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A long time ago on here...

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there was a thread in which someone was flabbergasted that people didn't know the phrase "lefty loosey righty tighty" as a way to remember which way to turn things. I was one of the ones who had never heard this particular phrase.


I was thinking about it yesterday as I got gas, because I can now just unscrew my gas cap without experimenting to figure out how to get it off, and I really like that.


So thank you, "flabbergasted fix-it helpful person"! :D

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there was a thread in which someone was flabbergasted that people didn't know the phrase "lefty loosey righty tighty" as a way to remember which way to turn things. I was one of the ones who had never heard this particular phrase.


I was thinking about it yesterday as I got gas, because I can now just unscrew my gas cap without experimenting to figure out how to get it off, and I really like that.


So thank you, "flabbergasted fix-it helpful person"! :D


Wait, if you just learned this, how did you know whether your glue bottles were closed tightly all your life? :confused:




I can still hear my elementary school art teacher imparting this bit of wisdom -- frequently and loudly.

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Just today my kids were riding scooters at a YMCA skate park when ds12's scooter started making a rattling sound. I told him to go ask the guys in the office thinking surely they could help him and would want his scooter to be safe.


He came back and told me the guy inside said, "I don't know anything about scooters, but you can go over and use the tools over there to tighten it up. You know Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey." :tongue_smilie:

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Wait, if you just learned this, how did you know whether your glue bottles were closed tightly all your life? :confused:




I can still hear my elementary school art teacher imparting this bit of wisdom -- frequently and loudly.


experimentation, I guess! :lol:

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I grew up in an old house where it was usually the opposite of that , but not always. So didn't hear that until I did a wall climb at summer camp. Hot and cold were different on different sinks, too. And they weren't labeled. Now where we live the downstairs kitchen sink is labled but I still have to test the bathrooms to figure out which is which.

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Oh, no! Then I'd have to stop and think which direction clockwise is!


:iagree:In order to remember which way is clockwise I have to visualize a clock in my head. If what I'm working on happens to be laying flat, I have to visualize laying the clock in my head down on the ground and watching the hands spin to figure out which way is clockwise.... too complicated! I'll stick with righty tighty, lefty loosey. :D

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I grew up in an old house where it was usually the opposite of that , but not always. So didn't hear that until I did a wall climb at summer camp. Hot and cold were different on different sinks, too. And they weren't labeled. Now where we live the downstairs kitchen sink is labled but I still have to test the bathrooms to figure out which is which.


I never know if it'll be opposite where I live too. I always think of the ditty in the US, but experimenting works better here.


At least I'm used to the faucets in our current apartment. Two have the hot water to the left and two to the right. I'm just grateful to have running hot and cold water at all.

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