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Canker sores...ouch!!

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Does anyone else here get these things??? I hate them! I've tried eliminating most processed sugars from my diet, because sugar seems to make them worse. I still get them though from time to time, and I have one now on the inside of my lower lip.


What remedies do you use? My doctor claims there is not really any known cause (although genetics appears to play some role), and no real treatment. But, they are so painful, and my poor son has started getting them at times, too.

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I have read that there is something in regular toothpaste (sodium laurel sulfate?) it has been a while since I have researched it, I used to get a lot more, I do have one healing right now. What really helps relieve the pain is Kanka, sometimes it stings putting it on but it makes a film and stays on a while.

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We take Lysine for canker sores. Do a search for Lysine and canker sores and you will find all the information you need. It makes a huge difference in the duration and frequency of those painful little sores.


I agree- maybe you have a lysine deficiency?

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My dd gets them. Her ped advised me to make a paste of mylanta and a tiny bit of liquid benadryl. We apply the paste with a qtip. Dd says the paste helps a lot with both pain and fast healing. We apply morning and night.


This works really well for me also.

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We also use salt water rinses/gargling and L-Lysine.


The comment about the toothpaste connection is interesting. The kids and I haven't had any canker sores for at least a year or so - and come to think of it, that's right around the time I switched to using Tom's of Maine natural toothpaste for myself and the kids. DH insists on continuing to use his regular toothpaste (Colgate or Crest), and he gets canker sores a couple times a month. Hmmm...

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I used to get them a lot. Big painful sores and at times I couldn't talk or eat.


Turns out I have celiac disease and canker sores are a symptom. Of course I also had other symptoms as well.


So for me, it was gluten that caused them.


Wanted to add that no other treatments helped them. I tried lysine and so forth but nothing helped. Makes sense because my immune system was going crazy.

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skipping all the replies, sorry if this is a duplicate thought, but I had canker sores my whole life, my oldest memories I was maybe 2 with them. Any kind of trauma to my mouth would cause them, biting my cheek, sharp chips, too much crunchy food. two years ago, maybe, Crest changed the formula on their pro toothpaste, I've used Crest my whole life. No more canker sores. I could not believe it. Try a different toothpaste?

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I'm also someone who has had multiple painful sores throughout my life. Chocolate is a big culprit and I suspect sugar and wheat. I noticed when I went Low carb they went away and any time I cheated they would pop back. I now notice them more when I cheat with chocolate since I don't eat it often and when I do I get a breakout within a few hours.


I use Rembrandt canker sore toothpaste too.

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I have always gotten canker sores easily, and I've tried Lysine, Milk of Mag./Benedryl,food elimination, no SLS in toothpaste, etc., and none of it worked for me. Reduced the number, maybe, but I still got them. Now, I don't worry about not eating certain foods and just use Orajel Antiseptic Mouth Sore Rinse when I get a sore. It contains hydrogen peroxide, and it takes the pain away within a couple of rinses. My daughter uses it with the same results.

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