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Kitchen Stove: Gas or Ceran. Which do you prefer?

Kitchen Stove: Gas or Ceran. Which do you prefer?  

  1. 1. Kitchen Stove: Gas or Ceran. Which do you prefer?

    • Gas
    • Ceran
    • Both (dual fuel)- gas range, electric oven
    • Neither (other) please explain

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We're in the process of purchasing new appliances for our new home. The house comes with a really old stove (and I don't mean vintage old) so it's got to go. Dh and I can't decide if we should splurge and get a gas range or not. We've ALWAYS wanted a gas range and dearly miss the one we used to have. Currently there is no gas line to the stove but we could have one run for about $400. The cost of the range/oven would also be about $400 more than a comparable electric. We don't plan to be in this house for long, likely only 1-3 years so we thought of just getting a nice ceran top and saving some money. But . . . we *really* like gas. What says the Hive?

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I've been a die hard electric fan for years. We had glass top stove at our previous house, I loved it. Then we moved here. :) We have a gas cooktop and gas wall oven. I'd still prefer a gas oven, but I LOVE the gas cooktop, it's so much easier. My dh had to hold his tongue to say "I told you so."


If you know for sure you're only going to be there a while, I'd be tempted to go the cheaper route. That's 800.00 you could put elsewhere I'm sure.

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A gas stove was my first choice for a long time. Mostly because I like controlling the flame, especially since I use my pressure cooker several times a week. I also like the flame for warming up tortillas. I am also in the market for a new one and am tired of how hard it is to clean my gas stovetop. It never looks nice. Here's the one I'm eyeballing:



Hope that link works. It comes in gas, electric, or dual.

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Real chefs use gas because they have so much more control with it. When you turn the burner down, it's down. I love that.


That said, we live in an all electric house and have a ceramic top stove. I do like that I can clean it easily but if I had my druthers, I'd opt for gas.


ETA: Oh, and even if you are only in your house a short time, you do have to cook every single day, often several times a day. It is one of those "in your face" tasks. You should really have what you prefer considering that, if you can afford it, that is. Life is too short, kwim?

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We had a ceramic stove in our last house and I HATED it. I was always so paranoid about scratching the surface (it had some nicks in it from previous occupants) and was always using a razorblade to clean off the black stuff from overflows. It took forever!! I actually think that the gas stove we have now is MUCH easier to clean. However, I would still choose gas because of the cooking benefits even if it were harder to clean.


I do like the electric oven though. I've have both types of ovens and prefer electric, but to be fair, our last gas oven in Boston was ancient and didn't keep an even temperature.

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I vote GAS! GAS! GAS!!!!!


I love Gas/propane-converted cookstoves! I have been back and forth for years now. Started out with a gas stove, moved to our first house which had electric, replaced it with gas as soon as financially possible and just moved into our second home and it sadly has electric. We are planning to change it out to gas as soon as financially possible.;)


Oh.. and IMHO...the food tastes much better cooked on gas stoves. Reminds me of the taste of grilling and flame broiled food.......I can't wait to have a new gas stove again. *sigh*



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I have had both electric and gas ranges. The next one I get is going to be gas top and an electric range. I like gas because it responds instantly to whatever temp. you want. There is no time waiting for it to heat up. Also, if the power goes out, at least you still have your stovetop working!


That being said, we are a family of broilers, and I wouldn't consider anything but an electric range for that. Food tastes funny broiled in a gas range. I like how casseroles come out in electic heat.


Good luck in your search. I agree with the poster who said get what you want even if it costs more. You are going to be standing over it a lot!

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I had electric for 16 years, gas before then, gas cooktop now. I am *SO* much happier. And I have an electric oven; can't remember what it was like having a gas oven, so I'll have to take the experts' word for it that electric oven cooking is better.

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I just went through a couple of stoves. The first was a glass cooktop. It worked OK (some of the burners would only heat if they were on high). It was high maintenance because of scratching and cracking.


Now I have a gas one and the cooktop is fine (but if you get the enamel-coated grate, like I have, beware that things can slide around on it!). But I really DO NOT like the gas oven. I love to bake, and things are now unpredictable. It doesn't brown as well as electric, and I've found that items baked with fruit in the batter have turned out gummy (i.e., banana muffins, strawberry cake).


If I had unlimited funds, I'd get a dual-fuel.


My 2 cents.

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unlimited $ = duel fuel, I guess, just to have the best of both worlds.


If I could choose just one, I'd pick the ceran.


I don't like gas. I thought I did until I had an electric stove. But then all the gas stoves we've used were cheap old models in apartments. Yuck.


My mom has a ceran type. I'd pick that if creating a new, ideal kitchen. Seems modern, cleaner, and so pretty. And my mom's food does taste really good.:)

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If I had unlimited funds, I'd get a dual-fuel.


My 2 cents.


Yup. That's EXACTLY what we want to do. But the dual fuel is $550 more than the best ceran and we still need to spend around $400 for the gas line. We're just not sure if it's worth it if we'll only be in the place for 3yrs or less. Of course, who really knows the future. Maybe we'll end up there longer, but that's NOT the plan for now.

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I LOVE my dual fuel JennAir. It has five gas burners, and TWO electric ovens (one large convection oven, and one smaller regular electric oven). It wasn't that expensive (under $1700). I love the control of the gas cooktop. The fifth burner is very small, to be used like a double boiler for melting chocolate, etc.) The large convection oven has enough room for a large turkey, and bakes beautifully. The small oven heats up to 400 degrees in about 5 minutes, and is perfect for pizza, or a pan of cookies, or chicken nuggets, or anything else I throw on my baking stone or cookie sheet.


Here's my range:



I'm sure you can get a better price than the MSRP that's listed. Also, note that Maytag has a similar model, but it's not dual fuel.

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I have a dual fuel from Sears. We have had it about 3 yrs and I love it! We bought our current house really quickly, moving from another state and house sold so we needed something quick. The first time I opened both the oven and the dishwasher was after the moving truck was gone....Yuck. Really, really gross. I started crying and dh husband promised we would head straight to Sears for new appliances. The range is a standard size but has 5 gas burners. The oven is electric and can be used as a regular or convection (fabulous) and below is a warming drawer. I do not remember the cost, but for the features it was very reasonable. So, check out Sears.

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Ummm...I voted gas before I read your post....because I *LOVE* gas....however, after reading your post I would say electric. Gas range doesn't add any value to the home and since you won't be there long I would just go cheap and then splurge when you buy the house you will be in for the long haul...:001_smile:

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Our house was already set up for propane, so that cost wasn't an issue. We bought a gas stove, but when I was shopping around I didn't notice that the cost was that much higher for them. This was about five years ago, though, so it might be different now.


I love the gas, but I hate trying to clean the stove top. The grates are impossible to clean. The manufacturer says *don't* put them in the oven during the clean cycle, but that's the only way I can get the grunge off of them -- and we aren't that messy when we're cooking! I tried everything they suggested, and some things they didn't. Even trying to clean them with steel wool didn't get the gunk off and took forever.


If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't buy it.

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