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Clean House: Messiest Home in America 2

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Ds #2, dd and I watched this last night. Ds was actually gagging at the close-ups.


I think this was squalor and not just messy. The food, the pet waste...I have a feeling this family will revert back to a "messy" house quite quickly.


Anyone else watch this?


Edit to add link. Wash. Post article w/pics.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/26/AR2008062603250.html?sid=ST2008062702126&pos=

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Squalor gives me the heebie jeebies. It is truly frightening. I wonder at what point does some clutter become some clutter that the cat poops behind and some dishes on the counter become some moldy heap you don't wash because you can't bring yourself to touch them. I've always wondered if squalor people used to be just a little cluttery and then became ill or injured or depressed and it got out of control. Excuse me, I must fanatically clean something now.

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You know, all I could think of when I was looking at the video was, how bad does that smell?! I can't take when a house has a moldy, dirty smell. My parents are not the neatest housekeepers in the world, and now that my mom is sick, their house often has that closed up, musty smell. Then I know that she needs help with a quick cleaning!


But that house was beyond messy - I would lose my mind!

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I was watching the BBC version of this show the other night, I was horrified. If I don't have the sink clean when I go to bed, I can't sleep because I'm imagining bugs crawling in my kitchen. Now, I'm not super clean lady all the time, but good Heavens!!!!! The woman on the show actually had to replace her fridge because there were things growing in it that could only be killed with industrial strength cleaners and she would have to evacuate her home to do it. And she was LIVING there! Gag!

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Completely and totally nasty. I have no words. They must have been one of the most totally dysfunctional families in America in order to be able to stand living that way. I certainly hope they can address their "issues" so they don't go right back to it. Geez.

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Why? WHY? Would these people go on television?? In my neighborhood, that house would be condemned and they would be slapped with so many fines that they'd never be able to dig themselves out of it!


Before the kids were born, dh and I bought a condemned house in an older area of town to rebuild and sell. It took us nearly 9 months just to make it even remotely habitable - I won't even talk about the way the very large family had been living; I've tried to erase it from my memory like a traumatic experience. That particular house was NOTHING compared to this one.



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>>>>I've always wondered if squalor people used to be just a little cluttery and then became ill or injured or depressed and it got out of control. Excuse me, I must fanatically clean something now.>>>>


I researched this topic a few years ago due to certain relatives and found squalorsurvivors.com was the most helpful. I found that conditions such as depression, OCD, and other medical conditions that resulted in phsyical limitations were common reasons how squalor happened.


Watching those living this way is hard. They can get out of it but it usually has to happen because they want it to happen.

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I have never heard of this but followed your link to the small preview video. Yikes, yikes, yikes! After listening to the homeowners, I felt somewhat sorry for the wife, it was as if she lived this way in fear he would get upset if she stopped it. It sounds like they both will need counseling to not return to this type of living...absolutely outstandingly horrible.

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The cast cracked me up several times. The show is generally about cluttered homes, not dirty homes. They all seemed rather mortified by this one. The "litter box" was the kicker. Ugh. Niecy said she was glad for the viewers that there was no such thing as smellevision. They even gave a tutorial about removing smells.


I love watching this show, but this particular episode was so depressing to me. Not just the mess but the apparent hopelessness that the couple would actually be able to maintain the home without falling right back into the same patterns.

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This is one of my favorite shows but I agree that this one was beyond nasty. Typically this show just works on clutter and leaves the truly filthy ones to Kim and Agie on How Clean is Your House? I think that there is no way in heck that this couple will be able to keep it clean. I did feel very sad for them for wanting a baby so badly though. I hope they follow up with this family to see how things worked out for them.

Did anyone see last year's special? That family had serious hording tendancies! The entire basement was filled with bins......after Neicy and team were finished!!!

I too, am glad for my OCD tendancies!

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I have never even heard of this show, but just watched the clip. All I could think of was would you buy something from inside that house:confused: :blink::eek:


My thoughts exactly! All those people lined up to buy stuff from that germ factory...so disgusting! I could only think of all the roaches and other filth in what they had for sale.

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