropes course.


He did okay this afternoon w/o ice or elevating, and he felt okay enough to go shopping with me for a short while tonight. (He needed different shoes as he lives in Crocs and the doc said 'no' to those until it's healed.)


Given that I would send him. Good shoes for protection. A bottle of tylenol left with teh counsellor just in case he needs it and a reminder of no kickball, and to be careful on the ropes course(low ropes course might be harder on the feet than high ropes, low ropes you slip and you end up jumping onto the foot, high ropes you are harnessed and foot would be just fine.)


I would also send water shoes for water sports like canoeing to give the toe a little bit more protection from rocks in the water etc.

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This is sort-of what I was thinking, too.

It's his pinky, so they just 'buddy taped' it to the next toe.


There is a camp nurse, so if he goes, I think I will see if I could enlist her help as well.


That sounds like a very reasonable plan, especially with a camp nurse, she will check with him daily I am sure and you can leave tylenol with her to give him as needed.

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My ds did this running down the hall way. I told him not to run in the hallway and he turned around and ran the other way. He hit his pinky toe on the corner of the door. He was 11 at the time. They ended up having to set it. Did they reset your son's toe? My son acted like he was dieing when they reset his. He takes after his father and can not handle any kind of pain. I would send him if he wants to go and isn't in a lot of pain. Did they put a splint or anything on it?

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I broke a toe for the fourth time just last week.


In my exprience, the first 48 hours are the worst. I am usually fully functional (short of playing soccer) after these first two days or so...


Did you ask what the doctor thought of when indicating there could be long-term effects of poor healing? I have never heard of such a thing before.:confused:


Long story short, if he was my kid, he would definately go...

Edited by sahm99
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My dd broke her pinky toe a year-ish ago. It was broken in half, so pretty bad. They put her in a shoe and said it would heal in a couple weeks. Well, she is very active. I tried to have her take it easy, but you know how that goes.


When we went for the check up, I was expecting to hear that it was healed and life could go on. Nope, the doc was shocked to find that the exray showed almost no healing. They casted her up to her knee for a broken pinky toe! His best guess was that she was just too active and wouldn't give it a chance to heal.


I think you run the same risk if you let your ds go to camp, unfortunately. It will be too tempting to run around and have fun with everyone else. I thought I was doing an okay job of toning down my dd, and she was with me all the time. Your ds will be using his own judgement, is that right? I can't imagine that the camp counselors will be able to stay on top of him like you would.

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My dd broke her pinky toe a year-ish ago. It was broken in half, so pretty bad. They put her in a shoe and said it would heal in a couple weeks. Well, she is very active. I tried to have her take it easy, but you know how that goes.


When we went for the check up, I was expecting to hear that it was healed and life could go on. Nope, the doc was shocked to find that the exray showed almost no healing. They casted her up to her knee for a broken pinky toe! His best guess was that she was just too active and wouldn't give it a chance to heal.


I think you run the same risk if you let your ds go to camp, unfortunately. It will be too tempting to run around and have fun with everyone else. I thought I was doing an okay job of toning down my dd, and she was with me all the time. Your ds will be using his own judgement, is that right? I can't imagine that the camp counselors will be able to stay on top of him like you would.


Keep him home. My childhood broken toe never set properly and it's hurt me ever since.



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