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No one picked ds up at the bus stop (NOT school)...What a day!!!

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Off to a rough start at his new place. He was supposed to get in at 3:30 after getting on the bus in Richmond at 630am. I get a call around 5pm--a collect call from a pay phone (didn't even know there were still pay phones...). He told me he had gotten in and waited, and NO ONE CAME. He was sent off this am with NO PHONE (we have it) and $5 in his pocket.:glare:


So he asked all around and no one would let him make a call on their cell, and no business would, either. He walked a ways, then found an Office Depot with a pay phone near it and called me. He told me that he had first called the number of the new place and THEY WOULDN'T ACCEPT HIS COLLECT CALL! He was pissed by the time he got to me, saying he hated Asheville, etc. etc.


I calmed him down, told him I'd call the place, and to stay put--and call me back in 5 mins. So he said, "Do you want the number?" I said yes and called it after hanging up.


Turns out it was the WRONG NUMBER!! Someone in AA had given it to him; no wonder they wouldn't accept his call! So he called back and he told ME that he figured out it was the wrong #. Poor kid!


Anyway, I called the right #, the only contact # we have--it's the owner's cell. He's on vaca at the beach, but is totally available. I explained what happened and he sent someone over to get ds right away (after a couple more phone calls as ds told me he was near HOME Depot first--we cleared it all up).


Whew! What a terrible way to start!




I got a call from ds a few minutes later; he'd been picked up and was in the car, headed to the house. :001_smile:


And about a couple hours later, we get a text from him (from someone else's phone, I guess)...pardon the language--


"Holy Sh!t This place is huge!"




Why yes, ds, 5000sq ft houses ARE rather large...


And so it continues...


Still hoping. :D

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I just realized that my kids do not know how to place a collect call from a phone. I am so happy to hear that your son did, and that it all came together in the end.


Whew! That had to be stressful for a while!

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