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DD13 has pneumonia; DD11 has an ear infection;

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DD13's fever and now cough are pneumonia --she has been so tired that i made up my mind we were going to see the doctor today.


DD11 has an ear infection -- she began complaining last night.


Running out now to take dog to vet and then pick up meds.:auto:


On the bright side, :001_huh:, dd13 had her fastest 50m breast stroke time at practice this morning before we went to the doctor.


ETA: The puppy has an ear infection -- both puppy and dd11 have infected right ears.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Congrats to your dd on the time! I'm sorry about the pneumonia, that stinks. I hope she recovers quickly. :grouphug:


Wow, just imagine how fast she'll swim when she's feeling better! I'm sorry the girls aren't feeling well. Hopefully, the meds will kick in soon.



:D Thanks for the congrats. That's what the doctor told her -- imagine how fast you will go when you can breathe!:lol:

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Poor kids...(((Prayers for a full and speedy recoveries.)))



DD13's fever and now cough are pneumonia --she has been so tired that i made up my mind we were going to see the doctor today.


DD11 has an ear infection -- she began complaining last night.


Running out now to take dog to vet and then pick up meds.:auto:


On the bright side, :001_huh:, dd13 had her fastest 50m breast stroke time at practice this morning before we went to the doctor.

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I hope everyone feels better soon. Hope you get some rest between taking care of everyone. :grouphug:


Oh man! I can't believe your dd swam with pneumonia! Congratulations to her!


I'm glad you have some answers!!!


Poor kids...(((Prayers for a full and speedy recoveries.)))


Thank you all! I just got in from getting the abx that the doc's office didn't fax in -- but we are getting ready to go to dinner with Heather and family.


I cannot believe how this week has flown by.

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DD13's fever and now cough are pneumonia --she has been so tired that i made up my mind we were going to see the doctor today.


DD11 has an ear infection -- she began complaining last night.


Running out now to take dog to vet and then pick up meds.:auto:


On the bright side, :001_huh:, dd13 had her fastest 50m breast stroke time at practice this morning before we went to the doctor.


Wow!? DD must be one seriously tough cookie! You'll have to let us know how she swims after she recovers! :grouphug:

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SO sorry. My dd had pneumonia this spring--it was awful. I pray yr daughter heals quickly.


I have a friend who told me the same. It's odd -penumonia can be realtively uneventful OR it can be awful.


wow that is a lot of ickies all together. Your dd must be the bionic woman to make her best swim time while dealing with pneumonia, good for her. Hope everyone, puppy incl, feel better soon.


I hope everyone is better soon and you better take care of yourself as well.



thank you all. i am going to try to keep her in bed and resting today - something she hasn't done since she got sick.

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